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Has anyone here completed the Andrews course and - sm

Posted: Apr 02, 2014

not been able to find a coding position?  It seems like the best option, but everyone around here locally wants 5 years experience, so I guess the only other way to get started is as a doctor's office receptionist/biller/coder, which is what they do around here & it doesn't pay well at all because most offices will just train you on the job. My 19-year-old daughter got on doing it but started at $8.50/hr, now up to $9.  Five years as an office girl at a doctor's office is a long time to make peanuts before even being eligible for a "real" coding job.  Is anyone able to get on as a newbie out of Andrews doing inpatient coding?  If not, I'm wondering if it's worth the extra money if you have to go down the same doctor's office path anway.

I haven't completed the course yet, but ... - anon

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Regardless of the program you're using for coding, everyone is going to face the "experience" challenge. 5 years' experience does seem like a lot; I live in a smallish town and have been watching the job ads regularly and so far I've only seen one that has required 5-10 years' experience and that ad has been up there a long time. I'm suspecting not a lot of candidates fall into that category.

When the time comes for me to start looking for jobs, I already know my best chances are going to come from being creative. Again, in my smallish town, I've seen entry-level coding positions available at Behavioral Therapy facilities, insurance companies, private doctor's offices, and even a local sleep center. The lowest wages I've seen for any of those positions has been $16/hour.

I think the key when you're first starting out is to keep your horizons broad and not narrow yourself down to ONLY working in a hospital straight out of school. Keeping such a narrow focus will prevent new grads from getting experience from other avenues first, and then working their way into the hospital environment later. Having said that, I think the $8.50-9/hour your daughter is making in her combined position of receptionist/biller/coder is way, way waaaaay too low.

Why it is so low. - It is not actually coding.

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I don't want anyone to be offended, but someone has to point this out. A job doing reception, billing, and coding is "medical front office." It is not coding.

Transferring codes from a charge ticket to a claim form, taking copays, and verifying insurance is not coding. Even if they look up some codes, they are not "coding."

The pay is right on target for medical front office.

She's the only one there who looks up and inserts all codes. - OP nm

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Does she do this? - Why it takes 12 to 18 months
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The purpose of the education is to enable the coder to code at the level required for the collection of national disease-related statistics and research, for the accurate encoding of a patient's medical condition, history, and treatment which has an increasingly important role in the provision of healthcare, and for the reimbursement needs of facilities and corporations which are caught up in the very complex Medicare system, among others. This is not just a question of matching a code number to a diagnosis and inserting it on a bill.

At this level, coders read entire inpatient medical records including labs and diagnostic testing, understanding them, and they determine the cause of the admission and a fixed number of secondary conditions, including complications and comorbidities that affect the cause of admission and are associated with it in a diagnosis grouping system. They identify certain types of procedures and read operative records of even the most complex surgeries to generate codes to describe them, including assessing if anything was missing from the documentation that needs to be added.

This involves using a very long and complex list of rules and guidelines that are so difficult to follow that the American Hospital Association has to publish official answers to questions on them.

And that is just one aspect of it. I did not mention how we code facility outpatient surgeries or several other things, and I did not mention anything that goes on at a higher level. This is just what a new inpatient coder would be expected to do.

Do those coders "look up codes"? Well, yes, how else would you find them if you haven't memorized them? Do they "insert them" somewhere. Well, yes, but what would you expect? The point is that those activities are extremely minor operations compared to everything else.

That is what coders go to school for a yearor more to learn.
That's the crux of it - SNM
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That's what burns me. I spent a year and upwards of 4000 dollars to work in an outpatient clinic plugging in codes, making 9 dollars an hour. I know I need the experience, but is this really experience? Anybody off the street could be trained to do this. The certifications mean nothing if you have no experience, but this is what happens after a year of training and the money I spent? It's a hard pill to swallow.
So look for another job! - sm
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Are you thinking that you can't even apply if the job lists experience? Because that is just wrong.

If you have multiple valid certifications, start applying and keep at it.

My first coding job paid in the range of what is on the AAPC salary survey (around 34K). Now I make considerably more.

