A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Just a message to MTs. - Tired&CrankyMT

Posted: Dec 01, 2009

I'm just wondering when was the last time any of us took a moment and researched outside of this forum to get a better idea of what is happening with the MT industry? 

Someone had asked last week for a listing of the largest? MTSOs.  I posted regarding the KLAS MTSO study June 2008, but I wonder just how many MTs actually read it and absorbed the information that was made available to them within the free study.

There's all the commotion about Transcend taking over MDI these past few months that took quite a few by surprise, but the KLAS study dated June 2008 clearly states in a few places that Transcend acquired MDI in 2005, they only just recently merged.  This strikes me as odd that no MDI MTs knew this information from 4 years ago.

Another detail I have yet to see mentioned is how Nuance is just branching out all over the place.  Read the KLAS study to see just how far they have branched out.  It has acquired Focus and more recently Nuance has acquired eScription in May 2008, the platform that many MT-editors rave about on the VR boards.  The eScription platform is in use by a majority of MTSOs included in that same KLAS 2008 MTSO study, but it is the very last paragraph on page 22 of this KLAS study that speaks the loudest to me, further reinforcing my avoidance to seek employ with any companies that offshore work and now to further avoid any company currently using any form of eScription. 

"Another factor that will affect the MTSO industry is the recent acquisition of eScription by Nuance. It will be interesting to see how other MTSOs who utilize the eScription toolkit will be affected by this acquisition since Nuance also owns Focus, and Focus is a major competitor of many MTSOs using the tool. At least seven MTSOs that KLAS is aware of currently utilize eScription."

Sample of the KLAS study can be saved using this link:  http://www.klasresearch.com/inc/download_docs.asp?filename=sample_Medical_Transcription_Services_Organizations_2008_128593275303453750.pdf&filepath=samples

This link will take you to the KLAS site where you can get the link above:  http://www.klasresearch.com/Klas/Site/Store/ReportDetail.aspx?ProductID=484

Maybe nothing will happen and the eScription MTSO Alliance will keep on, but my gut tells me to read between the lines and heed the warning in the KLAS' quote above and expect Nuance/Focus to branch out even further.

I have to ask this. 

Why would anyone seek employ with a company who supports offshoring and/or uses a platform that is knowingly advertised to lower your earnings as an MT, make MTs produce more and eventually aid in phasing MTs right out of a job?  Can someone explain this to me?  See link to read quotes below for yourself:  http://www.nuance.com/healthcare/products/escription.asp

" The eScription platform is deployed enterprise-wide at healthcare organizations throughout the U.S., and is proven to increase MT productivity, reduce document turnaround time, and decrease medical transcription costs"

"Decreases Costs in medical transcription by increasing the productivity of medical transcriptionists. Healthcare organizations can do more with their in-house resources, reduce or eliminate overflow outsourced work, or decrease the cost of outsourced transcription because it’s faster to edit than to type."

There was also another post on one of these boards about 'live transcription' for radiology position.  Visit www.healthdatamanagement.com and read this article from September 2007, "Giving Transcription a Trim."


Let me know if you still think 'live transcription' means the work will be performed by MTs.

Questions for you. - SM

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Why do we drive cars instead of using horses and buggies? Why do we use electric lights instead of candles? Why do we use computers instead of typewriters? I could go on, but I think you get my drift.

Yes, I get your drift - Tired&CrankyMT

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You didn't bother to read the study and would rather keep wearing those rose-colored glasses because the information posted in the above message you replied to with your inane questions currently doesn't affect you much at all. That's my take on your 'drift.'

You sound a bit too cranky - 2 cents

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Whereas your reply is pointless & infantile. I'd rather be cranky. - Tired&CrankyMT
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Here's your sign.
Just like most of your posts. nm - Thankful I have a job in this economy. Not a whin
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Wow... you really did your homework. Time to take off the rose-colored glasses! - wordlady

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I have not yet had time to go to those links you provide but I certainly well do that later on today. Thanks for all of this info, as bleak as it is. Feel like the end is coming in more ways than one.

Trascend acquired two different companies called MDI - see msg

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In 2005, Transcend acquired MDI-FL, which was the Florida company.

This year is when Transcend acquired MDI-MD, the Maryland company.

Same name, but different companies.

Thank you for clarifying that - Tired&CrankyMT

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I knew of there being 2 MDIs, I was not aware MDI-FL had also been acquired and the information mentioned pertained solely to the FL branch and not the MD branch, which now explains why it came as a surprise. Sorry for the confusion, but again, thank you for clearing that up.

In response to MT's posting, yes I subscribe to a variety of industry-specific publications/websites and AdvanceWeb and AHIMA are part of them. Thank you for posting those 2 resources for others to research.

I posted KLAS links... - MT

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quite a long time ago. No one seems interested. If you really want good, up-to-date HIM information, join AHIMA. Advance is also another place that publishes MT-related info. They will also send out their magazine to you for free. This industry is changing every day, but MTs are not following along. We have been left in the dust...and it's our own fault -- out of sight, out of mind.

