A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

TAA info for MQ'ers, call NJ TAA coordinator - pattypan

Posted: Oct 04, 2010

I lefit MQ a few weeks ago and filed for unemployment sending a large amount of background documents/emails/paystubs, etc., to document that the job had changed, people were being laid off, work gone to India, etc. I've been trying to work with the local TAA person, but he is more confused than I am, but he did give me info with the phone number of my state's TAA rep, who called me right back and said since MQ is a NJ company I had to contact THEIR TAA coordinator, in the NJ Dept of Labor and Workforce Development in Trenton (609-777-2594). I left a message and we'll see where it goes now. I have a different part time job now and boy that unemployment $$ is a lifesaver.

Be prepared for a runaround.....sm - mb

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First of all, congrats for getting away from the Q! I bet it feels like a weight off your shoulders.

I and some other people here have tried to get TAA. Seems like we all get told the same thing, you can't get it if you have quit your job, you can't get it if your income was cut so much that you are still working and are on unemployment (like me). They only way to get TAA benefits, we have been told, is if Medquist gives you a letter stating you are going to be laid off or have been laid off, or if they have your name on some kind of internal list which they would present to the TAA people, stating we are about to be laid off, which, of course does not exist because God forbid we should get any benefits from this shoddy company.

Otherwise, we have been told we're out of luck by the TAA people.

I did manage to get hold of my CCM one day and asked her about getting TAA and she said it was "only for the managers that got laid off last year and doesn't apply for the transcriptionists." Now ain't that a kick in the head?!

To mb: - Kiki1

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You say you are getting unemployment while you are still working at MQ? Do you know how much your pay has to have dropped? Mine, like a lot of us, has dropped by almost half and I'm in big trouble here. I'm sure it's bad across the board at all MT companies and I'm not in a position to do anything other than work at home, or I surely would. UI would probably help but I didn't know you could get it while still working? Any advice on how to do this would be GREATLY appreciated.

To: Kiki1...sm - mb

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I got real upset back in January when after the holidays there was no work, so I applied for UI in my state (Michigan). Yes, my pay has gone down quite a bit. I've lost my home to foreclosure, my car and I've had to file for bankruptcy this year. I've applied for lots of jobs but any job openings here fill quickly and not with someone who is over 50, which I am.

I've talked to the TAA people at the unemployment office several times. There is nothing they can do for me unless Medquist lays me off, which of course isn't happening.

Sorry I don't have many answers right now, all I can tell you is what worked for me. I'm living in an apartment right now and every day have to drive by my home that sits empty because I could no longer afford to live there. It really stinks.
To mb: - Kiki1
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Thanks so much for responding. First, I'm so sorry that you lost your home. I never had one to lose in the first place (live in CA and can't afford to buy even the tiniest condo), so I guess I'm "lucky" in that regard. I pay over 1000 per month for a crackerbox apartment, but it's home to me. Wouldn't know where I'd go if I couldn't stay here, but I might have to find out. I, too, will most likely will have to file for bankruptcy soon.

However, you say you applied for unemployment but didn't say if you got it. Just wondering if it's worth the trouble to go the the unemployment office if I'm still working, even though my income has dropped. How do you prove your income has dropped through no fault of your own, though?
To: Kiki1...I sent you an email....nm - mb
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No msg
Hey, Kiki1 - You can always come here
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I live way out in the country in S. California but have some land where you could park an RV or something so at least you wouldn't end up out on the street.
Same boat - Just Sayin
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I'm very sorry to hear about your situation. I am also in the same boat. Filed bankruptcy last year, am now losing my home, etc. etc. I'm still working here at MQ but have NJA quite often. If you have any info on how to apply for unemployment benefits while still working, I would appreciate if you could E-mail me. The treatment we have received should be illegal!

Got my answer - pattypan

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The NJ TAA coordinator called me back right away and was very helpful, but he said whatever state you're paid in is the state that is responsible for TAA application process. Mine is Minnesota. I was approved for "partial" unemployment benefits while I was still working for MQ. I went into their office to apply, took documentation such as pay statement showing my drop in pay, emails from supervisors showing no/low work, the TAA decision determination documenting work going to India, MQ financial statement documenting planned layoffs of 80% of US employees in 2010. You can get those off Google. It is worth going through the process, even at my lowered pay rate at MQ, I get about $150 a week in UI while working part time elsewhere now.

planned layoffs of 80% of US employees in 2010??? where is this documented? - nm

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In MQ 1st quarter financial SEC report-exit and disposal plan-nm - pattypan

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can you provide the link or quote re 80% layoff; can find only ref to 80% work obligation to CBAY - which is not the same thing -- n/m
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