Goodbye Nuance. And oh yeah. You can SUCK IT. Sm - shipaddict
Posted: Oct 21, 2012
I am writing this email to inform you that tonight will be my last night with Nuance Transcription Services. Over my many years in the workforce, I must say this is the first resignation letter I have penned without any sense of melancholy fondness for the job I am leaving behind. No, instead, it is a feeling of liberation from "time served." For the past 7 months, I have put in my time here at Nuance, suffered through many countless hours of horrible voice recognition files, made next to nothing in the way of income, and saw my words of despondence, despair, and -- yes -- actual fright -- fall upon deaf ears.
I did enjoy my job here at Nuance at first. I felt I was paid a fair wage for transcription and was happy to receive the benefits I did -- vacation pay, bonus pay, et cetera. For over a year I felt very secure and happy here.
Until we were forced to switch to voice recognition. In truth, VR work is really not all that bad. However, the pay is abysmal. To this day I do not understand why a company thinks it is okay to pay their staff HALF the rate they were getting before for virtually the SAME work solely because of how the words got on the paper. Seriously. Did you think you were paying only our fingers? No. You were paying our BRAINS. You expect (as does the doctor, the patient, and everyone involved in the patient's medical care) every single word on that document to be correct. It is my brain that does that. Not your precious voice recognition engine software. Not my fingers. MY BRAIN and the brains of all the other well qualified Medical Transcriptionists you have on staff. It feels like slave labor or indentured servitude to work at such low wages. Not even in the slightest way does it feel like we are respected for our knowledge.
This reduction in pay PENALIZES your best transcription producers. It only benefits those who are slow typists because it allows them to complete documents faster. However, for those of us who are fast (and accurate) typists, VR work is not more productive for us. It is actually slower for me.
Funny thing is, this company that says they have to control costs as much as possible and couldn't possibly afford to pay their transcriptionists a decent livable wage, has a CEO that makes $20 million a year and lives in a mansion in Woodside, California. Really? You can't spare a dime for us? Really? No. Instead, we are forced to live paycheck to paycheck, sometimes not even making enough to pay the bills, and sometimes not even being able to afford other necessities like taking our children to the doctor or paying for their school fees.
So I have decided that dealing with this job is beneath me. I would love to give my employer 100%, but I will NOT give 100% of myself to a company that does not give fairly in return. It has taken me a while to finally get past the feelings that it was just me. It's not just me. I'm good at what I do. You're bad at paying me for what I do. I have come to the decision that I will only give all of myself to a company that actually shows that they care for and respect their employees. I know without a doubt that this company feels very little for their employees. How do I know? After writing an email out of frustration and fear about my situation, the Human Resources manager ONLY responds to a single sentence in the entire email -- the one questioning why we don't get paid for administrative time, such as checking our emails and having Tech Support work on our computers. I was informed that this administrative time was "figured in" to our line rate -- which is a complete joke. If I am not producing reports, I am not making any money. Regardless of how you think you have padded this in to our line rate, if our time is taken away from the keyboard, we are LOSING money.
My suggestions and complaints have fallen on deaf ears over the months. I have written numerous emails to my supervisors with suggestions for particular physicians. There are many physicians that are on VR that the computer will never be able to learn. Their reports are a nightmare. They are still a nightmare to type the report from scratch, but at least if we do have to type a raw document, we get full pay for it. I have informed my supervisors about these physicians, but I have never seen a single one of their reports changed to straight transcription. So we are forced to suffer with them at little to no pay. I have also requested simple information, such as whether or not there are hot-keys available for certain actions I wanted to be able to perform or disable in the transcription/VR platform, but I have never received a response on any of them. Oh, and how long did it take to change my last name? I think about 4-5 months. And then how long after that did Tech Support finally get their act together and contact me during the times I had carefully spelled out to them according to my availability to fix the software because it would no longer function after they changed my email address? For months my email and ComAgent didn't work. But nobody missed me because I worked third shift.
So it is with an overwhelming sense of liberation and relief that I say goodbye to Nuance Transcription Services. I have no fear of burning my bridges here. There is absolutely no way I can imagine that I will need you for a reference, or an even more ridiculous thought, be coaxed back to the company.
