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VR standards - Justmoi

Posted: Dec 23, 2009

This is just my observation. 

I am presently working on VR and have been for about 1-1/2 months.  On my straight typing accounts, we followed the Book of Style and typed verbatim.  VR is a whole different world.  Where as we had to spell out abbreviations in the impression, plan, preoperative diagnoses, etc., with straight typing, on VR we are told to not expand abbreviations.  We are also told that unless the statement makes no sense whatsoever to send it to QA, but otherwise, just pass it through.  I'm just wondering what the future will bring with these low standards.

This is the hospital's call, but I feel that it is bringing down the quality of our work.  I do enjoy VR, although, for making money, it's tough at least for me. 

I was just wondering for those who do VR what their opinions are?

Please be kind in response!



MT is dumbed down - for a few reasons

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I think the main two reasons that MT is currently being dumbed down are, as you are talking about, VR and ASR, and also because of the increasing number of offshore MTs.

It's just not possible for VR to produce a quality document (without being 100% proofed to voice by a real MT), and yet it never ceases to amaze me that all of these companies are jumping on the VR bandwagon.

In my company, we are told not to edit anything "as long as the meaning is getting across."

So yes, abbreviations are left in the diagnoses.

Even when the dictator clearly dictates "The patient is a..." and VR puts "Patient is a...", we are told to let it go through.

When the dictator says something like "Like the patient has like diabetes for like 10 years," since the basic meaning is there, we are told to let it go through.

I think that the MT industry is being dumbed down because neither the VR engine or the offshore MT can really handle some of these things properly. And I don't think that it will be until some of these documents end up in the courts in a malpractice case that we'll begin to see the quality being stressed in our industry once again.

That's just my opinion.

Unlike the above, we cannot use abbreviations - VR

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in any preop, postop, final diagnosis everything has to be expanded. I have never been told when doing VR to let things go through as long as the meaning is there. I edit every word that is there in front of me, always. I do not know the place you work for, but my company wants quality work, just not quantity. Sorry you are being dumbed down like you are.

VR standards are like straight typing, you just have to listen and edit - lindawordlady

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I agree with the previous poster (VR). We have to expand everything in the diagnosis, impression. No abbreviations except if in HPI. One has to look at each account specifics for whom you are typing. Most follow BOS where I am at. To me, it is not dumbed down at all. Of course, no matter how they try to perfect VR they will always need a MT to make these editing changes. VR is just a tool and a good one I might add, to help MTs in typing less (which I love) and speed along the production. To me, what's not to like. I am an old-timer who has typed for 40 years, 20 + in transcription. I am SO glad for VR as it saves me lots of time and wrist action. It's like going from the IBM Selectric to word processing. It's technology, it's good. While I have really taken a hit in pay since doing VR, I don't even mind that. In just 3-1/2 months my production has exceeded even my own expectations.
Those who rave about 350 + lph... - sm
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are the employees with clients willing to accept VR basically as the speech engine presents it, with little or no editing including no expansions of abbreviations, cleaning up of sentence structure, punctuation and formatting, etc.

Any VR/SR platform can produce a report of such quality. The MTSO I work for does not accept this quality and audits the MT/ME often, thus quite a bit of editing is necessary to bring the document up to par.

Yet still, I prefer SR to straight transcription, as I have never had accounts where I am able to use lengthly standards to pad my lph. My straight transcription lph are always hovering around 230 with just using my expanders, no standards.
You have "really taken a hit in pay" but your production has increased. - Frank Abscess
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Wow, the suits love YOU! They sure saw you folks coming...

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain...

Chances are good it's a low-pay account, SM - MissIndigo

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and that the facility and MTSO negotiated a minimal-edit standard that would allow the MTSO to take the account.

My MTSO and the accounts I work on set a much higher standard, looser than the old days, such as not filling in words a dictator didn't bother to say, but overall much more similar to old standards than otherwise.

