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So now it is "most improved MT" of the month! sm - mqmt

Posted: Jun 24, 2011

I guess they are getting desperate and giving 50 dollars a month to "most improved MT."  They will never learn, that is not the way to keep MTs or anybody for that matter.  This company is so so stupid and when everybody has left they might, might understand.  Wonder if they really care! 

feel sorry for those that win - North MT

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That means you were horrible before, but now you are not so horrible. You are not good enough to win MT of the month or the best butt kisser, just not so bad that you are being performance managed. Way to encourage everyone to be average! And $50 that you get to pay taxes on too. Yahoo!

If MQ wants to have an incentive for MTs how - sm

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about better pay, not docking pay for reports sent to QA, a yearly raise...oh, that's right, this is MQ that does not have a clue how to motivate MTs, just degrade them with no raises, docking pay for sending to QA, no yearly raises, having to beg for a raise if you ask for one, lousy dictators, lousy sound quality, etc.


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I swear you all can never be happy about something! You're probably the same ones that complain that you don't get a gift on Christmas or MT week! So, now the company decides to show appreciation for people who make an improvement and BASH! you complain about that too!

I for one would appreciate a tiny token gift for improving, ESPECIALLY if I finally conquered a difficult dictator or several accounts (and the bouncing back and forth)!!! Even a call or an email would make my day!

I, for one, work on 18+ accounts and a few of them have NO CLIENT PROFILES to help me out! Talk about walking the tightwire for accuracy. Some people complain that going back and forth to check client profiles takes time, try having to call different CCMs for each question about a client without a profile in the bank!!

As far as they "will never learn that it's not a way to keep an MT"... I think there are a lot of people who would disagree with you. I do.

AND, to those who are struggling and making headway, I SALUTE YOU!

You should run for the leader of the "can't win for losing and never every happy" club.

I would like a gift of appreciation for improvement - anything for that matter. no msg

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re: gift - sm

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I struggled and struggled with VR and one extremely difficult dictator. After months of him I have it down to near perfection. I would LOVE fifty bucks for finally getting over that hump!
Me too. I'd take even the tiniest crumb thrown my way. - nm
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Well said, Jorja - Well said

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I couldn't agree more. I can't believe now somebody is complaining about a bonus actually being offered!!! Who cares what is is for. I think for some people, nothing will ever be good enough!

Glad to see your happy with CBAY - USMT

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This is really a no brainer - whether you are happy or not
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FIFTY dollars or NO dollars? Pretty simple. I would take $50.

after q taking and takin and taking, and exptecting - more and more and more

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the $50 most improved MT thing does NOT impress me. i, for one, have on intention of kissing up to anyone for this. and they can feel free to fire me whenever, as i'm sure that would be a blessing.

You only get what yo pay for. nm - mqmt

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NO CPs in the "bank" ? - sm

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If there are no CPs for your facilities, that would be EASIER. How can you be expected to know the correct formatting, etc with no CP? Perhaps you mean sample reports in the repository.

I have never seen a facility with NO CP. Some are retrofit, which means to follow DocQscribe quidelines.

And by the way, MOST of us work from a very large BOB in addition to being called upon to help out on an equally extensive set of facilities outside our CCM's BOB.

SO, its good that you would be happy with your "token" $50. You'd be lucky to get about $30 after they tax it. And that is precisely why the "company" does what the "company" does.

re: sm - s..m

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I think with such big issues with accuracy that not having a CP available would be aggrivating, not easier. And just bcuz u haven't had it happen dusn't mean it isn't so. I have accounts like that to and they dingged up my accuracy more than the others. I think what happens is so many accounts get added so quick they can't keep up with the CP or report repository. Another thing, I got a $50 gift card and it was wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. Oh, and another thing... I love my job and am thankful to have it and also thankful that they are taking the steps to showing Appreciation for our hard work. They don't have to ya know. So many sad sallys here.
Another happy CBAY employee.....nm - USMT
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yea right

Yet another happy minimum wage worker!! nm - mtcupboards

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I'd like to know the circumstances of the "happy" - versus "reality-based" SM

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MTs in this discussion. Are the happy ones younger, not in the MT business very long, have a second income from their spouse, etc.? I have been doing this since the 70s, and I know how I would view this $50 thing. After everything that has happened to destroy a once lucrative profession, I am astounded at the happy posters who seem to think they really care and are acknowledging hard work. Sad.
ditto to you - L&L
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I too started in the 1970s. I remember being respected, honestly compensated for my work, and not nit-picked to death.

50 bucks. Whoo pee

That's not going to cut it for me either.
50 bucks - yikes- sm
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I remember when we received 50 bucks per pay period when we reached a certain line count. In the late 90s early 2000s, I was paid 9.5 cents per line straight typed, and 50 bucks every pay period to accumulate and to be paid out every quarter (almost 50k a year! now thats woohoo worthy!).

Fifty bucks for most improved in an economy like this makes me want to invest further in my fantasy of giving up the American dream and just living off the grid somehow. Seems very defeating, so much so that it is almost like an intentional slap to keep us in our place. I am not fooled by this at all, then again, I have been around too long, maybe thats the problem.
re: Sad - mm
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So if it's so sad and you're so astounded that there are actually MQ/C-bay employees that ARE happy and ARE glad to be recognized for improvement, and ARE making a good living, with or without a spouse/second income than why do you continue to work here? If the MTs that are ancient, super experienced and still sulking that this profession has changed dramatically over the decades, like THOUSANDS OF OTHER PROFESSIONS HAVE then why do you stay? Surely all your experiences and sharp wit/thinking can land you another job.

Today to the average American, 50 bucks is 50 bucks, and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't pass it up if you found it on the street, right?

Kwitcher-belly aching for your sanity's sake. This job is NOT going to ever be what it wasy. I have also been doing this since the 70s and have accepted (NOT RESIGNED) myself to changing with it. I surely don't make what I used to, but I make a good living for sure.
AND most importantly, I AM happy. And that's the reality, for me anyway.
I work for $$$ - not gift cards
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my pay check is all the "appreciation" I require. How other professions have changed is irrelevant. By the way, if you found 50 bucks on the street it would be tax free.
okay you win - poo poo on the card that will be taxed
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I feel so so very sad for those posting how angry and insulted they are at the thought of getting a fifty dollar card from their company. I feel especially sorry that they cannot be and refuse to be happy in this job. Carry on then, have a field day crying and whining. I have work to do. Saturdays and Sundays are my huge money days. o_O
i doubt you'll get a gift card..... - nm
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OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD - Well, aren't you all just "company" people? : ) - Beethoven

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Reads like.. - tonybinca

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a Medquist plant!

What I would appreciate - sm

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is getting my production bonus back, my weekend bonus back, all my shift differential back, fair pay for ASR (prefer none), paid for red headings, being able to send to QA without punishment. Let's see....Did I forget anything?

Oh yeah, paid to be at work, paid insurance, free lunch and a gym, all of which CBay employees get.

If they hadn't squeezed out the "higher paid" oldies to hire cheap newbies, saddled u - with deplorable ASR output

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they wouldn't need to find a way to try to stimulate quality and production. Of course, they discard the obvious - incentive pay rewards production, and an obtainable incentive pay rather than these games they have played when they offer it occasionally. If they didn't put the screws on the oldies who are paid more and probably/possibly producing more and better quality, they would save money by having less employees. If they were providing the promised quality of ASR output rather than the crud they give us that is slower to edit than to retype, they wouldn't have to be paying "make up" money to bridge the gap between ASR cpl and minimum wage for a good number of people.

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