I am moving on to a job that has already given me a great sense of their respect for their employees. I wish the people I worked with directly here at Nuance (namely **, **) a prosperous and happy future. To the rest of Nuance, I leave you with the dregs of the product you have created, and a sincere hope that you someday pull your collective heads out of your butts and start treating your Medical Transcriptionists with respect -- and show them your respect for them in their PAYCHECK.
Goodbye Nuance. You won't be missed.
Goodbye Nuance - barbv
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I could have said that almost word for word a couple months ago, but I just left, figuring no one would miss me or listen to what I had to say. I am so sad that a profession I used to love has been reduced to slavery. Best of luck in your new job!
Do you really they think they will take the time to read all that? Not - likely. nm
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Yes, they do read here, not that it will make any diff, NM - Not OP
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What I meant was do you think they would read it at all. Too long, - IMO. I didnt read past 2nd sentence. nm
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How rude. Are you even an MT? I read - every word and my SM
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heart just ached for her and the sadness that she and most of us feel at what has happened to this once great profession.
How professional - not! - Anonymous
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Your resignation letter is between you and your employer, it really didn't need to be shared publicly. I couldn't tell if you had been at Nuance for 7 months or if you'd been unhappy for 7 months. I'm glad you found an employer who respects their employees. One suggestion I would like to make would be to remove the statement about telling your employer to remove their heads from their butts, it makes you look very unprofessional. Also, writing anything in all caps is poor etiquette when writing e-mail, it appears that you are shouting, though perhaps that's the effect you are trying to achieve. The paragraph about the reduction in pay penalizing the best producers and rewarding the slower typists does not make sense. No one benefits from having their pay cut in half. Slower typists are not necessarily faster editors. Another thought is to never burn bridges. I know you are angry, but don't assume you will never need them for a reference. After a letter like this, there is no need to worry about being coaxed back, I don't think they are going to miss you.
I don't mean to critique you or pick this apart, but did you post this publicly because you were seeking approval? If it's any consolation, you're not the only MT who has had employment issues. I was laid off from my on site MT job after 18 years because the work went off shore, I've been an MT for over 30 years. I am still working for the same employer but at a $3.00 per hour pay cut in a temporary position because, although I've had opportunities to work for various MTSOs, I won't go back to MT. Be thankful that you had a job and were able to find another one that meets your expectations. Good luck with your new employer.
Oh yeah because we need to be professional - not them ever
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Sheesh, let me just say I appreciate the OP thoughts, just to know I am not insane too! This kind of nitpicking and condescending crap about professionalism is simply so you (anonymous, OF COURSE - oops those caps will just disqualify me for anything I guess) can feel superior to the rest of us. If you are so superior, please go elsewhere with other superiors. Me I would rather commiserate and share information plans for rising above what Nuance means as an employer in this business. and yes, for sympathy and self pity, why not?
If the OP is seeking approval I am hereby giving it. Good for you for trying to get people to notice or change things, I too know it is futile, but feels good to know someone else has the same problems. I actually like speech recognition and VR, was doing very well with it, but the way Nuance does it no thanks. And the ultimate insult of the ridiculous QA being able to cut huge $ from your pay for months for one silly mistake, that is just nasty.
Go ahead, pick apart my grammar and tell me how your "career choices" are better than mine, but I would like to register a vote of "hey thanks, I'm with you" to the OP.
You cant control/change them. You can only affect your own life. - Be a victim or not, it is us to oneself. nm
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Up to oneself. And also be professional or not, N doesnt - care about our hissy fits. Its just business. nm
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Professionalism - Anonymous
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I did not say my career choices were better than yours, I only pointed out that I was recently blindsided by a layoff and chose to handle it in a different way. If you ever worked on site and were unhappy at work and told your employer to get their head out of their butt, I can tell you that would effectively end your chance of ever working again, regardless of how long you'd been there. I understand your anger, but anyone who claims to be an MT professional needs to behave like one. There are ways to handle a resignation but this letter is not one of them. Request an exit interview. Report your grievances to your state labor board. Send a letter but remove the profanity. You can rise above Nuance but it can be done in a more tactfully than the approach you are using, that is all I am saying. By the way, you not being able to empathize with me and my situation (the layoff and the pay cut) also speaks volumes about the kind of person you are.
