A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

This is a poll of sorts. No company names needed. - What is your line rate?

Posted: Oct 20, 2014


IC 10 and 9 cpl. nm - HTH

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IC with national ~ 7.5 cpl - Unfortunately

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Employee - 9.3 for notes, .12 for radiology based on.... - nana7

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a 50 character line rate.

IC 7-8 CPL depending on your production - typing only, no VR at this company nm

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3 cpl editing/8 cpl standard - SickNTired

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.09 CPL IC. Straight typing. - nm

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9/10ths of a cent? I hope that was a typo! - nm

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MTSO/9.75+0.075 shift differential typing and - 6 cpl for VSR (99.9%

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of my work, but I don't mind it); 15 days paid vacation; health/vision/dental insurance; short term disability; long term disability; life insurance.

Who's the MTSO? I want to work there! nm - Drooling

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IC with local hospital at .15 cpl - Gave My Job Away

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IC - Anon

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Craziness, but 4 cpl VR.

line rate - anon

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0.875 with no spaces counted

9 and 10 cpl, both IC - nm

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6 cpl per 43 character line, straight typing - ZvilleMT

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0.08 text, 0.04 speech, frequent bonus to help out with overload - anon

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cpl - anon

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9.8 cpl for 50 character line with spaces, straght typing only, with benefits

Employee with MM, 9 for straight, 5 for VR - nm

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IC for MTSO - approx 11.8 cpl typing - see msg

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I'm not paid in US dollars but with today's exchange rate I get approx 11.8 cpl / 10 cpl if sent to QA. Plus roughly 0.5 cpl bonus for meeting a weekly production target.

0.15 cpl. IC - direct contracts w/private clients - No MTSO

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11.25 - Sad

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Employee for a company that just lost the account.

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