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Question for employed newbies - newbietoo

Posted: Jun 30, 2010

Hi everyone,

I am just wondering about when you first started that first job. How long were you in 100% QA? How long does it take before they let you do what you do without watching every file you hand in? At what point do they trust a newbie to be on there own? I know that it is different for everyone, but I am just looking for a ballpark figure here. Thanks in advance.

QA - MarineMom

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I started with Spheris 6 years ago, and when I started I was on 100% QA for 2 weeks.

When we let people off QA - Old MTSO

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One of the things I always look for is proper grammar and spelling, even on notes MTs send to me. If they do not spell correctly or have correct usage and grammar, chances are they will not make it with me.

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