A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Message to the CherryPickers - Cya!!!

Posted: Dec 19, 2009


This is a message to the cherry pickers on my new account.  Well, you got greedy, skimmed so many of the money-making jobs that it became apparent to all of us including management. 
Now, you've lost your jobs.  But during the time that you took part in your malfeasance I have nearly lost my home and had my car repossessed.  Each work day was literally a nightmare well I struggled with one crappy job after another without relief.  My first pay check was 200.  And I have been at this for 23 years. 
You have ruined me financially.  I have lost 30 pounds from the stress.  I am a wreck emotionally and break down in sobbing tears when talking to creditors who have no idea what a cherrypicker is.  They only want their money. 
Your names are burned into my memory and I will make sure that neither of you work in this field again.  Merry Christmas and enjoy life without an income.  My friend is a contract attorney and if there is a way to sue you, I will.

Cherrypickers - lsh

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??? What's going on?? I don't understand.

Is this a joke? Hilarious! nm - cherry

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I truly despise cherrypickers - Vikefantam

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At both hospitals where I worked, we were allowed to cherrypick at one point every day, and even then, just one document - just as we were getting to leave at the end of our shift. They did not want us sitting around doing nothing at the end of our shift just because the next report was 25 minutes long and it was a terrible dictator. We were actually allowed to approach the Lanier system and find something that would keep us busy just until the end of our shift. This also prevented the hospital from having to pay us overtime because since we were allowed to cherrypick that very last document, we were able to finish on time and clock out.

I look at it this way - if the rest of us have to do the crap reports - so should they. >:-( I have a terrible ESL guy and it's taking me forever but I'll make it through. At least he's not slurring his words. I try to think of one good thing about the doc when I get a really bad one.

I doubt such cherrypickers would have the nerve to come forth but I'd love to hear from them.

One good thing - (sm)

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is a good thing to think of . . . I told my husband recently about the worst dictator I have to transcribe, an American. What I like about him is his very animated style of dictating. If I could understand the other half of what he is saying, it would be great. The ESLs in my pool don't even come close to being as difficult. The thing that I like most about all of the dictators in my pool is that they are keeping me in work . . . for now.

As far as the original topic of this thread, I have not worked anywhere that the MTs at home are able to cherrypick that I am aware of. Prior to my current job I have always had assigned doctors and transcribed in Word. This is my first experience with a platform, but I get what is assigned to my pool and the only thing I have been told about prioritizing is by the number, with 0 being STAT and then 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Everything I get is either a 1 or a 5 and I have no way of knowing when it was dictated or when the patient was seen until I have selected the job and am reviewing the demographics page/listening to dictator.


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2. Why would allow your finances to get to the point that you are losing your home and care AND NOT GET ANOTHER JOB? WHO DOES THAT!?!
3. Why are you complaining about a weight loss!!!?? (okay...j/k)
4. SEEK HELP,q-u-i-c-k-l-y. So we don't read about you in the national news later and how you sought revenge at the post office or grocery store.
5. EVERYONE'S friend is an attorney or cop or judge or doughnut dude... (my friend is a 6 foot bunny)

P.S. Love the RED WRITING, so cheerful!

pickled peppers - AliKat

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HAHAHA! This made me laugh so much! I understand it's suppose to be sarcastic, but seriously, you made me laugh! I DO know the doughnut guy!!

it reminded me of the movie "Falling Down" with Michael Douglas.NM - NM

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NM - X-rayted
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Ah... Michael Douglas {*sigh*}
But that dude was RIGHT about the hot dog bun conspiracy, lol! - Giggles the MT
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I always wondered about that myself but figured I was the only person who obsessed about it whenever I had to buy hot dogs and buns, lol!

I noticed it was "CHERRY RED" as well, hehe - RubySoho

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No message, just thought the choice of color was ironic.

First of all, you are directing your anger towards the wrong people.... - kiki

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Your anger should be towards the company that ALLOWS cherry picking.

