A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

repository for overseas benefit? - mterminator

Posted: Dec 12, 2009

I was talking with some of my fellow MQians and the repository came up.  Some people think that the repository was made so that the Indian workers can better understand their jobs.  Now that I think of it I believe that is it so.  What do you guys think?

ILPs - anon

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Interesting idea! I also believe the new RTL position is created primarily to work with the dear ILPs who will be working in the middle of our night. It is really scary to see how much of the work is really outsourced. Hospitals that I never thought would outsource records are doing so. I really don't think our jobs will be here in another year.

Well I don't see how that repository helps ANYONE... - kiki

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There isn't enough there and what is there obviously in some cases has not been looked over...I find errors all the time.

In any case, I don't know how just a few crappy samples can help anyone, the ILPs or US.

Agree with kiki - sm` - Confuzzeled

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Either there is nothing there or it's a completely different work type than what you are trying to hear. I've been working on strange accounts all night long, and that's what I'm finding.

I still have a couple of the old paper copies that we were sent from the good old days, 2 or 3 different samples from each doc, small accounts, very helpful. All has changed though, I seldom get the same doc twice these days, and all my beaufiful little accounts are gone. :(

repository - hopeless

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Who do you think typed those samples up - with the glaring errors, and I mean glaring errors - a wrist exam had a neural tube in one I looked at - they were done by the ILPs. That came from our management staff.
Repository - Stumped
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Actually, on one of my audits the QTL left a comment that the report was 100% and would be added to the repository. I would therefore imagine that this is how most of them got there. If there are any mistakes, they were overlooked by whomever copied the report into the repository.

I doubt it. Occasionally I do find something - dnr

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helpful, but they need to make sure the document(s) they choose are formatted according to the client profile.

Suppository what? - Bunion

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Hey there Bunion.....Hahha that's what I call it! - kiki

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It's more descriptive of what it actually is than repository that's for sure.

What/where is the repository? - CyberlandMT

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Are you talking about the standards/normals you can access when doing a report for certain dictators?
repository - Just me
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The repository is accessed through the client specific page that pops up when you click F5 or is it F6? from DocQScribe. I use it DAILY with difficult docs. The repository is comprised of completed reports searchable by Doc's names/report types, etc.
To Justme - CyberlandMT
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Thanks for the reply. I was thinking that, but have as yet been unable to access such?? Do you actually have to specify a search for a specific MD? or should it come up if you put in the current job number you're working on?
To CyberlandMT - - kiki
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As you know, if you hit F5 from while in a report, you will bring up the CP. On the CP page at the very top you will see a button that says "repository." If you click on that IF there is an available sample report for that work type/dictator it will come up. I have found that this isn't really all that useful. Seems like most of the time (at least for my accounts) there is nothing available. There will just be a few dictators (usually the clear ones that don't NEED samples). Not only that, I consistently find grammatical errors in them and incorrect formatting. They could have done a much better job on this one--actually COULD be a good idea.
Kiki - CyberlandMT
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See, this is where it all falls down. Whenever I bring up a client profile, any client profile, there is no Repository button. The only thing I see is a toolbar that has an icon for showing templates..also can press alt+e I believe...but nothing happens when I do that. I'm stumped!
CyperlandMT.......... - kiki
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Sorry it took so long to see your post...but hmmmm, yeah I think I'd call tech support and ask them. Maybe you don't have the updated version? This is a new thing. You should definitely see that button...you couldn't miss it....

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