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QA inbox after midnight/spellcheck not saving - rock bottom

Posted: Feb 28, 2015


Well at 12:08 a.m. on 02/28, I had 99.03%. At noon on 02/28, somehow another QA audit showed up in my inbox.

The reason why I distinctly remember this report is because 1) it was one of the last reports I did on 02/26 (notice it took 2 days to get to my inbox), and I laughed hysterically at what ASR put before I changed it during spellcheck (yes I did not catch it until spellcheck). However, I changed it during spellcheck, and lo and behold it never saved.

This particular spellcheck not saving has happened before, but I was told that cannot be. Spellcheck always saves. This time I am absolutely sure it did NOT save.

So, QA managed to bump me all the way off the grid.

Have any of you had problems with you KNOW you changed it during spellcheck but it did not save?

Why does it take 1-1/2 days for QA audit to end up in my inbox? Too late for reversal request. Transcribed on 02/26, they must have audited it at midnight on 02/27 because I checked FIESA when I logged of at 12:08 a.m. on 02/28, and it was NOT there. It was there at noon on 02/28.

So anybody else having a long time to get an audit into your inbox?

BTW, I have yet to get the FIESA QUALITY ALERT 3.0 CPSE in my e-mail inbox. Still has not arrived yet. Suppose I will get that next week.

Spellcheck not saving and then some! - Delta Blues

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I too have been having issues with the spell check not saving and have actually been seeing where changes I made during editing have not saved either! I thought it was just me until I read your post! This does not happen every time but it happens too often.

It has happened to me too, it is not your imagination..nm - AnotherAnon

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I noticed twice last week spell check - sm

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did not pick up errors in VR text that were fairly common medical words. I checked my word expansion and it was correct there. When I tried to correct the errors, they just reverted back to the incorrect form. Earlier in the week I had received a QC error on a "spelling error" that it did not seem possible that I had made. Yup, there is something strange with spell check. I often wonder if it is intentional.

Happened to me once, right before my eyes! It was an MD name. - It reverted back

[ In Reply To ..]
Before I even started the next sentence...makes you wonder how bad a software megagiant's software can be?

Oh, but then again, their software and the need to perfect it is the ONLY reason they ever started buying MTs.

Cheapest software engineers imaginable.

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