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Many CCM, QC and tech people let go today. Guess they - gotta pay for all those new management hires. nm

Posted: Oct 08, 2012


In India. - NM

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No. Here. - nm

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Just got email--My CCm is no longer with the company - Lee

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I am gonna miss her--she was really great to work with. I guess the firing has begun---Hope I am next!

Same here. Shocking! - anon

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They will probably just double the workload - old and burned out

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for all the remaining CCMs. I watched this when I worked in the office. If anyone did a good job they just kept piling on the work until they quit and then, of course, had to hire someone who was not even half as capable. Great management style! Way to go MM!

We must have the same CCM. Got same email. smg - Fossil

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She was really great. Always answered my emails and IMs promptly. Always approved my time off, though almost never take any, that is why I have 110 hours saved. LOL.

Really gonna miss her. Would like to know what happened.

I have her cell phone number and her hotmail address, so may give her a call tonight.

Better use up that PTO, you can only roll over - 40 hours or lose them!

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It's also possible - oabo

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that all of her accounts are going to India.
Not likely. Too many being let go. And the MTs of that CCM, they - are still working, arent they? nm
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I think only a couple of CCMs were let go... - They had too many anyway

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Hopefully they weeded out the nonresponding CCM. Mine - probably did not even get the

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the email they were being let go since they appear to never check or respond to remail anyway. Are they replacing these CCMS or merging jobs or ?

Letting them go. Gone. CCMs, QCs, and - Tech people were let go. nm

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Not all of them - I never got an email

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No, not all of them (cantcha see Vern in CCM position, lol) - But all here talking CCM and it is also SM
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qc and techies.
Why would they let QC go? Don't they need them to - fail MLS on audits? Who will take
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over that job now? Vern? Amy?
Who will take over? - Indian QCs
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This place is getting crazier and crazie by the minute.
Consolodating. Fewer QCs doing double work. QCs still - here having to take on more work.nm
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from what regions? - i have not heard anything
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where do you guys get this information?

Mine doesn't approve PTO until the last minute. Unfortunately, - they did not let her go. NM

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Bombast her with emails saying you need to know & follow steps - in MT/ME training to escalate requests. nm

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Isn't scheduling & PTO requests a main part of their job?! I don't get why they - dont just do their job! nm
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I've seen it before in other companies and what happens - in these kinds of positions is the
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person looks at it as basically a base paycheck. The flexibility of the position then allows them to pursue other interests while putting in minimal effort to collect that basic paycheck. From descriptions on this board of nonresponsive CCMs or late answering CCMs, it's probably the case with many of them. How many of the CCMs actually have a transcription background? That right there tells you their involvement in the job is limited to a small piece.
I dont beleive this for 1 minute. I am related to a couple of x-CCM, - They worked way more than 40 hrs/week. nm
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yeah, right! - prove it.
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They barely do anything.
If they put up with attitudes such as this, they do plenty for that - paycheck. IMO, of course. nm
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Not everyone can be the golden child. - leave me alone
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I think - anon
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They probably work more than you do.

That's nasty - anon

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Wishing someone would lose their job in this economy. Remember Karma.
When she's not doing her job & screwing my life up, yes I do. - nm
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Still nasty - anon
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Because she didn't "Hop to" and approve your PTO immediately? Get over yourself.

Does anyone know why? Are they the dead weight - or just consolidating? My mgr is

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still here, but really wish they were gone. Totally useless if you ask me.

mine is the best boss I've ever had - downtime

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And I'm kind of worried because there hasn't been any email in a few days.

So if you didnt get an e-mail, you CCM is still safe? - no email

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I hope shes still here, and my QC. :(

Do you know what region they were in? - Sort of curious (nm)

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My CCM is gone too - anonymous

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My CCM was in the SE region

SE region CCM gone here too. She was great too!..smg - Fossil

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Hope it wasn't "SM" I really liked her. - bye bye birdie
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west region - Lee

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Lee, I'm in the West region. - Would you mind posting their initials here? (nm)

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LM - Lee
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Did she come here with a buy out? - nm
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Not sure, I have had her about 3 years - Lee
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Gotcha. You anwer tells me it is not who I was thinking. - nm
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Thank you! Miss everyone :(
Thank you! - LM
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Miss my team
We miss you too. - Underpaid and Unappreciated
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We have no one now.

Mine was from the North Region - NM

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please give the initials... - did you get an email?

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I have heard nothing and I am freaking and no one will tell me.
If you didn't get an email, your ccm is probably safe - NM
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I'd like to think so, but email has not been - all that reliable. nm
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Dont freak. These kinds of changes really dont affect the MT. You still do the crap work - for the crap wages. It is not like a SM
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different CCM or QC is going to change that. You will build a relationship with whoever is over you and it will be fine.


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I was suppose to start the mentoring program this coming Friday. She e-mailed me this morning, sending me all the information to do so. Well, I just got an e-mail from someone cancelling the mentoring for Friday. Here is what it said:

Effective October 8th, the approach to MT mentoring is evolving in an effort to reach more of our staff in a shorter time frame and to introduce further enhancements to the program. As part of this, we are also transferring the mentoring responsibilities to the Regional Quality Coaches. We believe this will bring material value to our MTs.

As a result of these activities, please wait for further direction from your Quality Coach on how you can continue to participate in the Mentoring program going forward.

I wonder if these people lost their jobs, and the responsibility of the memtoring just added to the RQC?

Curious how someone is going to mentor on SR - if they have never worked on

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production using SR? Sure it looks "easy" and all that, but if they don't have the actual hands on experience, how is that going to help anyone? I had a QC come right out and tell me she has never used VR but "played around with it."

