A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
After nearly 30 years of MT/ME, I have seen this profession circle the drain, going down the proverbial toilet, and I don't even recognize it any more. It's not fun anymore.
It saddens me to think how some of the greedy big MT companies totally messed things up for many of us (can you say OUTSOURCING?). True, there are a few that are still making a decent living; consider yourselves very fortunate. I'm glad I have something else to fall back on and not settle for peanuts.
I left the profession a little bit ago, and it feels really GOOD. No more having to put up with doctors with English as a 5th language, who don't know their butt from their elbow (and we are supposed to trust these people when we need medical help?!?!). No more having to search/correct/waste time not paid for/ patient info numbers that are keyed in wrong lots of times, and other screw-ups by hospitals that are too numerous to mention.
For those of you still in the profession, I admire you. BUT, don't expect to be rewarded for your loyalty....
Rule of thumb: ALWAYS have a plan B.