A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Just wondering who is doing these audits now - anon

Posted: Feb 28, 2014

What gives them the knowledge to be able to do our audits? Are they experienced MT's or just some flunky off the streets.

A while back . . . - anon

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Some one stated they had Indians doing the QA. Quite comical as they don't even have a grasp of English. Don't know if it is true. I have asked and don't get but a vague answer that they are "part of a team." Interesting.

From what I heard - sm

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My group recently lost our awesome QTL. When I emailed her to wish her goodbye, I asked where she will be going. She said that she was staying within the company, but that she was just promoted to be part of the auditing team. Being an MME, I was hoping to get in on that, but apparently from the bits and pieces I've heard, I would need to be a QTL first and meet a certain standard.

They are a mix of QCs that have been promoted and ... - anon

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...an independent auditing agency that have no ties to what we do.

From MME to QIS - Ginger

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I used to be an MME and am now a part of the auditing team, or a quality improvement specialist. I was never a QTL in between. I am from the midwest, in case anyone wants to know and I have over 10 years experience under my belt, so I am not just a flunky off the street, either.

good to know that people who actually know what they are doing are auditing - anon

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surprising to me being as this company will try anything to save a buck but glad to know
She never said she knew what she was doing ... - anon
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... she only said she was an auditor.

If you could see some of the mistakes I've found and had corrected on my audits you might still think the auditors were a bunch of yahoos.

Seriously people CHECK YOUR AUDITS. I have found mistakes on mine and it's simple to have them reviewed and corrected. It only takes a minute to do each week and even finding ONE correction can save your butt.

Trust me ... the people doing our audits are absolutely NO MORE qualified than we are.
Everyone makes mistakes... - ginger
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even auditors. I was going to be nasty, but I'll refrain except to say that after over 10 years, I am pretty sure I know what I am doing.

I agree that you should check your audits. Everyone makes mistakes, even auditors. If no one points out our mistakes to us, we will just keep making them over and over again.
You keep saying "10 years" like it's a long time or something - anon
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There are people working for this company with *3 times* your length of experience who could probably school you like no tomorrow. In this industry, 10 years experience is considered a newbie.

And yes everyone does make mistakes but my own QC person for my region told me that she finds DOZENS of them and has them corrected every single month that the MTs never even know about. Don't you think that a group of people with so much perceived "power" over so many jobs and and their "10 whole years of experience" would be as efficient at THEIR jobs as we are expected to be at OURS?
Yeah I have over 25 years experience, you are a newby to me - socalmt
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just saying, there are lots of us with a whole lot more experience than 10 whopping years.
"Everyone makes mistakes"? Really?! - MME
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OK, you're kidding ... right? You're really casual and forgiving about the mistakes that you Auditors make which I think is really ironic considering your "little mistakes" actually cost some of us our jobs. I wish you were as forgiving of *our* mistakes as you were your *own*.

I guess if I could make mistakes audit after audit that cost everyone's job except my own I would be flippant too.

Wow, I think I've literally heard everything now. Seriously ... between the "10 years" and the "everyone makes mistakes" comments I'm not sure which made me more physically ill.
Really? - Moving On
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Really? An auditor who makes mistakes! What are the "metrics" for you? What are your consequences?  

Am curious...myself w/16 years at MModal, 15 years before that w/acute-care hospital experience, recently audited to joblessness.

Yes, we do have metrics we need to measure up to - Ginger
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As a matter of fact, we have the same sort of accuracy rating that we must maintain as transcriptionists. If you ever noticed, your audited errors are assigned a numerical value from 0.25 to 3 points. I believe it is within 6 months, we can have up to 6 points be challenged and determined that we were in error, so as few as 2 incorrect critical errors on the part of an auditor can send auditors into performance review and potentially loss of employment.
Also, I forgot to mention - ginger
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Those error numbers can also count against us if we fail to mark an error that our supervisors find, so if we skip marking an error because we are trying to give someone a break, it counts against us and our quality rating.
How do you determine which reports to audit? - Anon
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I'm curious as to how you decide which reports to audit. Do you pick them randomly or does someone assign them to you? And are you on production at a low line rate, struggling to make what you used to make 15 years ago? If you have a voice in the company, I hope you'll speak up that if they expect 99.7% accuracy they should pay a wage commensurate with that expectation.
.... - Ginger
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The clients pick out how many reports to audit every month and whether they are chosen at random or if there needs to be a focused audit on a certain facility or a certain transcriptionist.

As far as pay, I make a SIGNIFICANT amount less doing this than I did as a transcriptionist. However, the way things were going with job availability and paycheck uncertainty, I decided to take it anyway so I would have a guaranteed income every two weeks.

And, no, just like you, I don't have a say in the company. I am just a grunt, but in a different capacity. I have a team lead and supervisor over me just like I did as a transcriptionist. I am given instructions on how to do my job and I have to follow them or I won't have a job.
posters on here boggle my mind - notajerk
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Wow you guys are brutal. OP asks a question, someone with actual info replies, and then everyone jumps down her throat.

I love how in most other discussions someone says they have 10+ years experience and expects everyone to bow down to them as if they are perfect and couldn't possibly have made a mistake, yet this person has 10 years and you guys rip into her. I guess you need to go with whatever fits with your pity party best.

