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Second week on new accounts. I was producing 350+ - mtt

Posted: Dec 14, 2009

lines per hour on old account.  Lots of standards, almost no ESL, great account.  Now because of ASR, several MTs had to be transferred. 

Since starting the new accounts last week, every one of my reports has gone to QA.  All reports have been ESL dictators except for 1 report.  I just worked for an hour and did 48 lines. 

I asked to be transferred.  My new CMM asked me to stick it out a little longer.  Why should I?  The ESL dictators are not going to learn go speak English, and a handful of MTs shouldn't get all ESL dictators.  I also find it hard to believe that all of the dictators in Arizona are foreign. 

I have been so angry for the past week, can't get past it. 

new accounts - SAM I AM

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When they put me on new accounts it was very abrupt and I also felt like you and was losing money. After just three days of "sticking it out" I called up and told the CMM I was going to quit flat out if they didn't change me back to my regular work.

I told them I'd keep helping with the other account, but wanted a GRADUAL introduction to the new dictators and not in such a way that it was going to effect my pay. They agreed and for the past 6 months I've learned new dictators and am doing much better and still making my normal pay.

Don't "stick it out" if it's going to effect you financially. Be tenacious and they'll work with you. I don't believe they want to lose good transcriptionists (some people think they're trying to get rid of all us good MTs...)

ESL - old and burned out

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If you are doing the same accounts that I am doing, they are indeed 75-80% ESL and it sucks.

SA5 ESL - mt4life

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If you are in SA5, you have my sympathy. There is on little place that is special, almost all ESL. Unfortunately, I have been doing them for 2-1/2 years, it has not gotten any better, because they have no pride in their dictation. Crap in, crap out. They are in such a hurry, you could fill the repository up to the rim, and still would not help.

Welcome to the world many of us have been - living in for quite a while.

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I have been moved to new CCMs and new accounts 3 times in the last year. Each move turned out to be more ESL and now I can absolutely state for a fact that 99% of the dictators in an un-named state in the Southeast USA are foreign. If your CCM will really let you be transferred somewhere there is no ESL, could you please post what region that turns out to be so the rest of us could ask for the same privileged treatment ?

Q used to give incentive for "difficult" dictators - poodlepassion

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Hmm. They offered the "difficult dictator" incentive (years ago, folks), that must mean they are able to grade the difficulty of each dictator. Could they possibly be cherry-picking for the ILPs? Shame on the Q.

Difficult dictator incentive - Greenjeans

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I was working for MQ while this "incentive" was adopted. Let me tell you I had many "difficult ESL" dictators and over the course of a year and maybe made $2.00 differential pay for this. What a joke that was!!

big second on that joke - yappy

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oh, my gosh, you made more than me - I think mine was like $1.38 and the accounts I was on at that time were terrible and I continually sent emails to have dictators added. When I asked who was designating these "difficult dictators" I was informed that it wasn't people with MT experience -- some people in the office or the whole thing was probably just to try to appease us thinking that we were finally going to get compensation that we should have been getting for a long time, AND SHOULD BE GETTING NOW!! -- I guess they figured if they really did follow thru on this that they'd go broke, so that just went away without any sort of notification, just like a lot of things they do -- we truly are mushrooms in this business - always in the dark, and I for one don't like it!! I know, before ya say it -- if you don't like it, quit...wish I could but timing just isn't right.

Difficulty Premiums - MT2020

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I truly miss those difficulty premiums. I totally understand your frustration. That's a shame really. My primary is going VR in January, can't wait to see where they put me.

difficulty premiums - yappy

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Did you actually benefit from the difficulty premium and was it substantial -- if you did, you're the only person that I know of who did!!

MT in same boat - ESL docs - no standards - --RealTired

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((ALL)) of my dictation is from ESL and always has been. I never get same dictator and sometimes the dictation should have been rejected because of failure to follow dictation guidelines. I have actually spent hours just trying to get through one long report. So, you are not alone. I only hope MTs that are not in this unfortunate boat understand how hard it is for us that are dealing with this situation (ESL and ASR). Not all MTs with MQ are ever put in a position to make $50,000 or more a year. For those that are, please know that work is not disbursed the same. I have asked to be transferred but was told no work or positions available. Good Luck. I have to say I am truly sorry to hear again that another MT has fallen prey to MQ's unequal, unfair treatment for less pay.

Well gee, give nothing but easy work and I'll make 350+ too - L&L

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what makes you so much more special than the rest of us with no standards and ESL for the 10+ years we've been at MQ. No sympathy from this corner.

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