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how do you resign nicely? - wrongfit

Posted: Oct 12, 2011

I have a bit of a dilemma. I took on a 2nd job with a very nice (albeit small) facility. It wasn't my first choice of specialties but now I have been moved to an even different one than hired for and it's taking me all day to get stuff done (3 jobs totally 14 minutes took 1 hour and 22 minutes to type and I am not slow). It's all completely foreign to me and I am not making any money (about $3/hour at this rate). I would like to let her know that I will no longer be working for her as of this Friday but I would like to do it nicely because, as I stated, she is SUPER NICE (a good person too). Just looking for some advice on wording, etc. Anyone?

Resigning - Webber

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I would just either call or email her and explain the situation to her. I would make sure that she knows it is just not the right fit for you at this time. I have had to resign from a few second jobs lately because they were not the right fit for me, so I know how you feel.

That is what the probabion period is about. - and it goes both ways

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If it doesn't fit you, then that is just as valid as the MTSO determining you don't fit them. You can leave without worry.

"Probation." - reallyidonttranscribethisbadly

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LOL ;)

I had to do that, and I really felt awful - But

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It was a small company. They were so nice and the QA was great. Actually, the pay was even decent, but I just could not stay for many reasons having to do with the account, not the company personnel. What good is a decent pay per line if you still can not make good money because of the actual account.

They were so good to me. They praised me and thanked me, so I did feel bad. You have to look out for number 1 though. I did give them 1 week's notice and worked as hard as I could. I told them the people there were wonderful and I was sorry, but..... I was used to making more money than that and was offered a great opportunity to do just that.

Don't worry, they will replace you with no problem.

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