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So MM is offering 7 and 3 to new hires now?? - sm

Posted: Apr 18, 2013

As per the post below, 7 and 3 pennies per line.  Seriously, when will the madness end?! They have got to stop treating us like "typists." Actually, even a typist would make more than that.  You'd be making like 7 bucks an hour!! Oh I am just hopping mad right now. This company is just appalling.  Glad I am planning my escape.

To sm - Cheela

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Gosh, I've got Plan B, C, D and E for backup plans of escape BEFORE they nab me into their awful noose! I hope a huge lawsuit happens due to this gouging of people in our field...and due to wrongly-interpreted VR/foreign accents!

You're a smart lady... - sm (see message)

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I'm still hanging in there at this company, but it is only a matter of time before they cut my pay to that 7/3 nonsense. Hopefully I will be long gone before that happens.

She only needs to submit her offer letter to - Unemployment for proof..sm

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at 3 cents per line, you would have to basically skim through the reports and average 4,000 lines per shift to even average $15 dollars an hour. Her current pay I believe she said is $20.18. She definitly qualifies for unemployment/underemployment.
getting an offer letter from hospital or MModal - Cheela
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I called the sales rep from MModal last Friday and asked if I'd be getting an offer letter breaking down how I'd be paid, etc. He hemmed and hawed and tried to set me up to talk to his HR person; no straight answer from him. He said that the hospital's HR director and MModal's HR person are working together on a package of some kind and then tried to convince me that they are helpfully trying to segue us with a seamless transition from our jobs to MModal, "not having to hassle with unemployment, keeping your benefits and 401K's", etc. HASSLE with unemployment? I DESERVE a break from these cruel tyrants!

Not suprised really. - anon

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They are simply trying to align the cpl with avg lines per hour so they end up paying all of us minimum wage.

explains a lot - like why they are still hiring

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get rid of those pesky overpaid MTs and replace them with newbies willing to take 7/3 for the privilege of working from home.

They would need 3 to take my place - Guess I am a target now

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I guess I am a pesky overpaid high producing MT and should be watching my back.

That's exactly right. - sm

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I am just disgusted. They already save so much money with us working at home, not having to pay for the space, utilities, etc., etc. You would *think* they would take that into consideration. I just can't believe there are really people, even new hires, that are willing to work for that pittance just to work at home. It baffles the mind.

Sadly, too many new hires - do not know better.

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Many, IMHO, think those rates are just starting points with raises in the near future. BTW, I have not worked for MM for 5+ years, but received an online job listing that MM is hiring. Maybe I will apply and see if they offer me those rates with 25+ years exp.
they will - anon
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I'm pretty sure they will; I started with them back around 2006; I was an IC before getting 11 cents a line; I got offered 8 cents and I had close to 30 years experience; of course 2006 was before ASR and when they were giving bonuses so 8 cents a line wasn't too bad, considering I also got benefits and didn't have to pay self-employment taxes.

Stinking economy and outsourcing - Cheela

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People are so desperate for ANY kind of work. We're turning into China/India, a caste system, where the many poor (formerly middle-class) are slaving for the few rich. Corporate America (actually corporate INDIA for MT's anyway) are/is killing the middle class. I just hope my H&R Block lady was correct when she saw my earnings in 2012. Said by October I would qualify to pay "only" $83 a month for health insurance. Hope unemployment pays enough for me to have THAT!
Actually Cheela - this job as you know it has..sm
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changed so much. It really is technology driven now and what is not done by technology is done for cheaper labor in foreign countries. I do believe that editing will be around for a while so for those who do well with editing and are blessed to be able to average at best $100 or more per shift, I would say they may still have a tad bit of job security left; however, that is even debatable.

I was in your shoes about 4 years ago, making over $20 per hour with a base pay of $16 per hour plus production based incentive brought me up to about $22 to $24 an hour. I worked for the same hospital 12 years before being outsourced to M*Modal.

It was indeed a huge eye opener. From what I can tell now, the MT jobs offered through these companies are only good for part-time work and supplemental income. I just dont see it as being a viable means to a career that you can retire from. The job has just changed. It's no longer medical transcription per se, it's editing and proof-reading documents produced by software.

Yea the economy sucks, but even if the economy was thriving I think this line of work would still be headed in the same direction. It's all about cutting cost and improving technology. Someone here once compared medical transcription to telephone operators - Their jobs were taken over by computers and we are being replaced by technology and cheaper labor.
Except, sadly - 10 months to retirement
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That cheap labor does not know what it is doing. Patient care is being jeopardized. I wonder how many expensive malpractice suits will have to be settled before hospitals decide that accurate record keeping is inportant, and maybe it would make sense to have those records prepared by qualified people in the first place.

So MM offering 7/3 - kittykat

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What about rad, it is by report.

I dont think anyone knows for sure. One person - posted that yesterday. I have not

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seen anyone else post and say that is what they were offered. Not saying that person is making it up, just saying no one else has mentioned it. I still make 6 and 9. I have not heard or read anything different.

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