A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

To ASR technical people- feel free to add - frustrated with ASR

Posted: Jun 11, 2010

Why is there is no consistency with ASR with each doctor or account?  If an account does not want b.i.d. or t.i.d. then why does ASR put it in?  There are certain symbols (&) and terms (q.daily) that are not permitted on Docuscribe but yet ASR uses these symbols every time they are dictated.  These are just of the meaningless changes that we have to fix OVER and OVER and OVER again.  

Here are my suggestions:

1.  Let the doctors know on each account what terms are not allowed on their account per the CP and tell them to start dictating First Time Right! or program ASR to insert the correct term or phrase instead. 

2.  Make ASR account specific.  Some accounts want all capital letters for physical exam or for allergies and others do not.  This should be easy enough to program ASR to fix.

3.  Check the spellcheck for ASR- many words are spelled incorrectly.

4.  Put actual MTs on our ASR programming team, we all know that non medical people are programming ASR and only making it worse.

5.  Check out other companies ASR programs, Medquist's program by far is the most user unfriendly and time consuming and not getting any better. 

While I hope someone sees this from ASR programming I am not holding any hope for ASR getting any better.  However, it made me feel good to vent.  Thanks for listening!

No, audit ASR and if below 98% twice, fire it. ;) - volcanic vent

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It's junk and very unfair to be paid less after being forced to use this "tool." The only thing worse is doing 100% QA for ILP.

Yeah if it was an employee, it would have - gotten the boot the

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first day.

Frustrted with ASR - Adios

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This is why I called for action a few weeks ago. I felt if we all asked these questions of upper management maybe they would pay attention. Nobody seemed to agree.

I am frustated as well. I tried again to request changes because I was told this was a priority now. Was told we have to send in internal job # and usual info to get it changed. Well, it's not just one job. The numeral/number thing has been driving me crazy but I was told outside programmers have to fix that. The dangerous abbrevs make no sense to me at all.

I just don't think they have a handle on ASR and I'm sure they don't want to spend the money.

All ASR is is an excuse to pay us less and charge the clients less. If they had to parade this program at some MT show, they would be terribly embarrassed. But it's not about pride, it's about the almighty buck.

Pretty much says it all about our Country right now. Pay spin doctors to make everything sound good and don't worry about the rest, just the bottom line. American pride is in jeopardy.

Done venting.

I believe originally it was supposed to - anon

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work that way. Whether technical support for ASR got too expensive or if somebody up high just decided First Time Good Enough, who knows? I can't understand why ASR isn't even consistent in the SAME report! Sometimes it will put numeral 1, sometimes it will spell it out. Sometimes it will put mg, sometimes milligrams. It can't even make up its mind in the SAME friggin' report. I think they grossly underestimated the time and expense it would take to get ASR to work properly for a company as large as MQ with so many hospitals and doctors. For one hospital and a few doctors, it could probably be fine tuned into something usable. For us, it is just a nightmare that we have to live with and scoop poop after (for minimum wage sometimes).

If they pay the programmers like they pay - dnr

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us, then we got what they paid for. Good programmers don't work for crap pay, but they don't care, we clean it up for a cut in pay.

I don't think - that ASR s/m

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will ever learn things like "Ativan" or "GERD" (pronounced, not spelled out). I finally added an expansion to expand "at of an" to "Ativan." Or how about when they are dictating a list and say "Next" and ASR continually types "NECK: " ?

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