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A message to Nuisance - NoMore

Posted: Nov 15, 2013

Nuance, I would like to give you a huge congratulations.  You have succeeded in taking a career that so many of us have loved and cherished and turned it into a complete nightmare.  You have given us ulcers, headaches, depression, anxiety/panic attacks, a feeling of failure and worthlessness, anger, sadness, insomnia…shall I go on?  Most of us wonder how we will feed our families, pay the bills, keep a home over our heads and just have overall peace of mind.  Corporate greed at its finest I must say.  I have never felt like such a failure, but I have to keep telling myself, “I DID NOT FAIL.”  You failed us, Nuance.  You have ads out for employment in all 4 corners of the internet because your employees are leaving in droves to save what little sanity they have left and word of mouth of how you treat your employees is spreading like a wildfire out of control.  I refuse to be your doormat any longer.  We are required to have the knowledge of a physician, the grammar and spelling of an English teacher, the typing ability of an executive secretary, the medication knowledge of a pharmacist, but get paid so little and with no respect.  It is truly in itself a huge slap in the face and utterly disgraceful.  You just keep telling yourself you are a good employer.  Whatever helps you sleep at night and look in the mirror on a daily basis.

please lets send this - jules

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We should so send this message to Nuance. You said everything very clearly and eloquently and expressed the feelings of so many people!

Letter - Out of here

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Was this your letter of resignation? If not, be sure to send it anonymously because a person never wants to take responsibility for their actions. I don't work for N, so I have no idea what you are going through. My response to this as an outsider would be that you don't have to stay, there are other companies. If I was not able to pay my bills, I would seriously think about moving on. I know people who work for Nuance who are happy there, but every situation is different. Please define "leaving in droves." Do you have numbers? Maybe the ads are due to new accounts. I know you are just venting, but your letter prompts me to ask some questions. I probably have made you angry, so I apologize in advance.

I don't work for Nuance either but I feel like the OP too - clb

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Some days I just want to say "masticate excrement and cease to exist"

I just submitted an online resume last night to my local hospital that I'm dying to get into and apply for some position 2-3 times a year. Got an email confirming receipt of my resume. Not even 90 minutes later...another email saying thanks, but... DENIED

Rejected resume in 90 minutes? That's a new low for me. Seriously though, is there a (free) website that I could upload my resume to for honest feedback and construction criticism as to why it gets rejected all the time. I have a few ideas of why, but maybe there is more to my resume (or less) that I'm not able to get an interview...anywhere...for any position! I feel like a jack of all trades and a master of none. I need a neutral set of eyes to look at my resume and tell me what's wrong.
Resume - Out of here
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I think that is a great idea, in regard to getting resume help. I'm not familiar with any web sites, but if you have access to a place like Skill Source where you live, they offer help for free. When I thought I would be unemployed, I proactively went through one of their career counseling seminars. Everyone had to submit a resume as part of our "homework" and then the facilitators critiqued it and offered suggestions. Getting rejected in 90 minutes had to be computer generated, that's all I can say. After I got laid off from MT, I was lucky to get a job working in medical records for the same facility. We've had openings for entry level jobs with over 100 applicants and some jobs have to be pulled from the job board the next day because they get swamped with ads, so it is probably not anything you are doing, it's just extremely competitive. I have ex-MT friends who are looking for work. I tell them about openings at our place, but before they have time to apply, the posting has disappeared. Good luck with your resume. All I can say is keep trying and don't give up.
Thank you. Maybe I can try my local temp agencies for advice - clb
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I seriously saw that rejection email and just sank. Went to bed in a bad mood and am in still crabby today. I'm sure I could find something online about resume critique or something. Maybe mine is too long or lists too much. It's just frustrating when they say "More desirable candidate" or some other junk, especially when my cover letter/resume is worded to their exact job description and I list on the application every skill I have to match their skill set. I'm not lying about anything either. My resume also lists overlapping jobs because I had to take a seasonal job to pay the bills when MT wasn't paying squat in the beginning, so maybe it's a "too many jobs" thing.

I left a great job in 2008 to be an MT and I've regretted it ever since. I can't go back there either, I tried. AND the only reason I left that job was because it was 50 miles away and was just too much on my car expenses and driving in WI winter!! If I was able to move closer, I never would've quit.

