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So, HDSM says - we HAVE to get this backlog

Posted: Apr 03, 2015

down. Oh, but BTW, she will be gone Easter weekend. :D

We??? We who? Her and the mouse in her pocket?? - Pffft..., that backlog could sit there and SM

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I'd ask flat out who do we contact for help and questions while you're gone and we're working like troopers on this backlog, and I'm so sad to hear that you're not working to help on this huge backlog.

They can shove their overtime and backlog.

Her little OT minions will help - they always do

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ME, Im going outside to enjoy this beautiful Friday

I don't understand - anony

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If you don't want to work the OT, well okay then. Why do you choose to jump over those who want it and/or need it? I don't like doing it unless it is mandatory. I don't fault anybody for taking it. I don't know their cirucmstances. At times, for me the "extra" money, as little as it is helps after our pay has been cut so drastically. My money will only stretch so far. Debating which bills will get paid this check and which will have to be delinquent. what a way to live. Remember fondly 10 or more years ago when you could make a living with this job and have money left after paying bills. Just trying to hang on the best I can.

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