It just might be that we're witnessing the very first signs - of the implosion of a too-big, bloated, MTSO. (NM)

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They need to implode a few of the million dollar - suits. (nm)
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Wishful thinking. They have cleaned house before and are - still here. nm
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I wondered how long that would last - the production mentoring

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I happen to know those people were making what you and I would consider very nice money, but I had a feeling that before a year was up, they'd be scrambling to get their MT jobs back.

are you serious... all my person did was read off a page - of what all the keystrokes were

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All the keystrokes I know already and either decided wanted to use or did not want to use. So why are they getting paid so much?

I guess we can expect a "restructuring email" in about a week - or two from Vern?

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You know... to make sure the communication at the company is not lacking!

Email from HR gives me name of - Lee

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my new supervisor and says she will contact me by Wednesday. So sad to lose my CCM.

Lee, My email said exactly same thing as yours. - Fossil

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Same here Lee - Disgusted

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I think we had the same CM. I really liked her. Hope the next one isn't like a few others I have had. Good luck to us both. Ready to quit myself.

I lost track years ago - sm

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of how many supervisors, CCMs, team leaders, whatever have come and gone. I stopped counting at 6, and that was just supervisors.

I haven't heard anything for North region; has anyone else?

North, too. Email should be coming. - nm

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NO!!!! Which one in the North? - please tell me

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no way... I cannot take this.
Afraid to say now. Dont want to make it worse for her if MM - isnt naming her yet. nm
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Please email me the initials - please tell me
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I will not be able to sleep!

Aaah, no. I hope mine isn't gone; I like her - sm

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She's communicative without micromanaging; a rare talent. She unfriended me on Facebook last week, but I didn't really think anything of it; now I wonder if that had to do with anything.

Thanks for the intel.

I had that in 1 year - another North MT

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At one point in time it was 3 in less than a month and 6 in just short of a year. Just CCM, not including QC or team leaders. This company changes managers more than most people change their furniture.

Mine is gone from North - anon

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I'm really surprised because not only was she really good, we also have a very demanding BOB. It has been out of TAT lately but that was partly because they would never hire enough or move enough MTs into the BOB. This is one of the groups that has had mandatory OT for months.

This is really sad because she was very professional and a very hard worker.

To add to my post - anon

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This makes be nervous about next Monday (I think that's the meeting for MTs). I have a feeling the pay cut may be coming.

Mine is gone from North as well - SM

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But I dont think she was a very good people person..Never answered emails, never reached out through the computer..There are ways to properly supervise even at a distance..Hoping it is a positive change

May not be same one - anon

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Mine always answered emails and called to check on how we were doing. The problem is what one person may call a "people" person may be completely different than someone else. I didn't want a lot of hands-on managing. I just wanted to work.

Many CCM, QC - mmmt

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How do you know this?

Straight from one affected. I dont want to name source cause I dont want - to make exit any worse than it is. nm

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It sounds like a lot of.... - (see message)

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....new unemployment claims that'll be filed. They WILL be able to get unemployment, won't they?

I don't know how they can announce a pay cut to the MTs when MTs are already working on a nearly-volunteer basis!!
Yes, they can get UE and one that have been let go before got - severence pkg. But who said MT $ cuts? nm
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I'm not surprised. - mmmt
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This makes about the 7th or 8th CCM I have had in 7 years. Some lasted less than 6 months. I never want to be in management in this company. I am glad though that this CCM is gone. She was slow or never responded to emails, like so many, and had to be reminded to approve PTO. I hate that. Also, slow on doing payroll and teamwork edits.
Really dont know why you all are surprised - sm
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Companies dont merge and change names, etc. when finances are good. And the first thing they do is set back and watch. It is very plain to me that the CCMs dont do as much as they claim they do, so the company is top heavy and they figured out a good way to save some money (have no idea how much a CCM makes but its more then me)..So they figured out who was doing the least amount of work and canned them..My CCM was useless, never answered an email, never did much of anything that I could see but send emails when she needed something. I hope this is a good thing, I dont like change, but I also really dont like someone that does nothing but collect a paycheck.
I'm sorry; didn't mean to worry - anyone (see message)
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I don't remember which comment I saw it in, now, and there are so many now in this thread that it would take a bit of looking to find it. It may also have been in another thread as I had read several last night; but I saw someone mention that they were worried that MM was going to announce a decrease in pay next week.....nothing definite--just a concern that was voiced. I hope that's not the case, and, like I said, I don't see how much lower they could cut the MTs' pay at this point!!

Again, I'm sorry that I wasn't more clear on that. If I see where I read that mentioned, I'll come back and post again. Mind you--it was nothing definite.
This is the one.... - (see message)
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Here is the post I was referring to when I said I don't see how they could cut the pay any lower.

It's one above, titled: "to add to my post - anon." That poster wrote: "This makes be nervous about next Monday (I think that's the meeting for MTs). I have a feeling the pay cut may be coming."
They cant cut MTs pay more without increaing amount of MUP - and they hate MUP. nm
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but they can cut the pay of those making more than - 8 and 4 nm
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My CCM gone - maybe they'll get rid of me, too - Sad MT

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I'd put in a leave request for today. Not granted yet. I MUST have today off, and I'm taking it off whether leave is granted or not. Emailed my new CCM with reason, etc.

So maybe I'll be joining them in the unemployment line. Sigh.

I'm only part-time, and half the time they run out of my work on Tuesday anyway, so it shouldn't matter.

Have not heard from mine since Friday - which is totally not like her

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I wonder if she got the axe?

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