Maybe I'm just sour grapes for the past 5 years but I've never been this unhappy in my life. I've got a great husband, house, dog, family, friends, alot to be thankful for so why am I so down? (and yes I have a therapist). It just sucks getting rejected that quick. I guess the only "good" thing is at least I know the outcome of my application and am not waiting around. I'll just keep trying. I really wanna work for that hospital. Oh well, at least for now I can stay inside during the winter.

Thanks again for the suggestions.
What I would do - sm
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If you've been rejected several times for the same position, I would call the hospital and talk to some one in HR and find out why you're being kicked out by the system. I'd be willing to bet that HR hasn't even seen your info, so it wouldn't hurt to ask them what might be going on with your info and the system.

Also, if you have the time, you might want to apply for a volunteer position at the hospital. That way, you can get to know people and let them know you're interested in a job.

Last thought, if you know any one who works there, ask them to pass your resume/application on to HR directly for you.

Your - post
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is so familiar. I have the same thing happen. I have been trying for over a year to find a job and keep getting the same thing. I go through bouts of feeling like a failure, but then I also know how the economy is and the lack of jobs, so with supply and demand the way it is, these companies can take people with Bachelor's degrees to be a file clerk. I am doing the only thing I can. I am going to school to get a degree. Will an Associates be enough? Who knows, but that is all I can do at this point. I also have my age against me, whether they say so or not. I am in my 50s, so why would they want to hire me? I do have years and years of experience in general office work that used to be pretty easy to get, but not anymore. Try not to get discouraged; you are not alone. There are many people fighting over the same jobs. I feel offshoring has destroyed our economy, not just MT field, everything. We need to get jobs back in this country before everyone is on welfare and homeless. We all need to be proactive with writing our government officials and let them know that we need jobs and they need to do something to get them back in our country.
Amen! - clb
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Thank you so much for your perspective. It saddens me to think that is happening to everyone in some way. I just feel alone when that happens, and now I know I'm not. Although I wouldn't wish this on anybody. How many people are out of work willing to work anywhere, do anything, just to make ends meet? Retirement age employees still needing to work because they can't afford to retire competing with high school grads fresh out of the gate? I am glad I don't have kids for this reason, I really do not care for this new generation of everyone is equal and fair and gets the same and a sticker just for showing up. Makes me sick. IMO if I was an employer I would look at a more mature person because their work ethic is stronger and it's not below them to work hard. But that's just me.
Maybe - this will help
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Read the job posting carefully. Think about what the employer is really looking for and what skills are required. For example, an employer looking to hire an MT at home would need someone with the ability to work without direct supervision, access to high-speed internet, distraction free work setting, experience, production rate, QA percent, attention to detail and so on. Then you write a brief paragraph stating, GOAL: Acute care medical transcription working from home. Then a paragraph SKILLS: Experienced acute care medical transcriptionist with exceptional attention to detail, private office, high-speed internet, extensive experience with difficult ESL's, multiple specialties, both typing and editing. Consistently high production and high QA scores. Something like that. You tailor it to the job you are applying for. Short and catchy. Then list your education and relevant experience. No more than 1 page max. Bingo! Works every time. Good luck!!

Letter - anon

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You don't work for N, so RIGHT, you don't know. Some companies were gobbled up by them and employees were offered jobs and basically had no choice.

What do you mean, a person never wants to take responsibility for their actions? Just curious, do you?

Your reply prompts me to ask, what do you know about it since you don't work at N?

I probably made you angry...., but with a response like that, who cares?

Letter - why do you throw that same tired - phrase at people - SM

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to go somewhere else if you're unhappy where you are. Seriously, why do you do that?

You know very well jobs are NOT easy to get these days, especially for those of us older (50+) and there is fierce competition with the applicant(500)/job opening(5) ratio being pretty bad for the few jobs there are. Not many can afford to go back to school for a 4-year degree, because they'll be that much older when finished and even further behind because of age discrimination. Cant get hired at age 52? How much better the chances at age 56, then? Let's don't even mention the fact of having thousands of dollars in student loan debt at age 56.