I applied for everything for more than a year - SNM
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I apply for anything inpatient I can find, coding, admissions, unit clerk, experience or not. Only jobs posted are for coder 2 and 3. You think I want to be making 9 bucks an hour? It costs money to keep up the credentials, CEUs are cheap, but the membership dues, review books to keep up my skills. Sometimes it's hard to keep going, but I'm not giving up. I enjoyed my training, so that's why I keep going.
What credentials do you have? - sm
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What credentials do you have? Have you asked your school for advice, and what did they tell you?
If you have credentials - how about this?
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It won't hurt to apply. You have at least SOME experience, so present your best case to them.

qualifying - mt

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What school qualifies you for the CPC or CCS?

Any school will qualify you for the exams - anon

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They don't have to be accredited or affiliated with any organization/agency, they just need to help you PREPARE. The best schools out there are the ones that really take their time and TEACH the material and make sure you fully understand it before sitting for the exams. Any school that helps you feel completely ready and prepared "qualifies" you for the CPC or CCS.

I'm a student of Andrews School and they do that. In fact, the final module that you study is "getting you ready for the exam".

Schools - Andrews Grad

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I attended Andrews and right after graduation passed both the CCS and the CPC exams. From what I have seen on the student boards a lot of my fellow students have done the same.

It was hard work to finish school. I applied for several jobs even if they were asking for experience and was hired as an inpatient coder. The manager told me that the CCS credential made the difference and they would hire someone for inpatient as long as they had the CCS. This facility also hires outpatient coders with no experience as long as they have a CPC.

From my experience the key is to just keep sending resumes and you will find a good match between yourself and a hiring manager.

at home coding - mt

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I wonder if it would be possible, with both the CPC and CCS, to be hired as a home coder without experience, and where do find coding jobs advertised? The local newspaper, on-line somewhere?
Here is where I look for job listings - anon
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Yes you can find jobs without experience, although they aren't as common as jobs with experience. Smaller doctor's offices, neighborhood clinics, treatment/rehab facilities, and smaller facilities are more open to entry level positions than hospitals are, so you'll want to look for ads that don't *specifically state* anything about experience (some list which certifications they require but don't say anything about level of experience - that indicates that they are open), and you'll also want to look for the words "entry level" in the ad as well.

Some places I look for job openings in my town for Coders:


But also I've had the most luck doing just a basic search for Coding (or even Coder) jobs along with the name in my town and that brings up *all kinds* of listings.
No way you will get an at-home coding job without experience - nm
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at home job - mt
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The MModal trainees will qualify for at home jobs with MModal when they finish their apprenticeship. Maybe this is the only way. I don't know if other MTSOs are involved in coding.
Thinking about quitting Andrews - Maybe MModal would hire me
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as a transcriptionist, and then I could take coding through their program. It sounds like it is so much better than other schools, quicker, and I would have a coding job afterwards. Isn't that what everyone wants?
MM coding class - mt
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There is no guarantee of getting into the coding class. So far, they have taken only 60.
There is no guarantee I will get hired after I graduate - I am already a transcriptionist
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Seems like the risk is about equal
MModal coding - mt
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If you're already in the Andrews School, maybe the best thing would be to finish there, and then if you can't find a coding job, apply to MModal as a transcriptionist and see if you can get into their coding program. It's a round about way to get a job in coding, but it's a possibility.
Uh, you're saying ... - anon
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That you're thinking of quitting one the best schools for coding, only to attend a budget quality MModal "training" just to have a job with the most God awful company in existence, when you can graduate from Andrews and find your OWN job afterward?

I am literally shaking my head right now. That's like saying you want to drop out of Harvard Medical School to get your Associates from a local community college ... or trading in a Cadillac for a Pinto. I don't get it. Trust me, there is NOTHING about MModal's Coding training program that is better than Andrews - ESPECIALLY the speed.
It doesn't sound "budget quality" - If they can pass the CCS
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I am just starting -- I can't believe I'm going to be in school that long if I don't have to. If they are getting the same education as Andrews provides, and as someone stated here there is no difference in coding programs because they all teach the same thing, I think maybe I have made a bad decision.
Nobody has "passed" the CCS yet - anon
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They are just THREE DAYS into a 3-month program that usually takes at least a year to grasp, someone earlier this week was already feeling overwhelmed, like the course was going way too fast and she was in over her head AND finally this is a PILOT program, and not a single person has ever sit for the CCS after taking it yet so what are you basing your information on, that it's a "better" program, and that it's the "same education" as a long-established school with proven results for success? Just curious.
I think this is baiting. - It does not deserve an answer
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Nobody could make such poor decisions.
You can choose not to answer it - But life is full of people
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who make bad decisions. Turn on the news. The thing is, you have a coder on here making it sound like the MModal training is the best thing since sliced bread. I almost want to quit my coding job and join MModal. I don't blame new people for being confused and upset.
No one said they all teach the same thing - Quite the opposite
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Nobody said they all teach the same thing. No one even came close to saying that. It would be silly to say it because it is blatantly wrong.