Second of all, I would NEVER work for a company that allowed this. I work for MQ, and with all its other problems, at the very least there is no way anyone could cherry pick. It's not a matter of just "telling" the MTs not to do it or frowning upon it, the company has to make it impossible.

cherry pickers . . . what the???? - MT who knows

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I personally think that there are a lot of paranoid, over-reactive, needlessly concerned about what goes on with other people MTs out there who scream "cherry picking" when they themselves are having issues. I never experienced how hateful and crazy many MTs are especially with this until several years ago, which is when I decided for certain that I wanted out of the field. I was accused of "cherry picking," which I had never even heard of in my entire working career until this one MT said that because I was good and knew my stuff then I had to be "cherry picking." All that stuff sounds like a bunch of kindergartner complaints if I ever heard it. I personally think that this MT that I experienced and another she was partners in crime with just thought that they were the divas of the transcription world and that no one was as good as them. (One had an associate degree from a nonregionally accredited school and the other didn't even have a degree and so this mediocre degree I guess gave them the big head into thinking that no one else in the world had the same knowledge -- wierd -- go figure.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. - Hamletta

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Sounds like you're dealing with a few ego issues of your own.

Just because you don't think it happens doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Get off your high horse.
yes, I agree, I think everybody knows that it happens!..nm - ethics
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I do not work for an MTSO - but if I did

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If I had the ability to pick and choose the best jobs, whether it be because they were good dictators, high line counts, whatever... dang right I would take those jobs first. Why would I take a difficult, low paying job instead - just to "be fair" to everyone? That would be stupid. This is not Kindergarten and we are not divvying up bubblegum on the playground. This is life and I am going to make the best money I can.

It is not illegal, it is not unethical, and it is not bad karma. It is smart (kinda falls into the "duh" category), and anyone with two cents worth of sense would chose higher pay over lower pay, easy to understand dictator over ESL.

If you want to be pissed off at someone, and you obviously do, spew your fury at the company that allows it to happen.

"I will make sure that neither of you work in this field again" -- I am interested to know how "YOU" can make this happen ?

your attitude is that of an MTSO not a true trnascriptionist. - ruined the industry for all

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you need get out of the way and give the industry back. do just the easy ones? what, are you from India?

Yes the cherrypickers are what ruined the industry - FOR ALL!

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What a whiny lot you crybabies are.
spitting seeds are we?? lol NM - anon
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I dont' get it - spitting seeds?
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what do dat mean?
from all the cherries you picked and ate. sheeze. - nocommonsense
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or was that you being sarcastic?
Cherries don't have seeds - they have pits
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Maybe that's why your comment made no sense.

Not to make light of your situation but PLEASE tell me - Amazed

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That you did NOT tearfully tell your creditors that you were behind in your payments because of "the cherrypickers" on your account? I'm totally not surprised they had no idea what you were talking about; a work slowdown I can see discussing with your creditors, but to get so detailed as to start blaming the "cherrypickers" for your predicament probably made little or no sense to whomever you were speaking.

MT for 23 years and in this financial situation - find a new career. - Deb - sorry to be harsh, but please. nm

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cherry pickers - ftran

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To the inhumane remark of finding a new career---cherry pickers are self-centered rude workers who only care about themselves, unfortunately most of workers are of this nature and then with you put money and production on it, it is worse. Brings out the absolute worst in people who are all for themselves. Now you have given them a high position and controlling the work in the offices, so what do we get? Evil people.

This happens anywhere you work on commission, though. - Happy MT Robin

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This kind of behavior is not limited to just this field. Go into the appliance section of any major departmenet store where the sales people are paid on commission and you'll find cut throat techniques. If you work for a company that allows cherry picking though, you have some choices to make. Cherry pick yourself and beat the idiots at their own game, get much better at the crappy dictators (not always really a possibility), or find a new job.

I don't mean to sound insensitive to the OP, but why in the world would you let it get so far as to lose your car and almost lose your house? One pay period, possibly two, is all it would take for me to realize that the status quo wasn't going to cut it and I would have cut bait and gotten out of there.

re: Happy MT Robin - OpSessed

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Totally agree. It is, was, always will be a DOG EAT DOG WORLD.

Seriously? SERIOUSLY? - FMT

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Seriously, your statement "I will make sure that neither of you work in the field again."


After pondering around the possibilities of being able to actually follow through with that statement, I could only assume you must mean sending letters to every single MTSO in the country to "warn" them about these 2 people your post refers to.