Thanks for starting a valuable thread on the question of our future. SM - Anon

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Truth to tell, I don't feel taking a stand against offshoring is a winning strategy. That one's already been largely lost to economic and geographic advantages ("follow the sun") as other English-speaking countries (Canada, India, etc.) are developing increasingly skilled workforces. That's just the way it is. Keeping us employed is literally below 0 (negative numbers here) on the list of hospital priorities. Security issues will be taken care of as these nations pass whateer laws are needed to keep the work coming. I do take some satisfaction from knowing that the company I work for, Webmedx, has been working hard to keep work US-based.

On the plus side, the future does seem at this point to include editing jobs, but at vastly decreased numbers per patient factor. That's also the way it is.

My own biggest concern is how to be one of the survivors, and my biggest worry is my age. I'm healthy, all right, but technically fall into the age group that's most responsible for increased healthcare premiums. We're already hearing from skilled MTs being passed over for what they believe is age.

I'm keeping a very interested eye on the public option negotiations. At my company I would't qualify for group plan participation as a part-time worker. By any chance would I then qualify for a public plan? If so, and if needed, I'd become a high-producing 35-hour employee faster than I could say, "Liability, who me?"

(BTW, I was working at Transcend when it acquired the Florida MDI, all aboveboard.)

excuse me, but what is your message?...Promotion of Nuance?..nm - ..

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My message is, as MTs we should really be more - Tired&CrankyMT

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in tune with what is happening in this industry and stop sitting around waiting for the other shoe to drop catching us all by surprise. These message boards are great for sharing industry-specific news, but rarely does anyone post articles concerning things that will be/are affecting us as MTs as a whole.

If after reading my post and viewing the links provided, the only thing you walked away with is that I am 'promoting Nuance,' then sadly, you missed the entire point of my posting.

My take...... - travelinMT

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I work as a consultant and I travel all over the US to hospitals that are basically in a mess with their backlog/system/and or staffing. I have seen Nuance and Powerscribe work in Radiology in a large hospital in Ohio but and that is a BIG BUT....there was only one doc who agreed to get with the program and edit/sign his own reports and he was a per diem military doc who was using the system in the base hospital where they had no option to refuse editing their reports, thus it was the norm for him. There were several docs who insisted on having gab fests in the dictation suite even though they understood the dictation equipment picked up the background noise. There were doctors who were not willing to speak slowly and clearly so that the system could "learn" their voice...the end result was 9 transcriptionists still had jobs editing the in-house voice dictation (at the same hourly pay they had been receiving).

I was sent to another hospital in AZ had the dreaded MQ platform, my job was to edit their reports because the docs did not have the time to do it themselves...Those docs (spoiled puppies that they were) revolted one day went screaming and yelling to the dept. administrator and all the way to hospital administration demanding they dig out the old Dictaphone units so that they could dictate on tape. They said by the time they got into the system (which was extremely slow despite many attempts at fixing it) dictated the report and then going back into the system to sign it off after it was edited (remember not all systems are created equal) it was putting them too far behind in reading their x-rays. They ended up hiring a large well-known transcription service to do their transcription. Suffice it to say that account was on 100% QA and the reports that came back to us were a complete and total nightmare, they might as well have come from India and I ended up having to edit their work...send copies and notations of corrections. There were days when I was so sick of stupid errors I used to send snarky notes to their QA people along with the totally messed up report and say "Please tell me this report did not go through QA before it came to me".

Another hospital in Cali tried the MQ route too, after months of not being able to get the MQ system to work with the hospital's computer system (this was a huge hospital system in the Northern Calif. area), they ended up outsourcing the entire mess to MQ.

These were all huge sometimes multi-hospital Radiology depts. (which according to the article is the easiest modality to switch over to these types of systems). All I am saying is they gave 3 different facilities where they say it worked like a charm and I just gave you three that were all not so successful. My take on the whole situation is...it is only as successful as the docs want to make it. If any type of Govt. mandated healthcare gets enacted and these hospitals/clinics, etc. get busier I think you are going to see a huge mess as they are trying to cope with a machine doing what it clearly takes a real live person to do and make sure it is right. The doc's are not going to have the time to do it if they end up with an even larger patient load.

I have seen several hospitals give up the outsourcing and bring everything back in house with real Transcriptionist editing, troubleshooting and actually using the training we have to assist the doctors in giving the patients the best care possible. I may be just living a dream but I also saw a large teaching hospital in my home town that the docs raised so much H#$$ and refused to sign their reports because they didn't have the time to correct them in order to keep from getting slapped with a malpractice suit. That got the hospital administrations attention immediately.

Just some thoughts from someone who has been on the front lines as opposed to a story/report written praising how wonderful XYZ product has worked by the company that is marketing it.

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