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My Ipswitch email is down. What is with all the technical problems lately?! - nm

Posted: Feb 06, 2013


We have the best technical support staff in the industry! - bwaaaa haaa haaa

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Great tech support I just had a few minutes ago - FossilMT

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Said his name was "Philip", accent so heavy I had to keep asking him to repeat what he said, then he got impatient and started speaking to me like I was an idiot. What he told me to do did not solve the problem, and as I was telling him that, he disconnected me while I was still talking!

I would send an email to "abbreviation" - and make a complaint about phillip

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That is ridiculous to be hung up on. I would certainly claim the time spent on the phone so you get paid.
I agree.. - me
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report his Indian butt! To hang up on you in inexcusable. He should have transferred you to someone who can speak English. Maybe someone will get the message that all of us in the USA cannot deal with their Indian IT department.

Had one a few weeks ago - old and burned out

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Couldn't understand him either. CCM said if the Indian techs can't solve the problem, it should go to an American. She did not answer me when I asked if this was automatic so I guess you have to ask for a US-based IT person.

Usually you get an automated - Dinosaur

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email regarding the service call you placed. There is a link in this email to provide feedback on that service call. I'm not sure if it still works that way as I have not called since India's IT took over, but if it does I would certainly provide feedback.

Same thing happened to me. Tech had me - in tears. Treated me like crap.

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He was so impatient and tired of repeating himself to me and I was not understanding him at all. I even told him he was being rude and I was trying on my end. He got me so flustered that I began to cry and told him I did not need to be treated like this on the phone and he hung up on me. I did report him to the my CCM and emailed her which she in turn emailed her higher ups.

a) It is only you experiencing these things. - b) It is the slow season

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c)There are always technical problems this time of year. d) It's always feast or famine with technical problems.

Tech support - sm

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Tech support is nothing more then an idiot at the end of the phone with a computer searching his instruction list of know problems for the program..NOT to be confused with a real IT person that actually knows about computers..You get what you pay for, which is not much..

Totally agree. I was on the phone - over an hour

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just to figure out how to log into MModal. I kept telling them all they need to do is reboot the system for me so I can use a new password. I ended up telling him what to do and he finally figured it out after we went through the steps together. GEESH!

Yes, this company gets what they pay for. It takes the tech 10 minutes to figure out how to spell my first name. Hahaha.
My antivirus is not working. I give up. - another North MT
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Kaspersky is disabled. I called support and got Larry but I know that was not his real name. After an hour of remoting into my company computer he told it was fixed but it isn't. Kaspersky is still disabled. I figure if the computer crashes due to a virus the company will pay me downtime while I wait for a new computer and then I can thank Larry for a nice vacation.

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