Let's then don't even mention the fact of trying to support yourself on near poverty wages for companies such as Nuisance, while you're trying to get a 2-year degree, or even a lousy 1-year certificate.

Working almost 7 days a week or 10-12 hour days to get enough work to meet the requirements of the company, make enough money to survive, along with having to study for subjects you've never seen before. That's tough enough for the younger crowd of 30-40 range, but after 50 it's so much more difficult.

Please, people, stop and think before you throw that blanket statement at others to simply "go somewhere else." It's useless advice and not even worth posting, not to mention just plain cruel.

If you've been job hunting, or seen the posts on this board, you have to realize it's Not. That. Easy.
Sometimes - people
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post things on here because they have no clue. I work for MModal and when I try to explain exactly what it is like, it is hard to explain in words how disgusting they are. As far as the "go somewhere else" attitude, many people that are young do not have a clue what it is like out there for people in their 50s to find something else. When I was young, I could get a job in the blink of an eye, but I am faced with being in my 50s and looking for work, and it is heartbreaking. After a year of trying to find work and failing, I am going to school. I did not want to go to school at my age, but after that length of time looking, I felt since I could go through TAA, I might as well. I certainly could not go if I had to pay for it. MModal won't lay me off, so I am still looking for work. I figure if I have to work while going to school, I will keep trying to find something better than this rat hole of a job, but am not having any luck. I just take things a day at a time.

Oh yeah, some people just like to come on and make people miserable.
I'm going through the same thing right now - SM
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I think that's a big part of it, being rude, throwing that statement out there.

But I also am going back to school because I refuse to go on poverty wages of disability income. I won't take the easy way out. Just because my body is wearing out, doesn't mean my mind isn't still good.

I can still do things for work and that's what I'm going to school for. I really don't have a choice either. I can do Pell grants for a while, which should get me through 2 years of school. I have no other option, I can't pay for it myself either.
I am 59 - Out of here
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Got laid off from MT at 58 and found another job. No, it was not easy. I looked for a year and had at least 10 interviews but it can be done. I support myself so I am well aware of what that is like. I'm well aware of the competition for jobs. I knew I would make people unhappy with what I said, which is why I apologized in advance. You can get out. If you still want to MT you can go to work for another company. You are not being forced to work at Nuance. Taking responsibility for your actions to me means sending that letter and signing your name instead of posting it on a message board.
To Out of Here - NoMore
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Just for the record, this was NOT a resignation letter as I would have more class than that when leaving a company. I would leave with my head held high knowing I gave 110%, but didn’t get it in return from the company. I have always taken pride in my work no matter what the job or what age. I was venting! Didn't realize it was such a crime. I don’t quite know why your undies would be in such a bunch since you don’t work for Nuance anyways as you supposedly say. To me, your opinion does not hold any weight here whatsoever since you don't work at Nuance. I said my peace and got it off my chest. End of story! If this angered you, well, too bad! Work for this hole, then come back and add your 2 cents, until then, move along.
Fine with me - Out of here
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Stay there and rot, make yourself more miserable than you already appear to be, I really don't care.

Out of here... - you know jack

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If you're not with Nuance, you don't know what you're talking about. Oh sure there are people happy at Nuance, the ones who are so new and so inexperienced they don't know the difference. If you have not walked a mile in our shoes, just cork it up, will you?

All valid points. I am at Nuance and plan... - sm

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...on staying. I also have many long-time coworkers. We are not part of the "droves" that are leaving.

The OP is stating generalities fueled by emotion.

Response to out of here and all - jules

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I was an MLS and then a team lead at Transcend before Nuance gobbled it up. Nuance changed everything that was good into everything that was bad. Those who work for other companies have no idea the changes that we were subjected to. These are not negative postings caused by emotion, these are facts. The tremendous pay cuts, the job losses, the position changes. Nothing they changed was good. I am not speaking out of emotion now, as the changes at Nuance actually did me a favor. I work for a much better company, better pay, complete flexibility, and am very happy where I am. I would not have left Nuance without all of the negativity they caused. I do take responsibility for my actions, and though this was not my letter of resignation, I can assure you mine was filled with much of the same emotion as well as many documented facts that I was able to accumulate. Yes, I burned a bridge, but it was not one I cared to ever cross again. Thanks for your reply and questions; the more people that ask and inquire, the more information we can get out there on how badly Nuance has treated it's teammates.