I dunno if that's a wise idea. If I were a recruiter and received a letter or email from someone saying "DO NOT HIRE JANE DOE, SHE'S A CHERRY PICKER!", I would probably write you off as a nutcase who had way too much free time.

Maybe you've got another strategy planned, but honestly, I'd skip anything that involved a mass emailing or letter-writing campaign. I believe that would turn around and bite you right in the...

Well, you know.

Cherrypickers - Alice

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Most cherry picking only exists in situations where work is drawn from a pool. It is a situation that is about as predictable as the fact that dictating clinicians will continue to be sloppy, inconsiderate, downright rude and disrespectful (not all of them, thankfully) to the MTs. It kind of reminds me of the other "anonymous" drivers on the roads where I travel.

I think, the best way to avoid this, is to try your best to find a job where you are assigned to a specific dictator or group of dictators, and there is no pool work involved. I know that this is easier said than done.

As one who works from a pool and does not know my fellow workers, I have to admit that I do what is best for me. I feel no loyalty to the other MTs who work on the same account. There are other issues with this pool work that irritate me a lot, but I have no control over any of it. I am just doing what I have to do to survive, and I am not living rich, I guarantee it.

The cherry picking is truly a result of the way the system is set up, and the MTSOs do have some control over this.

I personally continue to look for a really good job with a TAT of 18-24 hours, and a steady group of assigned dictators, as I despise pool work, but it is the best I can find for now.

picking dictators - MT who knows

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Yes, I agree, that the person who has control of the pool of jobs and can assign jobs is the person who should be blamed for the so-called "cherry picking," not the MT. The MT sits there at home and does what comes up in her pool, whether it is automatic or assigned. The only way that jobs are passed over or rejected is when the MT has control to do so and has an authority and need to transcribe certain jobs in a priority status and has access to the web server in order to assign those jobs. I think that there are a lot of paranoid transcribers out there (probably due to the fact that they are paid horribly and need money badly), and these MTs are stressed and stress and paranoia kind of grows and grows into something not recognizable or anywhere near where it should be, especially if other MTs get involved in the issue. When other people get involved, the groupthink takes over and before you know it some people are accused of something they supposedly did that they did not do in the first place. Be careful people, very careful -- you could ruin someone's life or reputation for no legitimate reason whatsoever - and you may only be aware of that fact after it is too late.
Sounds like you had only 1 job for decades - and that inhouse, right?
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You don't have any idea what goes on in other companies. I'm a homebased MT and I got proof there was plenty of cherrypicking on my primary before they left us. My coworkers had the ability to reject any job they didn't like and kick it back into the pool - and they did. The worst ESL docs got wise to it and starting prioritizing every job they did so their stuff would get typed at all. The cherrypickers countered by rejecting that job, punching out, waiting until the next MT got it, then punching back in and accepting a job of their liking. If no job of their liking would come up, they'd take a break until the rest of the team had typed what they didn't like. We had a way of seeing how many times a job had been handled, and when I started finding stat jobs that had been rejected half a dozen times by the same people, I documented a long list of job numbers, dates, times and MT names, and blew the whistle. First my boss denied it and scolded me, then she had a change of heart (after reviewing and seeing the truth was even worse than I reported), and sent out a blanket shaming email to the whole team. Coincidentally, right after the next supervisor's conference our ability to see how many times a job was handled was taken away, so they can now cherrypick to their heart's content without concern of another MT getting proof. Its quite clear my company hates the whistleblower much more than the cherrypicker.
One job in my life -- ha ha ha :-) - MT who knows
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No hardly . . . one job for decades?! :-) You are too funny. Yes, I have worked in hospitals only -- will absolutely not work for a transcription service, or by the line -- piecemeal, tomato-pickers. I have also worked as a management assistant and know that the system can be set up so that people cannot reject jobs, and I also know all the questionable tactics that are done to remote users from that end. I have worked for a few different hospitals, changing because I thought that surely this "business" is not like this everywhere -- only to my sorry surprise was that medical transcription and working as an MT is a terrible business. I have worked in other areas of business and I am formally educated in all the necessities to be a medical transcriber. I can tell you from a perspective of someone who has worked and experienced other "businesses" that the rest of the world does not operate in the same way as the MT industry. I did not even know what MT was for half of my working life and unfortunately I switched about 15 years or so ago, which was a huge mistake, and now is nearly impossible to get out of because of the negative perceptions of MT and its workforce. I have worked for a magazine, corporate advertising department, newspapers and design studio years ago, and then made the switch to healthcare because I was nervous about the insecurity and industry changes back then -- big mistake; so, I know the difference. I actually even had a couple of people in my recent companies (an IT person and an MT manager) tell me that "my problem is that I know too much," and that I need to get out. I never understood for a long time why MTs cared about transcribing for ESL physicians (which is all I got pretty much and OP notes, which I loved); however, after finding out that the MTSO pay like they do, which in my experience is the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard of, I understand that this pay structure has created the problem. That is my perspective and I am not too positive about the MT industry, its pay structure, or its honesty and ethical standards. Good luck to you, really.
I just found it weird you would deny cherrypicking possible - but now I see why - inhouse
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Maybe in your situation inhouse cherrypicking is not possible. When I worked inhouse it was very easy to walk over to the Lanier console, find the jobs you wanted and assign them to yourself OR ANYONE ELSE - we did it all day long because the phone rang constantly designating stats that we had to manually select. They'd train newbies by assigning them blocks of one dictator until they "got" him, then on to the next. We were all very aware that anybody could cherrypick - even though we were hourly, plenty of people did it just because they didn't like a doctor or preferred another, or a newbie was freaking out and wanted to do someone easy for the rest of the day, or the lead didn't like you and assigned you all the hard ones she could find. In retrospect those docs were so clear and easy I'd give my eyeteeth to type them again, and have to laugh that even under those circumstances, people did cherrypick.
You can't really be that ignorant... - Right?
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It depends on the platform, genius.

