A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

another strong arm F11 weekend reminder..sm - ratherbefishing

Posted: Apr 21, 2011

Another "strong" reminder about working Fri, Sat and Sun and also the F11 DO NOT DO IT! reminder by our CCM.  I would like to see a CORPORATE message on this, because I think, like the former post way below, some of the CCMs are misreading the dictate from corporate.  But of course, they are all off until next Tuesday.   Everyone have a Blessed Easter, Passover or Spring Celebration ---   Suits take advantage of the so-called Christian holiday, even though they may not be Christian or Jewish or Messianic Jewish.  

The only time I have used F11 was when there was an extensive standard and the ASR in NO WAY followed it. 

Sick of hourly changes and interpretations, it is like God's Word -- people all read something different when the message is actually all about LOVING each other... 

I can remember when there were hurricane and other natural disasters that affected us oldies.  An across the board memo was sent out that if anyone would like to work an extra hour or 2 for those impacted then it would be done.   A list was given at our local office, and you could pick one (or all) if you so desired.   I once had my CCM actually transcribe an entire 2 days while my husband was in ICU critical.  WOW!!  That is supporting your coworkers! 


Despite asking numerous times, I have never - dnr

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been able to get an answer from my CCM as to when an F11 is warranted. Hmmm... How many corrections per line??? 3?? 5?? Never? There gets to be a point of making corrections that I want to be paid for my time! But who ever said the Q had any sense of fairness or care for us drones. The only place MQ says anything about F11 use is in the training video which basically amounts to never. It says to F11 if the report entirely bears no resemblence to the dictation and for any dictator standard to be inserted. I'm just too tired of all the "free" stuff I give the Q - searching for ADT without getting paid for it, adding cc without getting paid for it, along with the addresses for the cc; and some account profiles result in numerous cc required for every single report. Not that I would every make it these days, but there isn't even any incentive pay. With the latest F11 use threat, my counts will likely be even lower because of the increased time editing compared to saying enough! and hitting F11.

McDonalds had a job fair. At one site, there were 100 applicants for 3 positions. They pay $2 more an hour that I currently earn doing work that patient's lives depend on. I used to make a lot more than McDonalds' employees.

F11 not a solution for more pay - Mountain MT

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You do, I hope, realize that doing an F11 does not change the work type to straight transcription, so you are not making any more money by redoing the entire report instead of making corrections.

The reason the CCMs won't give you a definite number for the number of times you can F11 is because people will abuse it to that number. We shouldn't be using that. I have never, ever, ever found a dictation that warranted an F11. It really just sounds like a lot of sour grapes and that ya'll are so upset about pay, which trust me, I am too, but suck it up buttercup. You do have a choice and thankfully we have jobs. Many don't.

Uhh, yes F11 does change it to straight - transcription, buttercup

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Who are you to say we shouldn't be using F11, when it is even included in training. If it was not supposed to be used AT ALL, why would they have created it in the first place? Gheez, wise up, and if you have never, ever, ever had an ASR report that deserved an F11, you are one almighty lucky person, probably the only one in the company. Congrats! Actually, buttercup, you sound like the sour grape, and oh so willing to suck it up!
I don't think so either. Job still says (SR) in the - job line and I think
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will be figured at 60% ASR rate even if you F11 and type it. Doesn't take away the (SR) in the job line does it?
it may still say that, but check in line count - under detail to make sure
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If you do an F11 on a job, write down the job number and then after you upload, go into DocQmanage where you do your line counts and click on detail and then transcription to see if it is under your transcription rate or correction to see if it us under ASR rate.
Like other poster said, check under - the transcription
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line count for that job, it will be there.

Wrong - mes

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You most certainly do get straight line pay if you F11. If you don't want to use it, don't, but you should not tell other people that they don't get straight line rates for doing it because you do. Keep on doing that fantastic ASR you have, but the rest of us don't have it so well.
My point is this. sm - nowwhat
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Okay, I addressed this way down below. Though I DON'T like getting ASR, it is how this industry is going. I myself also do NOT use F11, as most reports I get (and I am a Tier 3 with everything) don't really merit a F11. The only time I get a report that is so fractured, every other word wrong identified by ASR and most especially when there is a standard to be used do I F11. We were told, unfortunately, that we are not even supposed to be using F11 for standards. Now that my friends is the utmost of Ridiculosity!!! The reasoning given by our CCM is so the ASR can be trained correctly, and it is instances as this that we are to create a QCare so the standards can be fixed to match the doctor and job type standard. (I have ice water I sell to the Eskimos too)!! Don't irritate our fellow MQers, we are all in the same boat. Telling someone to suck it up is condescending.
A helpful hint and one that I suggest. MQ just pay ASR rate, that way there is no way F11 could be abused by those few who would only use it to the max to get straight transcription rate. The future is ASR unfortunately, and all MTSOs are paying less for it. Not fair, but again look at it this way. We DO have a job and we DON'T have to pay the high price for gas to get to a job everyday.
LOL - mes
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Boy, you really do have a problem if you want them to stop allowing F11. That is really a stupid remark. How about I have you come clean my house and then have you clean my neighbors house with no extra money. I'll bet you would be glad to do it because you would have a job.
mes, did u think i was agreeing to stopping F11. sm - nowwhat
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absolutely not....
no - sm
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but you said stop paying transcription rate if you do. That's what you said.
Yes, you said that in your post - anon
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word for word "A helpful hint and one that I suggest. MQ just pay ASR rate, that way there is no way F11 could be abused by those few who would only use it to the max to get straight transcription rate.