You said you never worked for an MTSO - mmo
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Excuse me, but you said you were laid off after 18 years in house and have never worked for an MTSO. You are lucky and smart to not work for one, but not being in our shoes and understanding what we go through each and every day, it is hard for me to understand how you can criticize the OP for being unprofessional. You just can't understand how being treated so poorly for so many years can make you bitter and angry. I sympathize with the OP, when you leave, you just want someone to hear your voice, even if it falls on deaf ears, it feels better to let it out, unprofessional or not.
On site or at home - Anonymous
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Your employer is your employer. And, if you think I'm not angry about being kicked to the curb after that many years of service and then having to take a cut in pay, think again. Believe me, life was not bed of roses around there either. There are ways to speak to people,namely your employer, and get one's point across without telling them to get their heads out of you-know-where, that's just rude. She left Nuance and has moved on to better things and doesn't want to go back, so let it go. I have a right to speak my mind too, even though I may not agree with what was said by the OP.
What's unprofessional is the way MTSOs treat - their trancriptionists.
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And who exactly do you think you are, anyway?
What a tool you are.
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REGARDING How professional - not! - Anonymous
Posted: Oct 21st, 2012 - 7:00 am In Reply to: Goodbye Nuance. And oh yeah. You can SUCK IT. Sm - shipaddict
Your resignation letter is between you and your employer, it really didn't need to be shared publicly. I couldn't tell if you had been at Nuance for 7 months or if you'd been unhappy for 7 months. I'm glad you found an employer who respects their employees. One suggestion I would like to make would be to remove the statement about telling your employer to remove their heads from their butts, it makes you look very unprofessional. Also, writing anything in all caps is poor etiquette when writing e-mail, it appears that you are shouting, though perhaps that's the effect you are trying to achieve. The paragraph about the reduction in pay penalizing the best producers and rewarding the slower typists does not make sense. No one benefits from having their pay cut in half. Slower typists are not necessarily faster editors. Another thought is to never burn bridges. I know you are angry, but don't assume you will never need them for a reference. After a letter like this, there is no need to worry about being coaxed back, I don't think they are going to miss you.
I don't mean to critique you or pick this apart, but did you post this publicly because you were seeking approval? If it's any consolation, you're not the only MT who has had employment issues. I was laid off from my on site MT job after 18 years because the work went off shore, I've been an MT for over 30 years. I am still working for the same employer but at a $3.00 per hour pay cut in a temporary position because, although I've had opportunities to work for various MTSOs, I won't go back to MT. Be thankful that you had a job and were able to find another one that meets your expectations. Good luck with your new employer.
Please. - see message
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You sound like an unprofessional, over-emotional rambling mess.
You would be better served with just a few concise sentences to get your point across. Less is more. If I were management, I would not read past the first sentence.
And no matter how you feel, walking out on any job with no notice is juvenile and highly unprofessional. You should at least offer to work out a standard notice. They can always say no.
Maybe it's just me, but I got the - feeling....(s/m)
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...that the OP didn't actually send this very letter to Nuance. I thought it was just written tongue-in-cheek to share what he/she would LIKE to write in a resignation letter.
Now, the OP may have actually left Nuance, and I can totally see why....for all the reasons stated in their post; but am I the only one who thinks this might have been a venting session? I've heard that it's healthy to write something like this and pour out how you really feel and then just destroy the letter...not send it.
You are probably right - Anonymous
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It was probably meant to be a venting session but it was difficult to tell from reading the post. This is not something that was written and destroyed, though, it's out there for everyone to read, and a person should not expect people to provide feedback.
Just applied here... - jenbug
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now am freaking out; however, I have worked for HyperType, Inc. for several years with NO benefits, 5.5 cpl, and no raises unless you can produce 5000 per pay period. I am only part time through them though and still have 2 young ones at home, which makes it virtually impossible to concentrate and do 5000 per period, especially when the work is not available to start with.
You certainly are not going to find 0.055 cpl and raises here. - Grass aint greener for sure. (nm)
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Good for you - for moving on
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and for saying what you needed to say. You told them everything they already know, don't want to hear about anymore, and will continue to ignore.
We stay victims by keeping quiet. We stay victims by stifling our hissy fits.
