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farewell to the proficiency stats email - no more emails

Posted: Mar 14, 2013

the latest proficiency stats email says it will be the last - which is good because I don't think anyone likes them.

I've been deleting them without even opening them. - bd

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That's probably why they now stick the graph in our faces when we're trying to work.

Good ridance - Not Boosting my pay

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We always have been able to figure out our lph on the statistics portion of DocQManage or whatever it is called now. Plus recently on 7.2 we see a graph every time we upload a job letting us know our average plus the amount of inactive time.

As for the other email, ever since they started it I never use half the functions they were meausuring and my numbers never changed. I refuse to hook my cursor up to the voice and look at that gray bouncing rectangle so I always get a 1. Show me something I can actually use and I might consider it.

How about they measure how many times in a shift my up arrow gets stuck and I have to use Ctrl-G to unstick it? How about they measure how many times ASR can get the same dictated phrase wrong in a single dictation? How about measuring all the extra doctors and full addresses I have to manually enter for a 60 second report and not get paid for? If they truly want us to Boost our pay then they need to focus on what actually is costing us production time and money. The up arrow getting stuck, adding extra carbon copies for free and fixing the same phrases in ASR over and over.

Sorry, should be riddance. - Long day

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When IT was confronted with same error over and over, said needs more training with that doctor. - been years training this one nm

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Good Riddance - Oldtimer

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I just find it amusing that there were so many things that needed to be corrected on the DQS and all they did was add those statistics as far as I can tell. How about fixing the "dictated for" feature, or the question mark beside the doctor's names or the multiple other things that need to be fixed. I just got the e-mail to download 7.2 today and I already have started to ignore those graphs. Sheesh!!!

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