Then she points out, very correctly, that everyone makes mistakes, and you rip into her again. Every single one of us makes mistakes. ALL of us, auditors included. Since you guys all have so much experience and are so full of yourselves, you should have no problems at all finding the mistakes these horrible, inexperienced auditors are making on your reports. When you find these mistakes, you can report them. You won't have to worry about your jobs then! But wait, maybe like every other person doing this job you ARE actually making mistakes *gasp*.

I have never seen such a miserable, petty, negative, self-pitying group of people in my life. People on this board really need to take a long, hard look at themselves. The majority of posters on here are giant jerks (that is not the word I want to use...) People can't ask or respond to anything on these boards without getting gang jumped on by a bunch of miserable people who are so stuck in their self-pity that they aren't happy unless everyone else is miserable with them.

I really wish these boards weren't anonymous. It would be interesting to see how many of these posts are by the same people over and over again.
You can't be serious ... are you for real?? - anontoo
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OMG this is seriously hilarious!! Ginger is now her own ardent defender, posting as someone else. Who do you think you're fooling? There's not an Auditor in the WORLD who would ever garner that much support within a million miles of this board.

An Auditor who DARES come on his board and ask for compassion and understanding about making mistakes on audits that are costing people their jobs? You can't be serious. People have probably LOST THEIR JOBS over your "little mistakes".

Sorry ... no. No compassion. No "everybody makes mistakes". No understanding. When you hold someone's job and livelihood in your hands, there is zero tolerance for your mistakes. ABSOLUTELY ZERO TOLERANCE. You are expected to know what you're doing. EXPECTED.
I am for real - notajerk
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Believe what you want, but I am not the same person (I'm just a lowly MT with less than 3 years experience). Though I do think many of the negative jerks on this board do make multiple posts with different names to spread their misery. Again, it would be amazing if this place wasn't so anonymous, things would get interesting.

BTW in regards to your last paragraph, as an MT YOU are also expected to know what YOU are doing. You are allowed to make a minimum amount of mistakes. An auditor is no different. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, some of us can admit it though, which is the difference between us.

As far as supporting her, I do because you guys treat people like garbage on here. She wasn't rude to anyone, she was answering a question. She even tried to say that she knows everyone makes mistakes and if you find one to report it, and she gets attacked for it! She was totally respectful in her replies and got nothing but disrespect in return.

It's disgusting the way people are treated on here and you should be ashamed. It's like the mean girls in high school. It's so childish and petty it's beyond comprehension. We are all supposedly adults (heck some of you are even grandmas) and this is how you treat people?? I'm embarrassed for you. When did it become okay to treat people the way people are treated here???

So as for there not being an auditor in the world who would garner support, you are WRONG! I know I am not alone in how I feel. If someone is being respectful and answering questions and gets attacked for it, I WILL support them whether they are an auditor or an MT.
Everyone DOES make mistakes, even you on your high horse. If your auditor made a legitimate mistake, challenge it! If YOU made the mistake, admit it, own it, suck it up and do better so you don't lose your job.

But, I guess it's easier to blame someone else rather than to own up to your own mistakes.

No wonder some of you can't keep your jobs or can't find new ones, it's because you are jerks who can't own up to your faults and would rather just attack everyone else.
I think what set everyone off is her saying - mttt
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that she has 10 years experience like that is an eternity for an MT which it isn't
mttt - notajerk
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No it's not an eternity, but it is a long time, and hopefully after 10 years she WOULD know what she is doing. Like I said, on all the negative "there is no way I make mistakes" threads, the first thing those people say is "I have been an MT for 10, 15, 20, 30, whatever years" like that means that they know everything and couldn't possibly make a mistake. No one bats an eye and jumps down their throats when they say that.

The ONLY reason people jumped on her for saying it is because she is an auditor. Had she not said she was an auditor, no one would have cared. It's just the "mean girls" looking for reasons to slam someone as usual.

Believe it or not, there are people who have been doing this job for decades that make just as many mistakes as the newbies. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they made more because they get set in their ways.

How long you have been doing the job is irrelevant. It's your abilities and skill at the job that matter. Someone with 5 years experience could be doing a better job than someone with 20+ years. Length of time doesn't automatically mean you are better.
NotAJerkEither - Moving On Immediately
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Let's Review:

MT makes mistakes, only human = MT terminated.

QA makes mistakes, only human = MT terminated.

It's certainly an emotional issue......


Add one more: - anon
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Dictator makes mistakes, only human = MT terminated.
Notajerk - MT/PA
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Well said! Exactly what I was thinking. I always wonder how some people who post such rude things on here treat people in their "real" life. Oh, and I have 20+ years experience and I have made mistakes, I'm human!

10 years?!! That's a newbie in this profession. Shocked. - anon

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So you are going to critique ME with more than 30 - years "under

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my belt?" I think not. I quit.

How'd you make the transition? - CT

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Ginger, can you email me if you have a chance. I'd like to pick your brain a little about the transition from MME to QIS. Thanks.
Would love to help... - Ginger
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However, with all the negativity directed towards me, I am not willing to do private email. If you have any questions, just post them and I will respond as best as I can.

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