This VR issue is never ending, just like who - VR lover

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actually killed Kennedy. My place pays the average, 4 cents a line for VR. I have some straight in with that because the interns at the hospital are not on VR ever (they are there 1 month and gone perhaps the next). IF, and that is IF you have a good product, it is highly probable and highly likely you will be able to get past the 350 lines per hour. We are not just allowed to skip over this and that. We are held to a very high standard. VR to me on an 8 hour basis is actually more challenging because you have to increase your speed if you want to make money and you really have to be on your toes to make sure the words you are seeing are the words they are actually wanting/using. There are just so many out here who do not have a good system and so therefore they think no system can actually produce a good report which is so, so wrong. I have some work that is 100% perfect. I also never, never complain if for some reason my VR should start leaving out the numbering for instance correctly because if it was all 100% correct, then no job for me. I fix it and go on about my business. I was amazed when I started, never thought a computer would be able to hear what the human ear sometimes has trouble with. I was wrong. If I worked full time I would clear over $40,000 a year and that is not bad for the fact of VR paying the 4 cents. Now I know people will come back and say but look what you could make if you straight typed all the time. Yes, maybe so but even in the last hospital job I worked at with base and incentive I was around the 2000 lines per day and that was averaging in the low 40s so this is easier, I am happier, love it with the ESLs, my work is much easier because of the bombardment of the ESLs and I am only part now as compared to the full time then in 2003 or 2004. A good transcriptionist does not have to compromise herself in order to produce good work and not just grind out the work in order to make the dollar. I know the head person where the work comes from and they never would settle for second hand work. It is not constant but they let us know if there is a problem. People here always claim they are such this and that and surely the VR the other people work on just lets things slide, but seems like a case of the sour grapes myself them talking against anyone could work, have a good platform and yet make decent money on VR.

Your reality sounds very similar to the one at my company except SM - MissIndigo

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that so far VR pay has been significantly higher due to the amount of editing required. (We're going to a new system which is supposed to allow us to produce more, and the plan is to adjust the pay down accordingly.) In any case, quality is still high and, judging from the line counts posted anonymously for our review, 40K is very doable, with top full-time producers earning incomes many insist are no longer achievable.
Working in hospital first, taught VR - VR lover
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Outsourced after learning but am so glad I learned on the job. So many are totally scared of VR. What happened at the hospital was we were told would continue on the same pay until VR "learned" so we thought, well that will not be anytime soon. Hold your horses, within say 2 or 3 weeks or a little more VR came on like a blockbuster and doing the most difficult of work or so I thought so that pay thing until did not last that long. We were told up front that as soon as VR was able to capture the dictators, then we would go to the 4 cpl and that was within probably a month that happened.
Why are you so happy how fast your pay decreased with VR? - Frank Abscess
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Seems like you really have some issues there. Why would you be so happy about how fast pay for the MT declined unless, oh, I don't know, you are a SUIT!!!! Hey, aren't you supposed to be on vacation this week?

And if you aren't a suit, why in the world would you be so happy about your pay declining so fast?? In the old-fashioned days of MT'ing, we actually had very high standards we were held to and we were paid accordingly. Those standards have obviously gone right out the proverbial window, as evidenced by the quality of the VR I have seen.

But, like I said previously, I LOVE VR!! Hey, I don't type that crap but for those of you who have lowered yourself to accept the pittance paid for VR, for your skills, your knowledge, etc., you have certainly made my life easier. I used to be so angered by the quality of the CRAP I saw VR putting in the patient records but then I saw the light: I never have to proofread anymore, research or anything. And, hey, since you all have been typing that crap, my line count has increased tremendously!!

So, thank you VR! And the VR minions! And Merry Christmas from the Luddites!
You just are making yourself look bad - VR lover
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when you have nothing more to say than suit. Remember, you are the one who keeps saying the suits are on vacation and yet I am here. Does that make sense to you or just things spinning in your head? You really sound very angry the posts you write. The pay did not decline for me, might have for others but mine is about the same. It is an easy job for me. I don̢۪t know about your lowering yourself and that is your issue, not mine. I don̢۪t care how you do your work, I only care about mine. Stay in your little sequestered world, no problem to me.

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