A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Mother's Day Message to all MTSO - mtinmi

Posted: May 11, 2014

To all of the MTSO celebrating Mother's Day with your Mother.  As you honor her in whatever way, think about all the mothers that today are working because of the decisions you made to take their previous jobs.  They are at the keyboards working for a pittance of pay as you enjoy the profits they make for you.  Would you want YOUR MOTHER treated the way you treat them?  How many sons and daughters are missing out on their mother today because of you?  How many children have watched their mothers sprial into proverty and watch their health deteriorate because of your decisions and greed?  How would your mother feel that their sons or daughters had been the culprit for all of the pain and agony you have caused?  So as you are able to celebrate and treat your mother as all mothers should be treated, know that YOU have caused an unbearable pain to so many families by destroying their ability to financially survive by the wages you pay, have belittled so many mothers by your expectations and greed.  One thing that is forgotten in your decisions, your MTs are human beings, Mothers and Fathers, Sisters, Brothers.  So as you enjoy your fancy dinners, know that many of the Mothers working for you may not eat, or have to settle for something just to fill their stomach to stop the hunger pains. 

No one is making you stay. sm - Feather Tuscadero

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You can't be treated this way without your permission. You are agreeing to their ridiculous terms by staying on as their employee or contractor. Maybe this year will be different, you hope. Is it different than last year?

agreed Feather!! - we are in the medical field. that is 24/7

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If you want weekends and holidays off you can work at a school or a bank. You chose this field so live with the consequences of your choices.

No kidding, there's doctors, nurses, & , entrepreneurs - working today as well. See msg

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Gas station attendants, grocery store workers, retail employees just to name a few. MTs aren't the only people who work holidays.

When a person becomes that unhappy with their job, it's obviously time for a change. I sincerely hope you & all those in agreement with you find something soon. No job is worth becoming bitter over.
LOL* - Thank you, Dr. Phil!
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Don't be so quick to pass judgment. - You owe an apology!

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Not everyone has had the opportunities you have had. Not everyone is as fortunate as you. It is very easy to say what you have said from the "other side," but you have NO idea as to the circumstances of others. You owe the original poster and the rest of us an apology!

If you keep doing what you've always done, why expect a different outcome? - Feather Tuscadero

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Everyone's experiences are different. We are in different locations with different life needs and different employers. But we all have the ability to make the decision to not take this crap--whatever your crap may be--anymore. We are not slaves beholden to The Man.

I know it's not an easy thing to hear that you are responsible for where you are. Of course there are outside influences...health restrictions, family obligations, geographical location. But SOMETHING in your life can be changed by you, which begins a snowball effect in changing your life.
Don't continue to allow the outside influences ruin your happiness.
But, but, - but
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I don't wanna change! It's too haaaarrd! I'd have to make some sort of effort. The world should arrange itself so I can just keep doing this forever and get buckets of money without upgrading my skills, ever.

Anyway, everything is always somebody else's fault. I shouldn't have to do anything to make my life better. It's somebody else's responsibility to hand me what I want on a silver platter.
Disgustingly ignorant. - Rose
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Those without the mental capacity to walk in another's shoes are fools to pass judgment.
I don't think you understand Rose - Just about every MT here has
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Suffered the same fate. The difference in opinion is that many have found a way to move on or are either in the process of moving on.

Job losses and pay cuts have been a reality for 99% of the MTs on this board. Unfortunately, this is no longer the lucrative field it once was. Due to advancing technology, newer and cheaper methods for clinical documentation are replacing traditional transcription and many of us have lost jobs because of this.

MTSO's are even struggling to keep up and their profits aren't what they use to be either - They're in competition with EPIC as well as each other.

I think it's unrealistic to refuse to look at the big picture here. Sure there are still some successful MTs out there and probably always will be. But for the most part, it's just no longer a prominent job.

I can't help but wonder what will eventually happen to those who refuse to face the facts and find other alternatives. It's not just the fault of the MTSO's, there is a much bigger picture here.

No one owes anyone an apology - Linda

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Everybody is entitled to their own opinion.
Evidently mtinmi - is not entitled to her opinion
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just sayin

She doesn't owe an apology, she's being realistic. - Too many pitty parties on

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This site and if you don't participate, your accused of being judgmental.
And if you are "bitter" - you are attacked.
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no winning

He/she owes no apologies. You owe him/her one - The OP owes us all an apology

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The OP owes us all an apology for writing such a rediculous statement. Feather Tuscadero just stated the facts. He/she does not owe anyone an apology and it's ridiculous to thing he/she does.
Apology - mtinmi
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I do apologize to any and all that I insulted with my post. It was not directed at any MT but the MTSO. I regret that I posted it and have tried to delete it but was not able to. I did learn a valuable lesson about this site and the posters. So please my apology is sincere so please if you are one that felt I was being rude, that was not my intention.
Thank you - My perspective
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I didn't think you were being rude, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Some of your managers may have been working too, some QC staff probably were. You seemed to think that everyone but you was sitting around eating bon-bons and enjoying a paid holiday. You were not alone in having to work mother's day, I was only trying to get you to put yourself in someone else's shoes, many of us would rather have spent mother's day differently.
thank you - mtinmi
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My point wasn't just for working Mother's Day, it was the overall changes the MTSO have caused in families. Never once was there a referral for being paid for Mother's Day.

mtinmi - NOT an MTSO

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Please stop victimizing yourself. No one is making you stay. If you don't like it, change it; if you can't change it, please find something that will make you less bitter. You are giving your power away when you play the victim role.

Ah! The Sanctimonious Sisters - are out in full force today

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Happy Mother's Day, Girls!!

Mother's Day Message - mtinmi

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Just curious, have any of you ever watched the show Undercover Boss? Basically that is what the post represents, the reality of the CEO/owner spending a day working with the normal worker and seeing how their decisions affect them, most end up with a different point of view and respect for the workers. That's all. Hope all had a wonderful Mother's Day!!!

Really? Never heard of it. - Is it about MTs? Because your

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Original post was centered around MTs and MTSOs and came off as extremely personal.

I've never seen it. But then again, if it's not on BRAVO or Investigative Discovery (ID) then I wouldn't know much about it.

It's a very good show. sm - Feather Tuscadero

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It covers various industries, but always the CEO finds out things about his/her company that they had no idea were problems. They also always gain a new appreciation for every job in the company.
Now, I worked in the same building as the CEO of my national, and unfortunately his day-to-day interaction with the MTs didn't do squat for his empathy toward us. Then again, he never even attempted to actually DO our job!

2 Choices here - sm

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Either find a lifeboat or go down with the sinking ship.

Warning comes before destruction folks.

Wait a minute - My perspective

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Every day is mother's day to someone who is a mother. This day was first commemorated in 1914 by President Woodrow Wilson to honor the mothers of this country but has turned into a cash cow for florists. Nurses also worked Mother's Day as many other people employed by hospitals. The only way many enjoyed "fancy dinners" is if mom cooked it. My mother died when I was 6 so that's a completely different kind of loss but I still miss her. I didn't work but I had no mother to celebrate with on this day. Put yourself in someone else's place for a change.

Just had to add - My perspective

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Mother's Day is not a national holiday, no one who normally works weekends gets it off and there is no holiday pay. To put things in perspective, think of all the restaurants open this day and serving mother's day brunches and meals. Many of those servers and cashiers are probably mothers and they all had to work. I promise their bosses don't treat them well. Lots of men work on father's day, I've never heard any of them bitch about it. OP, be thankful that you have job and if it makes you miserable, find another one. There are worse things than having to work mother's day.

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