Three guesses who wrote this! - What a joke.

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My apologies to all - Out of here
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I apologize to all of you for my ignorance, but please tell me my you think you have to stay at Nuance. I have no doubt that you are telling the truth in regard to the way they treat their employees but it is also true that some people are happy there. However, the only one keeping you in your situation is you. Don't give me the excuse that you are 50-something and no one will hire you; I was forced to change jobs at 58, as I stated in my other posts. It was very difficult but I did not need to go back to school and train for another career. A person does what a person has to do. Being unhappy all the time and tolerating poor treatment by your employer does not have to be the norm. You can make a change if you choose to. No, I don't work for Nuance, but that's how the world works.
Last sentence says it all...You don't work for Nuance.....sm - whatever you say
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Until you walk a mile in someone else's shoes, (whether it's that "happy" MT at Nuance or the rest of us who are suffering through for the sake of a paycheck), you can't possibly know enough about either situation in order to make the blanket statement of "if you don't like the way you're treated, find something else" or "there ARE happy MTs at Nuance." You have to actually EXPERIENCE it firsthand before you'll EVER understand why some of us have no choice but to stay, why there MAY be some happy MTs, and why so many of us absolutely hate this job and/or the reasons WHY we hate this job.

Offering encouragement to those who are 50 and older is awesome, but you seriously could've done it without the obvious insulting statements especially since you DON'T work for Nuance, and you DON'T have the first clue as to who is happy and who is not or why.
Actually - Out of here
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I do have a clue as to who is happy at Nuance because several MT friends work there and have told me. I am not clueless. No, I don't understand why you have no other choice, no one ever seems to be willing to share that, or why they felt they had to go to work there in the first place. I get that your facilities outsourced to them and offered you jobs, but you did not have to accept them. You probably loved it when things were good, but now that they've cut your pay or done whatever else it is that they've done, they're the employer from hell. I've actually worked for an on-site facility with the same QA standards as what you complain about: 99% accuracy or our pay was cut 5% until we improved, and termination if it happened again on the second audit. It is probably universally true that no one ever thinks QA is fair. Even though I did well on my audits, I always questioned it. I didn't realize that I needed special privileges to post on the Nuance board. As an MT of over 30 years who's pretty much survived it all, including a layoff after being at the same job for 18 years, I thought it would be okay for me to share. I never meant to insult anyone. It is your choice to stay there because you think you have to, but realize that it is what it is and probably is not going to change.

A message to Nuisance - Pollyanna

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ROGER THAT and then some! I already lost my home due to their low wages and now being threatened about my less than 99% accuracy.

A message to Nuisance-Pollyanna - willow

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Nuance sucks bigtime and shame on Webmedx for throwing us under the bridge. How can anyone live on the wages they are paying? At least at Webmedx we were treated with some respect. Happy MTs for this company are far and few in between.

Why we stay - Anon

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We stay because any kind of a check coming in is better than none. You can't even juggle bills if you have nothing to juggle with. I have faced eviction, had my lights shut off and my water shut off since working here. My health has declined because of stress. Before Nuance took over my hospital I actually had a savings account. I'm drawing food stamps now and sometimes community services has to help me with my utilities. When the "group interview" was held with us we were assured we would be doing the same reports we had done for years with our hospital. "Who better to do the reports than the ones that have been doing them already." is what they said. BS! It was months before I saw a familiar doctor or pretty much any doc from my hospital. We hate to admit defeat even tho we are set up to fail on a daily basis. We know we are better than what they would like us to believe so we work harder, and for what? I have never had to deal with pay for lines AND keep up with hourly pay. It was one or the other. I have to flex a lot of times because my scheduled hours are when most businesses are open. I never learned how to play games like this. My pay was based on my knowledge and skill. Not double talk and having to cover my butt. I've been told I was argumentative because I question some of the dings. I've also been told I am paranoid because I disagree with not being able to see my original report as in RDR so I can see my mistake and listen along with original to see what made me make that mistake. Sorry this is so long and I got off track.

A message to Nuance - PasMT

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I couldn't have said it any better and I concur 100%!

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