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I wonder if the two year coding contract works both ways? - what happens if

Posted: Mar 16, 2014

After your six months of training, they put you on production and you are unable to meet their standards with accuracy or amount of charts?  Are you guaranteed to have a job for two years?  Yes, they are paying for your schooling, so you owe them two years, but you WILL be spending your time studying and supposedly the program is very intense -- do you get a guarantee for employment for that long?

I'd think if you were not up to snuff they would let you go. - Probably not have to refund the training costs.

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It sounds like you could probably get back on as an MT, but no guarantee of what group you would be assigned to.

yes, this - anon

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Someone asked their TSM that question and that was what they were told. If you "fail" you don't have to pay back training. If you quit, you do.

If you fail, you can go back to MT, you just don't get your choice of schedule or your old team back.

However, you also DO NOT get to pick your schedule as a coder.

I wondered if anyone noticed that little tidbit - you do not get to pick your schedule

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How many people have lives that you can work whatever schedule they say?

Do the coders work Mon-Fri only? I know the training is Mon-Fri but what about when training is over?

And the schedule tidbit was why I didnt bother - sm
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What I have is not perfect, but it works for me and changes could really mess things up. I totally understand them having to do this and I don't blame them, just not for me. Good luck to all that make it through, keep us updated on how things are going

How would they know there would be MT work - to go back to?

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I don't think all transcription is going overseas, but a lot of people do. Do you retain your full time status if you fail? I wonder if they will hire transcriptionists to replace the 60 coders?
The e-mail said "if" there were positions - available. No gaurantee
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Before we got bogged down in the fight between coders about certification, we were talking about that.

They do not guarantee you anything if you fail or quit the program. It says something about depends on company needs at the time.
So you could start the program, try your hardest - fail and then lose your job?
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Because there were no accounts available to you? That sounds . . . . terrible. Surely that wouldn't happen.
If you read the e-mail, yeah, no gaurantees. - anon
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I am not saying that to be discouraging or negative, that is actually one of the few "facts" we have. The e-mail said you could go back to MT IF there were any positions available. It would depend on company need and if there is a need you would work whatever schedule they had available.

So, if you get into the program, you better be 100% sure it is for you and you can successfully complete it. Hopefully they give them some time to think about it after the orientation.

I do wonder if people turn it down, if there will be an alternate list.

Wonder - What if NJA

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Like with transcription, will they eventually off shore coding as well and if they do, what happens if you get NJA within that two year period? Can you do both, transcription and coding? I have a friend who said she is not transcribing at all, as it has been sent to India; she does QA and editing only. I can't even imagine how little she is making money-wise; isn't it 3 cpl for those jobs.

In the MModal job ad for coders - anon

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It says they do QA, which would be interesting to have people go from tier 2 to the coder training and then doing tier 3/MME stuff. You would think only tier 3 and MMEs would be picked for the coder training.

Haven't they offshored some already? - They have coders in India

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I just assumed that these 60 were going to be in addition to the ones in India, but maybe not.

Yes, I saw an ad where off-shore actually - had this training offerred before

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So they have probably been doing this program for a while over "there."

Makes you wonder why, suddenly, they offer it to us. I am in the group who thinks it has something to do with the restructuring. They probably have to bulk up the coding department quickly.

I just hope it isn't a one time thing and we get another shot at it.
I wondered if it was because - AHIMA suspended testing in India
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Because of reports of cheating and the test being compromised. I wondered if, perhaps they were not able to get enough coders now. I don't know . . . hopefully it all works out for the best for everyone.

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