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I'm tired of being "graded" every week. As long as I'm producing good line count - Daisy

Posted: Oct 11, 2012

No message.

totally agree plus - okcmt

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tired of getting paid minimum wage to be an interpreter for docs who can barely put a coherent sentence together, tired of being on multiple accounts when quality and proficiency would skyrocket with familiarity, tired of docs ripping through reports with specific street or city names when I live across the country and have to sound things out and google search, tired of the way this whole Mickey Mouse operation is run, tired of having to seemingly know EVERYTHING and getting paid peanuts for that knowledge. Just venting, having another bad day. Arrrgggghhhh!!

Delete - what I do

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I gave up reading those statistics long ago. Delete, delete, delete. I know Monday we are allowed to ask questions, maybe I should ask Miss Amy if we can opt out of these reports. But of course since this is her precious BOOST program she would get offended. Deleting the reports seems the best option.

Totally agree - Plus

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tired of thinking about what Amy is making per year for doing ????

Looks like she's here disliking you. - :)

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Reports are not accurate anyway - what I do

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Ms Amy,

I know you love your BOOST program, but most of the time the reports are wrong. Your minions mix up the productivity and proficiency statistics on a consistent basis. How can my line count be 5 and my use of navigation keystrokes at 217.9 on a scale of 1-5?
Does anyone read these over before they send them out?

Just so you know, your reports just get BOOSTED to the delete file as soon as I get them.

I thought only Nuance "graded" their MTs. - Average student.

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I agree with you, Daisy. Nuance MTs are given actual grades on our FIESA feedback page. Oddly, since its inception I have never scored a B, only A's and C's. Sometimes I feel like I am back in grade school. Was actually thinking about returning to MM, but probably can cross them off my list now.

I think Daisy is talking about proficiency stats, not - actual grades. Every week they

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send out weekly statistics showing how proficient you are in using voice recognition shortcuts and the statistics are rated on a scale between 1 and 5. I always get a "1" for the cursor highlighter thing because I dont use it, but use all the other shortcuts.

It is not something that counts against you or anything you can be fired or get in trouble for. They are just weekly stats. The other one shows us what our weekly average line count is and how much inactive time we have per week. But again, we do not ge in trouble for it.

They say its designed to help "BOOST" our productivity.

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