We stay victims by enduring all the unprofessional ways that mgt treats us.
Looking for a project, a letter to write? Spam HR with letters.
Dear mgt, thanks for spending an hour on mtstars, reading our concerns, what our lives are like, laughing about it, berating us for speaking up, and then going back to the drawing board to find more ways to screw us out of a penny.
That is unprofessional and unethical, don't you think? Oh no, don't think about it, just follow orders from above, and don't look down at the workers carrying this and every other MTSO.
Just struck me what a pyramid scheme MTSOs are. Drop out from below folks, and watch them crumble.
If you won't read the entire OP's text, then read the first sentence and the - last sentence; see message
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I am writing this email to inform you that tonight will be my last night with Nuance Transcription Services. I leave you with the dregs of the product you have created, and a sincere hope that you someday pull your collective heads out of your butts and start treating your Medical Transcriptionists with respect -- and show them your respect for them in their PAYCHECK.
OP here. Interesting responses for sure! sm - shipaddict
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I wrote this resignation letter as a catharsis for myself. I definitely feel much better after writing it. I appreciate those of you who have offered up words of encouragement and for the most part respect those that have had negative criticism. I didn't post here for anyone's approval, however.
For anyone who says that my email was unprofessional, first of all, if I was worried about being professional, do you think I would have posted it at all? (and seriously, is this forum the LEAST bit professional to begin with? I think not) I know how to be professional -- and frankly at this point after dealing with this company for as long as I have, I really don't give a crap about being professional. I've done this job for so long (13 years total) and with so many different companies, I know that they don't give a crap about us, so why should I be worried about treating them "right?"
I know they already know all this and it won't change a thing. So what. I feel better for having said it. And that's what's important to ME.
As long as we all remain silent about it, they will continue to think it's okay. If we become more vocal and refuse to keep taking what they're dishing out, maybe they'll start thinking about the way they treat their employees.
At any rate, I am done with Nuance and I have moved on. I have had the most relaxing, enjoyable weekend in a LONG time. I already feel better about dumping them. Professional or not.
I think the percentage of suits to MTs that visit this - site has risen over the years. To like 50%.
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I always wonder about that - MT
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I always wonder about that, how many of the visitors are suits. I come here a lot and always look at how many people are here at a time and the most I see are around 300 around the middle of the day. I mean how many MTs are there in the US and how many come to this site? There must be more than just us. Are we too small a sample of the entire US MT workforce? Wish more MTs would come here so we could get more voices heard. You would think the suits would not take us seriously since we are so few, why would they care? But I know they come here to demoralize us and play with our heads, sick people that they are.
shipaddict - mt20years
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Good for you. I feel the same way about Nuance. I hope you do well in your new job.
And professionalism that some posters talked about, screw that. Professionalism is something Nuance knows nothing about.
Do people think professionalism is just the way you speak? NOT.
I can say Go to %#@@* Nuance in a nice way, but it still means the same.
Anyway, you don't need anybody's approval here. Just rock on!!
Yes, Nuance SUCKS! - JR
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I just got terminated. I was on a high-ESL account and was being deducted points in QC because I was transcribing what the Indian doctor was dictating. Also, the QC auditors make many errors themselves, of which I pointed out to my supervisor and HR. I don't think they liked my pointing out QC's errors. They transferred me from a great account where I made my quota and over 98% accuracy, to a 98% ESL account, which took a toll on my productivity and accuracy. I still say, "Garbage in, garbage out." Congress needs to get involved and pass legislation to get rid of the piecemeal method of earnings, and pay MTs either an hourly wage ($25.00/hr. minimum) or a salary (at least $45,000 a year). It's funny to see that Mr. Ricci, Nuance's CEO, paid himself $37 million last year, while he's paying his employees 4 cents a line for editing (99% of my reports) and 8 cents a line for transcribing (only 1% of reports I received). This is criminal. I hope Nuance goes belly up and all their transcriptionists quit. I just want to know, do patients know their confidential medical information is going to India to be transcribed/edited? I bet they don't. That in itself should be a HIPAA violation. Of course, HIPAA doesn't exist in India, and that's one of the worst places for identity theft. All I can say to Nuance is FU*K OFF and EAT SH*T AND ROT!
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