On my last platform, all the MT had to do was go in and tick the box next to the job they wanted and assign it to their queue.

On my current platform, we can see the history of each voice file - we see the name of every MT had had it in her queue, how long she had it, and when she dumped it back into the queue.

Supervisors know it happens. Fortunately, at my company they address it and lock the offenders out of the system.

Maybe you've been working under some rock somewhere, or in a cave in the Afghani desert, or locked in a closet at some tiny hospital's in-house medical records department.

But there's a whole big wide world out there, where people cherrypick all the time.

But go on believing it's all a big conspiracy.

Ignorance must be bliss, in your case. (More likely, though, you're one of those who sees nothing wrong with padding her pockets with other MT's missed opportunities and indulges in the picking herself. Hmmmm? Could that be it?)

And I cann't speak for the ones you say are "paid horribly and need money badly" as I pull in superb paychecks. Maybe you should start working on another theory.

Cherry picker, really ? - MT who knows

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Cherry picker, really? This is the exact reason why I prefer not to work strictly on commission, i.e. per line. Working on commission, i.e. per line versus hourly or salary has nothing to do with "slacking off" or "not being able to do a job," or any of the other lines I've heard from some people, it has to do with the fact of responsibility, i.e. adult responsibility. People are hired for a job whether it is management or not, and those people should be paid accordingly -- not a "cherry-picking" state or whatever. Really, what kind of responsible job is that? I think that the MT field has turned into a great field for someone who just wants extra money, is retired, or something like that, but for a responsible, bill-paying, etc. adult, I mean get real, medical transcription is not the field to be in for responsibility of any kind.

responsibility - Really? - nerve

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That's a pretty broad, not to mention derogatory, statement to make considering you have no way of knowing anyone's situation but your own. I'm pretty sure that check I write for my car payment every month is considered a bill, not to mention the one that goes to the phone company and the electric company, oh and groceries weren't free last time I was at the store. I think that makes me a responsible, bill-paying adult - gasp - on my MT pay check.

cherry pickers - ITSSNOWING

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I remember working in an office where the docs dictated on tape.(aw, remember the day...)  We had a cherry picker working the grave yard shift, back then that would snag all the tapes that only had a little bit used (small reports) and pound out 50 to 70 reports in her shift to our 25 to 30. 

This went on for MONTHS.  The rest of us didn't care only because she was leaving all the juicy, long, reports for us so we always made WAY more on our check. (I still love the super long reports!)

