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Is anyone else getting audited weekly?? - fed up

Posted: Jun 13, 2012

Was audited the week before memorial day for 4 days mind you, and made 98.8 and left alone for a few days and bam started all over again and was told my group was being audited weekly.  Been here since 1996.  I can hardly think straight anymore and feel like I am all thumbs on the keyboard.  I am ready to call it quits and seriously go to my unemployment agency and see if they can help find something decent.  I feel like I am going nowhere fast.

Is your account up for renewel? That could be one - reason. So sorry.

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I do not have the answer to that one.sm - fed up

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I actually have several accounts but they may be tied into 1 hospital. They are like subclinics I would imagine. Its been fricken crazy. I don't like the group I am in. I would if they would leave me alone.

audited weekly, yes, new accounts, now - performance improvement

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mentor. After 7+ years now on a constant change of accounts Daily of dictators cannot understand, now is it mandatory to go with the performance improvement mentor? is that where the money is going? is the last step before the boot?
It could be because..... - CJ
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They are having issues with the quality on the account and the client is upset. Also, I found that if you do not pass an audit when they did your audit, they tend to turn around and audit you more until you improve your scores. That is just the trend I have seen in the past.
I don't even care about the audits any more - and I just "failed" one
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I figure if I fail enough of them and get the boot I can collect UE for a while.
**Like** - Kiki
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I am so with ya on this!
That's the same think I keep hoping... UE!!! - Bout time I had a little vay-cay!
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An audit for an audit - MModal Livestock
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The last time I worked for MQ, by the time I got my first audit and failed, I just didn't care anymore. The next week I failed my second audit and quit the next day and headed for greener pastures. Of course, 3 years after that I was sold back to them. Can't say it wasn't disappointing (being stabbed in the back by people you thought were decent human beings usually is), but this time around I've built up at least a partial resistance to MModal's venom.

My policy is if I get audited again, I'm going to audit MModal back. And as an upper manager at MQ a long time ago taught me, no matter how terrible what you're saying in your email is, if you put a smiley face at the end and a picture of a kitten, you should expect the recipient to thank you. I can't tell you the number of times we all got an email saying we were getting our pay cut or a letter saying we were disposable failures with a smiley face and a kitten at the end to blunt the impact. Took me a while to forgive kittens. Gave me bad flashbacks LOL.

For everyone who has to deal with audits, I wish you luck and I hope you remember: We are NOT the failures. We aren't the suits who wrecked this company time and again financially. We aren't the doctors who couldn't learn English or open their mouths. We aren't the techs who made a speech recognition machine that can't recognize speech.

So, if you can read and write your own country's language, then congratulations, you're smarter than most doctors I've met. Print yourself off an M.D. from the internet and get to work. We've got lives to save people!
Don't care about the audits - nm
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I also could care less. The audits are as big a joke as the auditors. Once failed an audit without a single critical error. Nitpicked to death on that one. Maybe we should audit the auditors. Wouldn't that be a hoot.

In my opinion, all this "auditing" they are doing is a bunch of BS... - Kiki

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Like you said, you have been here 16 years and suddenly they may not be happy with your work? Give me a break!!! This is just another tool for them to use to justify cutting pay. They can "fail" anyone they want. They can then use it to reduce pay while on QA and/or to justify letting someone go. They have PROVEN they aren't all that concerned with quality.

I would take their audits with a grain of salt (actually I just take a glance to see what the mistake was and then ignore).