If you are an Andrews student, didn't you research course content before signing up? If so, you know there is a huge difference between courses. You had to know that in order to choose a $3800, 12-18 mont, inpatient & outpatient course that would qualify for the CCS over the AAPC's.

Coder said that MModal employees would - be taught the same thing
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as all coders because all coding programs teach the same thing. They only have one thing they can teach. That is what she said. If I can learn the same thing for free or pay $4000 for it, I'd rather do it for free.
Please provide the post where you think I said that. - Coder
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Can you provide the post where you think I said that, please?

I would not have said that because it is wrong. So, either you misunderstood or you made that up. Let's see which.
It was back on the MModal board - Before it was moved here
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I don't have the time or inclination to sort through pages of messages just so you can go back and edit your response.
MModal coding - mt
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They're offering education and a guaranteed job at home.
You have obviously never worked for MModal ... - anon
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Having a "guaranteed job" with MModal isn't considered an advantage.

Also - don't confuse "guaranteed job" with "forced employment". Anyone who goes through the MModal coding program is forced to work with them for 2 whole years after completion of the program before they are eligible to move on to do a type of work they WANT to do, or else they are obligated to pay MModal back the money invested in their training.

That doesn't exactly sound like a real benefit to me ... I'm the type of person who likes to be in control of their own employment choices. On the other hand, if looking for work and actively pursuing your own employment choices intimidates you then I suppose that the MModal forced employment program might be better suited for you.
MM coding program - mt
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I do work at MModal.

They are giving free education and a chance to be hired right away in a coding job and gain 2 years of experience working at home.

Seems like a good deal.
I also am happy for the coding program and am happy at MModal - East MT
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I admit I was overwhelmed the first day but after getting into the groove it's actually pretty easy. Of course I will get flamed for that too. If I say it is too hard then oh god they are unreasonable and if it's too easy then oh god it's just a fluff class and not worth anything.

I am truly sorry there are people who are not happy here. that has not been my experience and I am so thankful every day for this opportunity. I will say this: Should I ever become as unhappy as the people on the MModal board I will leave the company. but that's just me.
Sorry ... but you won't be going *anywhere*, LOL - anon2
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The option of "leaving the company" won't be available to you ... remember? Even if it's the worst experience of your life your ankle is chained for the next 2 years.

You better hope you love that job with all your heart for at least the next 2 years or else I hope you're saving up all the pennies you'll be earning to pay back the thousands they'll come after you for.
well the *smart* thing to do would be to put the money in an - interest-bearing account for 2 years
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If you love it, great, at the end of 2 years you even have extra to spend. If not you still have their money to give back. What's the big fat hairy deal?
Then you should have applied for it before - so you would be in it now.
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It's tough, huh? - nm
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Yes, it is possible. Some Andrews students - have done it.
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However, they are really good, solid students. They have both a CPC and CCS, I believe. They learned every bit of the material.

You don't even need to go to school - many people just study themselves

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All you have to do is pass a test.

Qualify to take test? - enigma

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I was under the impression that the organizations that give the tests require candidates to have completed an "approved" program before allowing them to take the test. Can you give me some info on which test I can take without completing an approved school program?
You have to go to an approved program to sit for the RHIT or RHIA. Check out AHIMA - sm
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or AAPC to see what certifications you would be interested in without having to attend an approved program (CCS,CPC, CCA).
RHIA and RHIT are accredited, not approved - nm
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You can probably just tell them MModal sent you? - They are the future of coding I think.
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Yes, people have completed Andrews and - gotten jobs in hospitals.

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I did, and I know several others. They have a lot who are getting the CPC before they finish and the CCS right after.

I believe they now have students getting remote jobs.

I think it is worth the money. It is not, in any event, the most expensive program. I have provided cost estimates several times here showing that other programs cost as much or more when you prorate the cost out for the partial programs they offer. Sure, it looks cheaper to pay 1800 for a "coding course," but when you have to take 3 of them to equal Andrews, it isn't such a good bargain.

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