MORAL OF THE STORY: Fruit picked too early yields bitter whine (get it, get it!!, whine...)


Tried years ago to let boss know MTer was falsifying work - and getting the BIG bucks

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I told the supv of medical records what another transcriptionist and I thought, basically no way could you have sign in sheet for each patient typed, only work 1/2 day most and get paid $$$. The supv accused me of "sour grapes." Finally working on the weekend the other MTer called me stating she knew this person was doing something wrong, the 2 of us just could not put our finger on it. That day (we used to type on floppy discs) I took the questionable person's discs and started going through them. OMG, she was bringing old work over, somehow putting it under the present date and making a huge amount. I went to human resources that next day, Monday and showed them what I found. Imaging the look on the supv face when she had to go through everyone's work just to see what was what. The MTer lost her job, the hospital estimated at least $60,000 stolen from them and tried to make a civil case out of it, had the police to the hospital, etc. Now about those sour grapes. The ones who were on the up and up were being threatened with cutting our pay because of the amount going out, therefore we knew we had to find out exactly what was happening. It is funny but most of the time bosses, etc. just do not want to listen to what you have to say, even if you are knowing and telling the truth.

MTer falsifying work - MT who knows

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Never in my life! I wouldn't have even thought about doing such a thing, but then again, I've never been paid "putting-soles-on-shoes" type wages either. This puts the icing on the cake for my point, if this person was paid by the hour like every other human being in the working world, this more than likely never would have happened. She just would have come in and done her job. The "cherry picking" you mention probably wouldn't have happened either, because she would have been paid and just would have taken the bad dictators and transcribed them, even if they took longer. But, the "pay-by-line" thing just asks for this type of trouble. I think the MT job pay-by-the-line or pay-by-the-page, or pay-by-the-character is a bunch of bullsh_t.
By the line works out well for hard workers. - sm
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When I worked in house, I was paid hourly (like you apparently). Of course, I was straight out of school and knew nothing. But within a month I was transcribing double the quota set by the department head. I was asked by the "lead" MT to 'slow down, because it makes the rest of us look bad.'

Uh ... what?

Now that I'm paid by the line, I make 3X the required line count and am paid accordingly. I make more than my supervisor, and I make more than my supervisor's supervisor.

But, yeah, I can see how for someone who doesn't really want to work all that hard, or to take responsibility for their own success or failure, being paid hourly in-house would be the way to go.

You be sure to enjoy that steady paycheck now. I hope they pay you $48 an hour. :)
I agree sister! - Witness!
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Ha! I could have written your post! I like to work full speed and my coworkers liked to wander the halls gossiping - that has always been my work ethic and they always hate me for it. I made $10 an hour. They made more than I due to longevity, but didn't produce squat. When I left inhouse and went from hourly to cpl, my income went from 21k to 34k, and then on to 50k! Its taken a nosedive since due to losing a big account - but getting paid what one is worth is a definite eye-opener! If you want to stroll through your day, stay hourly. If you want to kick butt and take no prisoners - go piece-rate and watch the money roll in!
Ditto - Happy MT Robin
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I had this same conversation with someone several months ago. She pointed out that it's not just about speed and how many reports you can pound out, but that longevity comes with knowledge, experience, etc. I agreed to some extent, because the women I worked with briefly in house were fabulous in terms of sharing their knowledge. They made half again as much as I did and they were worth every penny. I strongly believe, though, that my speed should have qualified me for a little bit more once I got established and my supervisor knew what I could do. It didn't, supervisor and I never gelled as a team, I left and make WAY more on production than I did hourly. Everyone's happy all around.

I love working on production. If I don't work I don't get paid, but if I focus and work, I do very well indeed. My company also doesn't allow people to see reports/cherry pick. You get the next one in the queue. You can't cancel it out and get another one.

I agree cherrypicking is unethical....sm - ethics

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and nobody should do it, but it makes no sense to post it here in that way.

Jobs to choose from - Leta

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The company I work for limits the number of jobs that show for us to choose from (only 2 show) to eliminate that. Talk to your companies about doing that.

