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Questions for high-producing MTs working on Enterprise5 - tiredMT

Posted: Aug 03, 2013

My questions pertain only to ISR jobs as 90% of the work I get is ISR, and more specifically the questions are for those using the Enterprise 5 platform (but MTs on other platforms can chime in here too). I am struggling to make the minimum LPH, and I understand there are MTs who are able to produce way beyond the minimum requirement. I've concluded ISR is my main productivity problem and I'm looking for help and a little insight into specifics of what MTs are doing to achieve 186 and above LPH. So without further ado, here are my questions.

1. How fast do you up the speed on an ISR job? A little, a lot, all the way to the max?

2. Do you rely heavily on auto keys/shorthand on ISR jobs? If so, what type of SH functions do you use for ISR jobs?

3. Do you use a lot of normals for ISR jobs?

4. When possible, do you delete blocks of text or all text in an ISR job and replace the text with a normal?

5. Do you use the silent suppression feature?

6. Do you use the highlighter or keep it turned off?

7. Do you pre-edit or read the entire report before listening to the dictation?

8. Do you read every single word in the report or skim through while listening?

9. Do you bounce between accounts all day long and if so, does this affect your LPH negatively?

10. How many accounts do you work on each day and level of difficulty?

I would really appreciate any input that you might have, especially those MTs using Enterprise 5.

Thanks in advance :)

Enterprise - sufferinginsilence

[ In Reply To ..]
1. Depends on the dictator. I have one that says 3 words, then waits 30 seconds to one minute before he says anything else, then waits, then starts dictating again. It takes him 3 minutes to dictate one friggin' sentence!! I usually speed up the real slow dictators to a speed that's comfortable without sounding like one of the chipmunks!

2. Definitely use shorthand. I'm adding something to it every day.

3. I use ones I have made if I have to straight type the report which is rare.

4. I just delete the text, not the entire block.

5. What is that?

6. Definitely OFF!! It drives me nuts to have that crap bouncing all over the screen, especially if the VR is really bad!

7. Definitely. It does save a LOT of time.

8. I read every single word. Sometimes VR misspells things - A lot - even simple English words. Today I ran across a misspelling of protocol; VR spelled it protochol. Spell check probably would have picked it up, though, but spellcheck will not pick up soundalikes, i.e. hear, here.

9. Yes. I have 3 accounts I've been on for at least 3 years, so I pretty much know the acct specs, so doesn't affect
my line count, unless there is really bad audio.

10. See #9 - All my accounts are 99.5% ESL.

I average about 200 LPH straight typing which is rare and about 250-270 LPH VR per pay period.

Hopes this helps

Enterprise 5 - busymt

[ In Reply To ..]
I'm not sure how long you have been on E5 but it does take time to get used to. I've been on it 5 years. I usually avg between 190-220 lph and that is only because I'm used to the accts and totally depends on whether or not I have a "garbage" day or a good day. I know there are some out there (based on spreadsheets we get) that get much higher than that, but I honestly don't know how they do it. I have had to accept focusing on quality and doing everything I can not to send anything to IQA except incompletes, things like that and not worry about what others are able to do. Not sure what your lph is, but it is possible to make the minimum, it just takes time.

(1) I rarely speed up the audio. Only time I do is if it is an extremely slow dictator. If I do, it is only a couple of notches.

(2) I rely very heavily on Shorthand. I will be more than happy to share anything I can. I've sent you a private message with my name and work email.

(3) I rarely use my personal normals on ISR - that's just my preference. I will use either mine or someone else's if the dictator is horrible.

(4) There are a couple of dictators that I will take everything out on - one in particular because it is a joke that he is even on ISR. Otherwise, I just muddle thru.

(5) I have occasionally used the silent suppression but it rarely seems to make a difference. If they stop and talk a lot in the background I try it - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

(6) I always use the highlighter. I get lost in the report if I don't.

(7) I always pre-edit and only change obvious formatting. If I am very familiar with the dictator, I can do more than that, but not very often.

(8) I read every single word. There have been too many times I missed something. It can get very tedious with some dictators, but I also find that if it is a long report and they are horrible, I will put it into temp and do another report or take a break and then when I get it back, I usually find mistakes or am able to fill in blanks.

(9) I used to bounce between accounts and then my TSM asked us to let her know what accounts we are more comfortable with and since then, I usually stay on one all day. It is very high volume and I do get other accts but don't bounce like I did. Your TSM might be able to help with that. It does make a huge difference.

(10) I have 6 accounts that come to me, but like I said, 1 is the primary and that is usually where I stay. I will get stats or assigns now and then.

One thing I have started doing is clocking out each time I get up from my desk. In my house, there are many distractions and 9 times out of 10, I will get pulled another direction and not get right back. It may make the day a little longer, but has made a difference in my lph and hourly rate.

Hope this helps and like I said, I am more than happy to share at work. :)

Thanks for the responses - tiredMT

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I appreciate the input from both of you. This week I'm going to make a few changes in what I'm doing and work on distractions around me, which I know is one of my problems. Hopefully, slowly, I can turn things around.

Again, thanks you guys for answering my questions :)

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