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Kudos, high five, fist bump to all the comics and sarcasm - on this board...

Posted: Apr 03, 2014

Thank you, thank you, thank you for making me smile or LOL or ROFLMAO during the mundane hours I must do my best to crank out tedious medical records faster than a speeding bullet for the pittance Nuance gives us.  It is wonderful to see we have not lost our humor in our downward spiral of being outsourced to the outsource companies.

Now I will probably be fired for openly admitting I see what's going on in "our world" during work hours.

LOL but make sure you make up that time now - laugh breaks are not paid ya know LOL

[ In Reply To ..]
Too funny.

I come here too throughout the day or else I go stir crazy!

flex? - NM

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Daily emails:

Remember, you are required to work your scheduled shift, but if there is no work, let me know and you must flex that time and make it up....

what a joke..and don't request a weekend off...

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