How to fix cherrypickers... - sm

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I am an independent contractor for a hospital and it is ridiculous how much cherrypicking there is, but my solution was to master the dictators that no one wanted and now I always have work and am making money hand over fist. I have made myself indispensible to the account and knowing that I can type any dictator makes me a lot more comfortable. Instead of crying and losing your car, you should have been working harder to master the dictation that was available. To be honest, at this point, I would rather type the "bad" dictators than the "good" ones. You cannot control others, but you can control what you do. I am sorry about your situation and I know it is frustrating, but once I looked at it in a different light, all the frustration went out of it and I just dug in my heels and typed.

How to fix cherrypickers... - sm

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I am an independent contractor for a hospital and it is ridiculous how much cherrypicking there is, but my solution was to master the dictators that no one wanted and now I always have work and am making money hand over fist. I have made myself indispensible to the account and knowing that I can type any dictator makes me a lot more comfortable. Instead of crying and losing your car, you should have been working harder to master the dictation that was available. To be honest, at this point, I would rather type the "bad" dictators than the "good" ones. You cannot control others, but you can control what you do. I am sorry about your situation and I know it is frustrating, but once I looked at it in a different light, all the frustration went out of it and I just dug in my heels and typed.

Exactly sm, this is what I am in the process of doing - Fingers

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In the past, I have worked on platforms where cherrypicking was not possible - until now. UNBELIEVABLE!!

I am in the process of doing exactly what you said. I take those 20 minute dictations. I am extensively learning to understand these dictators so that I can transcribe their work without even listening twice and the cherrypickers will not bother me at all. This is really the only way to effectively handle it. It may take me months, but I am going to do it.

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Message To MM
May 07, 2015

THE PODS ARE NOT WORKING!!!!!!! We have to be on constant MOT which was NEVER requested before.  P O D IS NOT WORKING!!!!!  ...

Did Anyone See This Message And What Do You Think?
May 18, 2015

There is a message on the main board by "Not Sure," with a subject of ICD-10.  What do experienced coders think about this? ...

I HATE ASR! No Message.
Nov 19, 2009

No message ...

Message To TT Management
May 05, 2010

When I started working for TT 3 years ago it was a good company, now every time there is a good week they hire more MTs and my pay goes right back into the crapper.  When did you stop caring about your employees?  Just a thought........ ...

Punctuation Help. Please See Message.
Jun 08, 2010

Is the punctuation correct in this sentence:  The patient is a 30-year-old, never married, unemployed white male. I'm wondering if there should be a comma between unemployed and white.  Thanks! ...

Word Help, See Message
Jul 15, 2010

Here is the sentence. I cannot make out the word between mucin and into.   There was just a single slide that demonstrated mucin  (sounds like dissect)   into the deep submucosa. ...

S/l 'goomba' - Please See Message
Jul 30, 2010

There is some left lung nodularity now which appears to be new, although she had a little bit in the past.  At least one of those is going to be positive.  We went over the ____________ (s/l 'goomba') which is about 3 cm. in her chest wall, which is excisable if we want to do that.  Thank you in advance for helping! ...

Message To Transcend
Aug 18, 2010

I would like to know why MTSOs, specifically Transcend,  post ads when they don't bother to contact the qualified people who apply.  They make you jump through the questionnaire and written test hoops and then ignore.   What a waste of time.   ...

Can Anybody Tell Me What The Message From CEO Peter
Oct 22, 2010

says?  I just hear corporate mumbo-jumbo.  We going to have a job, not have a job, work for C-Bay, work for MedQuist still?  I am so confused (which I am sure was the intent). ...

Cardiology... Please See Message...TIA
Oct 26, 2010

The doctor is a heart transplant doctor and is dictating a referral letter for a fellow.  He says:  He will often come in even when he is not on inpatient rotation to assess some of our sicker patients; for instance, some who have s/l "empower" devices and/or "tandem" hearts.    TIA ...

Med S/l LIOPINE? See Message
Dec 02, 2010

Med listed in H&P as current meds.  Past md hx includes hypertension, PTSD, and status post pancreatic cancer.  Can anyone help?  Thx. ...

2-O Esobon Tie? Please See Message...
Jan 06, 2011

The doc is dictating notes on a pacemaker implantation and says "Therefore, the existing ventricular lead was anchored in position with a s/l 2 O (letter O) esibon tie."  TIA ...