Also, you told the poster telling someone to suck it up is condescending, and they weren't the one that said that. It was gold ole Mountain

I don't agree with you, just because we don't have to drive to work doesn't mean it's okay to cut our pay down to peanuts and we should just be thankful we have a job. I bet you do have some ice water for the eskimos!
OH MY GOSH!! You people are UNBELIEVABLE!!! sm - nowwhat
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A person cannot sympathize with anyone on here and not get flamed!!!
Yes, I DID say pay the ASR rate and use the F11. The only other option is TAKE THE F11 away, which they have, because people have misused it to get straight transcription pay. I DO NOT LIKE BEING PAID for my experience with
ASR pay, but that is what we are getting and the suits at MQ have no qualms or remorse over letting us go. ALL MTSOs are following in the 3-4 cents per line for ASR/VR.

I knew it was Mtn Gal who was the condescending one. I as much as told mes I did not mean that person.

The ice water for Eskimos was concerning how MQ says we are "training" ASR to put the standards and docs in correctly.

So, because some few choose to get around others of us who are trying to stay compliant in an ever almost impossible world that MQ has created for us by F11'ng to the max for that extra money (which in all rights we SHOULD be getting the big bucks for ASR) we have now lost another feature that might have helped not only us, but the ULTIMATE end that should be a priority in any MT/ME the CLIENT and the patient behind it.

NC has now cancelled ALL unemployment benefits, so being laid off in this state means even more stress. Also, give some compassion to the hundreds of people affected to the devastating tornadoes. I remember the old MQ and how much they helped me during a serious crisis. Unfortunately, it is gone.

I don't like what has happened to this company I have stayed with over 18 years, but I also know I need a job.

People who think I was being mean by saying give us ASR rate and be able to keep F11, please open your eyes and realize the entire industry is going to ASR and unfortunately MQ led the way in establishing the poor pay rate for ASR.

Anon, you constantly amaze me with your bashes. But then again, there is always someone on here who constantly needs to be a catalyst of chaos.

Sorry, but you don't make sense - anon
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The only other option is not to take F11 away, and no they haven't done that! Maybe a CCM did for their team, but that is it. If they took it away it would no longer work!

And I do feel compassion for the people in NC affected by the storms, but I don't know how that came into this.

I don't know how I constantly amaze you with my bashes, as I haven't posted on here for over a year. Have a good day! I plan to.
Confusing also to me... sm - nowwhat
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Okay, there are so many who choose to use anon as their nickname. I stand corrected you are not the anon we get constantly bashing.

Yes, I know F11 is still "working", but according to our CCM it is absolutely not, under any circumstances at all to be used. I said a long time ago, this is utter RIDCULOSITY! I agree, why have a feature and then not allow it to be used.

Why did I bring in about NC, because this is where I am from and I was simply stating the sadness I feel because MQ used to be so compassionate and cared about the welfare of US. That is a thing of the past, and actually it is the state of this world mostly. Just like NC taking away unemployment benefits.

It has become to the state, due to my health, I stay in a position where I can be at home. I am a home-bound individual, as is my DH now who just underwent serious critical surgery.

I roll with the punches of adversity because I have too in order to feed our family.

Again, if this is the first time in a long time you have posted, realize there are many, many, many who choose to say anon and it could place you in a position of being misunderstood.

And yes, I am having a good day because I am getting work and no NJA.

Well Mountain MT - CyberlandMT

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You are very fortunate indeed if you've never had an ASR job like the one I had yesterday. Dictating physician using a standard with more than 10 headings, plus saying to use a combined standard (of which there actually wasn't one, was just using headings from the two different standards available for her), on top of which she wasn't even dictating in order of the headings. Back and forth, back and forth. Enough to make a person dizzy. Not to mention how crazy ASR put all that in. Now really? Do you, or MQ, or the client expect an MT to have to deal with all that and not use the F11?? They can ding me all they want, but I will not do something like that on ASR. I don't care if they don't pay me straight transcription pay. Well, yes actually I do, but still would rather get rid of all that nonsense ASR slings in and just type it!!

Get the facts straight, F11 does convert - MQMT

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the report to straight and you do get paid your straight transcription rate for it. Of course, you have no way of knowing this because you never use F11. When F11 is used, the report shows up in the transcription list and not the correction list on statistics page and can be easily verified on paycheck if you keep track of line counts. It is interesting that people whose jobs are "honky-dory" think that everyone experiences the same, and the other way around. Just because your ASR accounts are good does not mean that everyone has the same luxury. Unfortunately, blinders are a safe way to go through life for some.

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