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did I miss an email - about incentive?
Posted: Jan 12, 2013are they paying us extra to clean up this mess?
I haven't seen one yet. Maybe they are - trying to see if we will
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clean up this mess without one. I don't see the work in my account moving very fast so hopefully they will send something to motivate more to join in.
Email is backed up too, so keep checking I was told. nm - Sunflower
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I got an email from my CCM - me
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No mention of an incentive, just asked to work a little before or some after regular shift today. Work in my BOB does not seem that backed up. I did a few reports from last night and now starting to get some from yesterday afternoon, does not seem catastrophic enough for them to offer an incentive. We'll see.
there are 80000 jobs in the system - seems catastrophic to me nm
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Just now - that ridiculous target incentive thing
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Never mind MModal. I'll do a little, but I won't work all weekend to finally reach that 3 cent per line thing in the last hour.
I will... I already reached my target so - the rest is smooth sailing
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guess mine was low, but I started work early and - I am busting hump
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Im gonna put the money to good use!
my target is over 1200 lines and i only work part time - guess they do not want extra help from me oh well
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that is less than 5 hours of work - WHY ARE YOU COMPLAINING?
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You cant work 5 hours in 3 days?
You are unbelievable.
What? - anon
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I don't understand. Five hours for you maybe, it would take me 6 hours. That would be 6 hours at my regular pay rate before the bonus kicks in. Then however many more hours to make enough money to make it worth my while. Is it worth it to me to work 3 to 4 to 6 more hours for how much more money?
We can each answer that ourselves. No need to be so hostile. You do as much work as you can do, work your little fingers to the bone if that is what makes you happy. Leave the rest of us be. For me, it's just not work the extra effort. I have done this in years past and understand that by working my days off, I will be more tired next week and my production will suffer, so I end up in the same place anyway, work or not work.
exactly! she can work all day if it makes her happy - I have 2 little kids and a life
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not worth it for me to work so much extra just to make what, ten bucks? No thanks. I'm not saying Im not going to work a little extra to help out. I'll probably do an extra hour or two today and maybe I'll work 2 hours tomorrow when I'm not scheduled. But if they would offer us something nice, we could really move this work out quickly and make the customer happy and everyone wins. I don't understand why they don't want to do that.
so much extra for $10... your math is off - sm
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Jeez.. if it takes you 5 hours to do 1200, even at 4 cpl, that is 48 bucks.
Now you fulfilled the line requirement. Tomorrow work 5, you made an extra $84 ($48 for regular, $36 bonus).
Do that again on Monday. For the 3 days, you will have $216. If you dont do any, next week you will be back to making just 4 cpl and will probably run out of work.
So, lets see... $216 or $0.
ROFL my math is off... - sm
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I wasn't doing actual math, just throwing it out there wildly. There is no way on this earth I will work 5 hours Sunday and 5 hours Monday. It's just not happening. As I said, I have 2 SMALL children and I value my weekends with them. I will work 2 hours extra today, 2 maybe 3 hours extra tomorrow night after they are in bed, and another 2-3 hours Monday night if help is still needed. This is just to help out so that the patients don't suffer over this mess that MModal made. There are more important things in life than money, and certainly more important than busting my hump for the peanuts they pay us here. Also, I won't be OOW next week. My account never is.
I just got the email too - Dinosaur
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I expected it much earlier. I remember when the offered a real incentives and we could make a lot of money.
They used to give an incentive on ALL lines when they - sm
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were in a bind like this. I would work my day off for that, but not for 3 cpl after my "target", which I would be lucky to reach anyway, so what's the point?!?! No thanks.
I guess it must work for them - or the would not keep offering it
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but I think they'd have better luck with across the board incentive.
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