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How long will I have insurance if I put in my 2 week notice with MModal?sm - stressedmt

Posted: May 31, 2013

I am working 2 jobs right now. I am making a lot more with my second job and would like to just be able to concentrate on that one but the problem is that it is an IC position. My new job has advised me that they will always have plenty of work to keep me busy and we are actually about 4 days behind on dictation so I'm not worried about that. I'm also next in line for when a position opens up within the hospital to be hired in. I need to be able to plan accordingly as far as finding health insurance. Can anybody tell me if I were to put in my 2 week notice with MMOdal making my last day in mid June, if I still will have health insurance for the entire month? I can't wait to tell this company to SUCK IT!

Health insurance - My experience

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You should be covered until the end of the month in which you give notice. You can take COBRA but will need to fill out some paperwork and pay the premium. Private health insurers have a time frame in which to apply and have your application approved. Just be sure that you do not go without coverage for longer than 90 days; you will be considered uninsured and will either have to pay more or may have trouble getting insurance. I don't work for M-Modal but that is pretty standard. Be careful what you say when you resign, you may need M-Modal for a reference in the future.

Thanks for the response! - stressedmt

[ In Reply To ..]
I plan on being respectful with my notice. I was part of a recent buyout by MModal and they have destroyed my job that I loved! I just want to make sure with my new insurance that I found that I can give them a definite start date for coverage and I want to make sure that I am getting my money's worth for coverage that I have paid for through MModal!!

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