A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

We should all resign... - Let the Indians have it

Posted: Dec 23, 2010

I say we all send Ms.Thing an e-mail with RESIGNATION in the subject line.  That could be her Christmas bonus.

If we'd all stuck together the very first time they cut our pay, we might have a leg to stand on now.

Screw it.  I'm having a big ol frosty margarita!


Right on! That's my plan - sm - Medibird

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Wanted to for a long time now but I've been trying to wait until I had another job lined up. But you know what? I'm just done.

I'm taking a certified nurse aide course right now, got a week to go, then clinicals and the state exam by Jan. 15, so hopefully I can be employed within a month. I'm really nervous walking away without my safety net fully deployed, but I'd rather tighten my belt some more than continue to condone all this with my cooperation.

I totally agree... - anonMT

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ASR is nowhere near ready to replace the MT, and if we all went on strike, they'd realize just how valuable skilled, experienced MTs really are. Then maybe, just maybe the clients would realize that cutting the pay of the MT isn't the best way to save a buck.

re: indians, medibird and anon - resign

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do it then. More jobs for us who ARE happy with our jobs!

"do it then" really? - anonMT

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I have a right to be paid a fair wage for the work I do, and I also have a right to stand up for myself when I'm being underpaid. If you're making a good wage here, you're either an MME or a sloppy transcriptionist. And you know what, if you are an MME, I'd love for you to have to do my job; and if you're a sloppy transcriptionist, I'd love watching MQ and the clients suffer through your poor quality. Maybe then they'll appreciate those of us who actually deserve to be here.
To "Resign" - Happy with your job, really?
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You must be one of those who is happy with minimum wage. I don't know ANYBODY who is happy with a pay cut. Go back to Burger King.
re: anonMT - sm
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Wow, just got back from my 5 day holiday. It was wonderful.

Yes, you do deserve fair pay. I get fair pay for a good days work. I am neither an MME nor a sloppy transcriptionist and if you think that those are the only people who can make a fair wage with MQ than I agree, YOU should resign.

I do straight transcription, work 6 hours a day, 5 days a week and support myself, household with 2 kids. I don't "suffer" through poor quality jobs. I've just become (as we all should) accustomed to interpreting what it is our ESL dictators are saying! It has ALWAYS been the job of an MT to figure out what the docs are saying! Always!

So make your stand already and if that "stand" means resigning, than do it already. No one should be that unhappy in their job for gosh sake!

(I'd bet all the cookies in the jar that ya'll are just bluffing though...)
re: sm - Kiki
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I agree. It's just a bluff, they're just venting tho.

I also am able to make it working with the Q, supporting myself, my household and 3 year old son AND still help out mom when she needs me. I am also neither a sloppy MT nor an MME. I am a MT/ME.
to: "cookies in the jar" - anonMT
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If you only do straight transcription, I have no doubt you're happy with your job, but I'd "bet all the cookies in the jar" that if you were working just as hard for 4 cpl, you'd be on this board venting, too.

Yes, I could resign; and, no, I'm not bluffing. Job/career change takes time, and if my resignation allows more work for you, more power to ya.

BTW, ESL dictators aren't the only ones who produce difficult dictation. The EFL dictators in my company are actually worse than the ESL dictators. So, I'll say it again... if my resignation allows more work--my work--for you, good luck with that. You're gonna need it.

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