A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Web E-mail - Anonymous

Posted: Sep 26, 2013

I cannot access my web e-mail.  I believe there was an upgrade happening this week (thought today).  Now they want user name and password.  Is our name our e-mail address and is the password the same as the one we log into the intranet with?  I'm hoping it is just down for a few hours until they do the upgrade.  Any thoughts?  Thanks!

won't work for me either... - always something

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Why do they fix anything? They always make it worse.

Down for me too ... - anon

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When I click on my desktop icon that's always worked perfectly for me the whole screen goes blank and this is the message I see:

Error: Access is Denied.

me too - same message

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Web Mail - NY MT

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Down for me too!

just changed to a new format - shoot me now!!!!!!

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New Format - Anon

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Totally agree terrible new format! Looks like something so outdated....

where are all my folders? - gone

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This sucks... give me back the old sucky one.

How do you know? - anon

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This is what I see ...

Service Unavailable

Web E-mail - Anonymous

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Well the new page is there to enter my user name and password. Is our user name our e-mail address? Still won't let me in... ugggg

There was an e-mail about upgrade on the e-mail system a couple of weeks ago.
Yes, the user name is email address ... - anon
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I'm "in", and I see that I have one new email but it won't let me check it, it just says "server error" instead so I'm guessing it's still a little wonky.

It's a little different, but I don't know ... I don't think it's terrible or anything.
what is the email - MT
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Our email address is first.last@MT.US.Mmodal.com correct? I never remember this one. And password is the same as we used in the replaced email? I'm trying and it's just sitting there.
HA! Now it's back to the old system! - this is CRAY
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E-Mail back up - NT MT
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Regular e-mail is back up and running normally!
Web-Email - Anonymous
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So much for their great upgrade...:)

So glad I can count on answers - here!

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I rely too heavily on the "stored username and password" and have a hard time remembering. :-/ Glad I'm not alone. Thought I'd been canned and they forgot to tell me. :D

I thought the same thing you did - that I was

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canned! Imagine the stress we are under if we worry about being canned all of the time, even over the web mail not working.

I told my husband that also, - guess they canned me.

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Every phone call from them, every time the system runs slow, any urgent email... I give myself a heart attack at least once a day. This is an awful way to live.

Web E-mail update - Anonymous

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Well got in but am now getting server error when I try to open my inbox. Hopefully they will get it straightened out soon!

Getting the same thing ... it might take a few hours - to work out all the bugs - NM

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