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Ok, I'll bite. Is ANYONE able to make ends meet at M*Modal? sm - Sick of being sick

Posted: Dec 30, 2012

I am not asking if you are happy.  I haven't been happy being an MT for years.  I just want to be able to pay my bills, have an income and pay my bills.  I'm not making what I made years ago either, but I can pay my bills (not much left over after that's done.)  I am stuck with M*Modal for the time being and not of my choice.  I have worked for other large nationals that were constantly bad mouthed, and I was able to make a living at them.  Does anyone have work?  This place sounds unbelievably bad.  All I ever heard were complaints about my last national being a stinker, but I could live with it and may have to go crawling back to them with my tail tucked between my legs, if they'll take me back. I can't take early retirement yet or I would tomorrow!  

I was able to until a few weeks ago - something drastically changed

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We were on mandatory OT for months and months. Suddenly there is no work. I have a total of 9 hours in this week. I have a total of 14 hours in last week. The week before, 22.

I was told the accounts went to India. I know there are some regions with work yet, and I dont know why I cant have any of it, but I think that a whole lotta people are going to be without work soon. I have a really bad feeling in my gut that I cant shake for quite a while now.

I guess it depends on what kind of - bills you have...

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I am now living on about $300 per week most weeks. I kind of feel like I'm being prepared for life on Social Security which I guess I will be taking soon.

Only if you can live on $66/wk---- - Lee

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I have only been getting about 9 hr/wk for about 2 months now....I'm thankful my income is not the main one in our household.

nope - corgi

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Like another poster, I was on mandatory overtime for months but everything has dried up or reduced come October. My income has gone down over 50% since I started at Medquist/MModal six years ago. I'm sticking around presently for the health insurance benefits for me and hubby; at 55 and 59, I feel it is important for us to have insurance. Yet I am incredibly frustrated with learning new accounts, the stupidity of ASR and what it picks up. But right now I feel I need to stay put, as frustrating as it is.

If you can make ends meet on 30K - then yes

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Last year I made 29500 and this year it looks to be closer to 32K. By some miracle I still make 10/6 and have plenty of work. However, I personally don't think 30K is a lot of money in this day and age.

I made $29,500 - down from $32,000 last yr

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Down from $54,000 in 2001. Vern &Amy et al needed my money

I made 22,600... down from 47,000 in 2006 - someones gotta pay the big wigs

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The hunger pains do go away...

All I can say is thank God I have a retirement check - sm

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and bennies from my last real job..this pays the extras so I can afford to really retire soon

I made 22 K down from 36K 10 yrs ago - sm

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and I work a heck of a lot harder also

I went from $46K in 2009 to $18K this year, working 15 more hours a week. - anon

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I feel sick when it comes time to pay bills. I have cut out every luxury (including meat that isn't a mystery) and still can't make ends meet anymore.

M-Modal wages - McPeg

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I was forced into working for M-Modal after they purchased the company I was working for. I was immediately forced into doing VR work, which I had never done before. To this point I had already seen a decrease in MT wages from an average of $40,000 (that I used to make 5 eyars ago) down to just under $20,000. But now, doing VR, I was not even able to make minimim wage. This is all much too frustrating. They want expert skills at slave wages.

I had to walk away from M-Modal. The company I was working for was paying .08 a line, so when M-Modal took over, they offered me .04 a line for VR work. The only problem is that the VR work took just as much time to do as if I had typed the report myself, so I don't understand how they claim it can be done in half the time. It just is not realistic.

If anyone can make a decent paycheck at the wages paid by M-Modal, God bless them. But I wish us MT's could organize a huge "Walk-off" and let these companies know that we are no longer going to tolerage the wages they are offering.

The whole thing sickens me. My marriage is in jeopardy over financial issues that were never present until MT wages declined so horribly. Now I am stuck between being too young to retire and too old to start a new profession.

Making Ends Meet - GR8MT

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My company, too, was bought out by eminem. However, we decided to move from one coast to the other to move in with MIL because she needed us. With no rent, no utilities to pay (except internet and heat and lights in her garage where I have my little office set up), it works out quite well. We paid our own bills with my 401K until it was gone and hubby finally got hired for a job with less pay than mine!!! Yes, it is a struggle, but you do what you have to do.

The answer then is to move in with the in-laws - anon

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It's brilliant in its simplicity.

The key is obviously to redefine the idea of "making a living."

For those of us without the "in-law solution," maybe we should join up in communes and if we could maybe get 10 or 15 of us per "home" we could make enough to keep a roof over our heads.

Making Ends Meet - GR8MT

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I was not trying to be funny. My MIL has short-term memory problems and was becoming unsafe to live alone. Plus, she was pretty lonely. It just makes sense to do it this way. She is scheduled to have a carotid endarterectomy soon. But, we plan to stay with her until we retire.
I didn't think it was funny. I think the plight of the MT is horrifyingly sad. - anon
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I think that is fantastic that you were able to find a solution like that.

My point kind of was that isn't it sad that you can make ends meet only because you have that living situation.

I was mostly being sarcastic about the MT life in general and how we must redefine what it means to make a living at this job.

Truly no offense was meant towards you at all.

Making Ends Meet - GR8MT
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No offense taken. But, with the economy, I think this may be the answer for others as well. We had to go to the laundromat when we lost power here due to Sandy, and I talked to a young couple there who were doing their laundry while their in-laws took care of the baby. They were all living together and sharing expenses. If you can all get along, great.

Just one answer. I know it is not a perfect solution. I would love to have the pay I used to receive, but I think one has to just face reality and deal with it. As I learned years ago when I went to an Al-Anon meeting, "Don't expect him (the drinker) to do the right thing. So, I guess that translates to "Don't expect the MTSO to do the right thing." Quit being disappointed. Face reality. If you still love the drinker, or the MTSO, adjust your attitude or do what you have to do to stay. Fortunately, years ago, I decided that since I was not married to the guy and we had no children, it was time to get out, and I did. Now I have a nice husband. As far as my MT job, I can keep it until retirement, which is only a few years away...
Making Ends Meet - GR8MT
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Addendum to above: I meant to say "Hopefully, I can keep my job until retirement."
Excellent point, attitude is everything. - anon
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I have another 20 years to retirement so I suppose I need a long-term attitude adjustment or a winning lottery ticket.

You are correct though, either change your situation and if you can't (which I am in no position to do so at the moment), you better make the best of it.

Your are also correct that the MTSOs do not care and will not be changing, unless of course they get worse, which is always possible.

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