A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I hope this post quells some tempers and fears. Obviously there are a lot of audits going on.
I got the call and my CCM said "just wanted to let you know that you are going great. You were audited and are right where you need to be with quality and are above production level". She said thank you very much and that she appreciated my hard work.
I asked her if she ever frequented this board, she said yes. I told her about the firing posts and she said that people lose their jobs everyday for not caring about their quality, their schedule and their production. That there is NOT a sweep going on. I believe her. She is great and always helpful and informative. AND that yes, there are steps before just getting fired and you will be verbally warned and given written warnings too.
I thought I'd post this to give some hope. I am just an average working gal, but guess it's true, you get out of it what you put into it.
Thats all.