A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
So what happens if you have a personal/family emergency ..... sm - mt2
Posted: Jul 08, 2014
and have to take time off at the last minute? And have no PTO time? Will I be fired?
shouldn't be - newbutold
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You should be fine. i have had this happen a few times over the years, either I go violently ill and couldn't work or once my daughter was involved in an accident and i had to leave my home and go help. I just clocked out and remarked in the comments personal emergency and sent an email to my TL what was happening and that I would try and make up my hours if I could. I received a very nice email later when I was able to check that not to worry and to do whatever I needed and I could make up my time if I so desired or not, whichever worked out the best. Certainly not fired
same here, never had a problem as long as - i had an explanation
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oh wait, unless you have a foul TSM which i did 2 TSM's ago. My 90yo mom was in ER and TSM said "we really need you" and i said "well if my mom is dying in ER, she needs me more." that shut her up right quick and she was suddenly all agreeable.
They will eliminate your position and say you quit - due to your not being
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able to fulfill your hourly commitment. No joke. That's what they will do.
Family emergency - Bobo
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Do you know that for sure or do you enjoy upsetting someone who is already upset.
I know with certainty because of personal experience. - Sorry no sugar coating.
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But you should be used to that by now with Nuance. They have no heart nor soul.
Who R U? That's not true - Come on
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Just let them know and you can make up your time or even take PTO. Never had a problem myself. That poster is a S---disturber--ignore it.
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