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Questions for past/present auditors - CT

Posted: Mar 24, 2014

Couple of questions for any past/present auditors:

1. How long were you with MM before you moved to the auditing department?

2. Were you actively seeking the move or were you offered it out of the blue?

3. Are you making more or less than you were on production?

4. Do you focus on a certain number of accounts similar to HDS/SHDAs or are you required to cover whatever comes across your desk at any given time?



answers - answers

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I was here for just over 10 years.
I actively sought it out because of work load availability issues.
I make 75% of what I did as a transcriptionist, but you get holidays off without using PTO and 3 sick days in addition to your PTO. Schedule is strict M-F, no weekends.
Clients are much wider variety, although do become consistent over time. You know before the month starts what clients and how much you are required to do for that month, so it doesn't just "end up on your desk" like with transcription.

Hope that helps!

Very helpful, Thank you!! - CT

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My TSM/QAC have no helpful ideas on how to get into auditing, even though I actively seek it out. How did you find out about the opening? I'm going to be speaking with an internal recruiter just to pick her brain later this week, not actually for any lateral or upward movement, but I'm curious how you found out while you were still in the trenches.

Is PTO accrual is the same rate?

Also, if you don't mind answering, are you now hourly or salary? I don't imagine you'd be production as part of auditing.

Thanks again for your very helpful answers!

more answers - answers

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I kept deligently looking at the internal job postings on MQ Central. I had applied for a long, long time for many, many different positions trying to get out of transcription.

I had no credentials or additional schooling other than an MT certificate (not CMT). I hem-hawed for a long time about getting further education. Last year I started going to school for a health informatics degree and then got the new job (quite easily, it seemed), so I don't know if that had a lot to do with finally getting a new position or if it is just a coincidence.

PTO accrual is the same rate and I get paid hourly.
Also very helpful. - CT
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I'm finishing an MBA in HIM/HIT, on my third team in 4 years, and not "cohesive" with my current team leads. Ick. So, any hopes of getting a good rec out of her would be close to nil. Although, I still have a positive relationship with my first TSM, so that's a bonus. I suppose I'll keep stalking the internal posting...

Here's to hoping things fall into place my direction, too! Thanks for all your answers :)
Thought of one more, sorry. - CT
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Sorry I'm bombarding you with all these.

Do you only audit domestic MTs?
i think so.... - ?
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Now that you ask, I don't believe I have ever had a non-domestic MT.

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