Here's my answer should I fail their audits - old and burned out

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Fortunately for me and unfortunately for many of you, I do not need to work any more and you do. I am audited very infrequently but if I ever get failing grades and they try to reduce my rate I plan on telling them that if my work is not good enough after 40 years they can go ahead and fire me but I will not sit here and work for minimum wage (or less). I find myself almost wishing this would happen.

question - Ang

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So "old and burned out" - just asking here - say you did need the job and they tried to cut your pay and you told them to fire you because you would not work for min wage, would that action (not showing to work and them firing you for that and the audits) jeopardize your getting UE? (job abandonment?) Just wondering how that works. I agree with what you said. It is heinous in my opinion to use those club-over-the-head audits ultra-stupid audits to take money away from people after years of service.As if anyone has time to pick like vultures over those nit-picking marks to challenge the audits. Insanity.
Sorry, don't know the UE rules - old and burned out
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I would not be applying because I don't want to look for other jobs. After this, I'm done, retired. MM is bad but I think any other company that would allow me to work 16 hours a week would be bad as well. It's very sad to end up like this after putting 40 years into this but I will not sit here and work for minimum wage.

I work somewhere else, but they did the "audit" - song & dance to "justify" lowering pay. nm

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I think I am on their "hit list." - fed up

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Since first being brought into this group I have been passing their audits except I failed my 2nd audit but that was months ago and since then have been passing again. I did receive 1 critical error for not putting in a DOS even though 1 was not dictated but just because the dictator stated "today" in his report and I should have known to use "today's date." Like the above post said "they can fail you or pass you if they want. its as simple as that. While the last 6 years have been trying with all the things they have been throwing our way I now feel like I am on another planet because up until 8 months ago for the most part was left alone and my QA leader was always lenient and told me "the audit is just to let you know to slow down a little." I was always told my work was good.

For the last 6-12 mos I had been getting audited - weekly

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It made me crazy. I always passed, but I felt way more nervous trying to please QA than the customer.

P.S. I found another job (above poster) - no name

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The auditing thing and the Big Brother watching and sending me "productivity" reports (and the lack of earnings) were the reasons, not the work.

Audit question - TXMT

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I am fairly new here, not quite six months yet, and I have not heard a word from anyone about any audits. Am I possibly missing something here? How do you know when you're being or have been audited? Does it not come via email?

I am of the opinion these audits at 99% are absolute BS as well. - especially as at bust my a$$ doing research

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to turn in a medically accurate report, but the fact I did not correct an incorrect job type, or did not add an "s" to the end of a word I continually fail my monthly audits at 98.6 to 98.95% and get talked to constantly about my "quality." It frankly is all I can do to not laugh in their corporatize faces. I am not paranoid, I do not think I am on any "hit" list, I think I am saddled with a uber-anal QA person who will not let anything go. Save for the RARE occasions where I miss a dosage or hear one med when another is being dictated, I am excellent MT, but not according to my CCM or QA person, my poor quality needs to improve. And here is the rub, when we are ENCOURAGED to turn ASR up to full speed in order to make production, you are going to make mistakes..and even then, my mistakes are MINOR. So pretty much expecting to be terminated any time now. The 99% that is expected and the deductions that are taken are absolutely ridiculous.

And if they audited every one of us as often as they do what is clearly a small pocket of MTs and held everybody to this 99% that they have determined, there would be NO MTs working for Mmmodal.

OCD/stupidity/insanity - Ang

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What gets me the most is the constant switching back and forth. One day supposed to add "he" at beginning of sentence, next day don't.One day add heading GENERAL in PE if not said, next day don't. On and on. Psychiatrists treat people for obsessive stuff like that. "Had had" which is legitimate in some cases is constantly changed to "has had" when that is wrong. Critical errors marked for TERRIBLY slurred words, values, etc. And worst of all, being audited out the kazoo when MM does not show for work. NJA all week but audited to death. And a 50% pay cut to boot. Asinine beyond belief, and deeply dishonest.Will be gone VERY soon - praise Jesus!

Here...here...indeed. - Micromanaging Neanderthals

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you are absolutely right about constant switching.. - fed up

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I don't like their attitude of how we should be at 99% and then if you happen to fall a little below they act like you are the worst MT ever. You made me laugh about the OCD part. They expect blood out of you and nothing in return for your hard work just another pay cut in store.

audits weekly - mt

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Those weekly audits might just be AuditX feedback from the audit team who perform maintenance audits on the accounts you are working on.

If the account is having quality issues, it will be audited more frequently. The idea is to get them back to their quality level.

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