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Landmark offering 3 cpl and so does TTS. - anon

Posted: Dec 07, 2012

No jobs out here and what does one do as they are offering us 3 cpl but then you know they want the weekend coverage and the 2nd shift because those are the worst.  Oh, but you can get a 1/2 a penny more?  What is a half of a penny?  Maybe in another country, but surely not here where it is hard to live on minimum wage.  Then supply your own equipment.  Augh.  Plus look at their test?  I'd be a nurse then...and be more respected and can save a life.  Right now, I can't even save myself.

isnt landmark IC also? - That is insane

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It will not stop until we stop accepting these jobs.

Could not make minimum wage on 4 cpl. now 3? - anon

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There is nothing to do. Unemployment runs out. Asks if you are turning down work? Well, do they understand 3 cpl and all foreign doctors, 10 hour days and still not meeting the required 1500 lines in 8 hours. Nobody does. Even contacted my senator. He wrote back 2 months later stating all what HE is doing and how HE does not agree with ourtsourcing and that HE is--like all politicians--wanting American jobs done here. Just wants me to know how much he is doing and to vote for him again. Meanwhile...back at the 3 cpl job...oh, I am the 47%, still will be at 3 cpl also, but I have to know nursing answers, or I failed the test, but they cannot tell you what you failed. I'd rather work inhouse and see Judas face-to-face.

You're saying you can't make 1500 lines in 8 hours? - me

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Do you work for Landmark? I ask because if you are only making 3CPL at 1500 lines that's about $5.50 an hour and that's way below unemployment, at least in my state (probably all). Can they keep you on the payroll if you are making under min wage? That's terrible. I feel so bad how this career is ending up.

Then to top it off they want - years of experience...

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It's like these places really are trying to put the final nail in the MT coffin.

TTS has option of employee or IC..what for IC 4 cpl? - anon

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So 3 cpl and an employee status is such a good deal...OMG, I guess I should go back to school and see what other job there is after transcription for 30 years.

That is how they get you to cover weekends and 2nd shift also. - anon

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They tell you if you work weekends and evenings, then you will get a crumb more. Is this what a "ha-penny" is? It is a Christmas song isn't it???!!! From yester-year. Guess we are going back. Yes, transcriptionists are making a 'ha-penny'
Happy Holidays..3 and a 'ha-penny' or give a dog a bone. - anon
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TTS - Pooh

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I used to work at TTS and they were at least 3.4 CPL on Escription. I was offered a job at Landmark on Escription for 3.0 CPL, which of course, I turned down. Who is THAT desperate?

I love the ad from TTS.... - MT10

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It says something like, "Monday through Friday plus rotating weekends." Well then, that's not Monday through Friday, is it?

I love the ad from TTS - ex-TTSer

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When I worked there, the rule was on the weekend you worked you got 2 days off during the week. The problem was, it couldn't be a Monday or a Friday, or even 2 days in one week. It had to be 1 day off before, and 1 day off after you worked your weekend. Needless to say, I didn't stay there long.


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If we continue to give in to their low wages, we are hurting all of us in the long-run. TELL THEM NO WAY!

I agree, but unfortunately, people will continue to take those jobs nm - and wages will continue to go down

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As the job market for this profession - becomes less and less...

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and for whatever reason some of us cannot change careers at this stage of the game, I gues a lot of us feel that some income is better than no income. You just cannot arbitrarily tell people not to work when they have to, no matter what the pay is like. I understand your position, but you don't seem to understand others' positions either. Many of us are stuck between a rock and a hard place, and will take just about anything to keep some income coming in, and I guess in the meantime, hoping something better will come along. Please be a little more compassionate and stop BOLDING your posts like yelling at us with something we have to do. We don't respond well to taking orders from someone who knows nothing of our situations. sorry.

Don't tell people how to post. - No Particular Message, Really

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don't tell people not to take jobs and - not to work..no message, really
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No one said not to take jobs and not to work, but there are sm - Doing this a long time
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companies that pay more and you shouldn't settle for just "some income." When you just shrug your shoulders and say "that's the way it is" and accept the pittance that is offered to you, you definitely are contributing to the situation. I'm not a big fan of M*modal or Nuance, but from what I am told, they still pay more than 3 cpl and they are always hiring. For that matter, Target is always hiring and they offered me $11/hour for holiday work, which I think would be more than the 3 cpl would net out to be. There are always options.
Umm, post above says Do not take these jobs. - So, yeah, they did say that. nm
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as job market for this profession - nowwhat

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It's people like you who are driving the wages down, down, down in this profession. And people like me and the OP who refuse to work for 3 cpl and would just love to see the strangle hold the MTSOs have on this profession broken. Are you going to get out from your rock and a hard place when they want to pay 0.5 cpl? I'm really not into your collective "we","us" mentality . . . speak for yourself.

as the job market - passingthrough

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I try to look at this in a positive light. While people are out there struggling through the ESLs for 3 cpl I'll be whipping along through the half-way decent stuff because I held out for what I'm worth. The way I see it, for whatever time is left in this profession the MT is going to have to specialize. Personally I find it satisfying to take on new specialties that I'm not familiar with. I'm learning something new every day. So maybe ESLs could (and should) become a specialty but it's a crime they only want to pay 3 cpl for someone to do it. I know it's scary to face hostile employers and risk losing your job but, like they say, no pain, no gain. I was looking for a job when I found this one.
These wages... - Me
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I'm not going to tell people to not accept these jobs, but I know I won't because I'm worth more than that. I've been doing this a long time. I have knowledge that a newbie does not have. As far as VR, it doesn't take any less knowledge of medical terminology to do that job. Speaking for myself, I will NOT accept these wages.
Low wages - OAF
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Just took a low wage position. If you have bills to pay and need work and it's the only offer that has an actual day schedule - you have to make the choice!! I held out - unfortunately after two months of being offered awful shifts and all weekend accounts I chose the lower wage. You gotta to do what you gotta do!
these wages - Katie
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Good for you. No self-respecting MT should accept this kind of pay. What insulting wages.

As the job market for this profession - becomes less and less... - Katie

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So, now that the pay is going down to 3 cents, and in some companies it is, how low of a wage are you willing to accept? Do you not have any self-respect? If you have kids, have you checked out childcare assistance if you decided to work outside the home or if you decided to go back to school to learn another vocation? You'd better start thinking about another career, because before long it will be 2 cents a line. I don't know how they get away with these wages they pay, but they are. Apparently the labor department doesn't care. These wages are slave wages. Stop being their slave. 3 cents now, then 2 cents, then 1 cents, what then, .05 cents per line. These MTSO's are laughing at all of you slaves.

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