A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

contract concern - TooOldForThis

Posted: Nov 13, 2012

Can someone please help me. I am new to the company, I have not been here 90 days yet. my TSM is "gone" so I have a new one now and have not yet spoken with her. I am very concerned because I realized that my "contracted" rate of 4 and 9 cpl at 150 lph does NOT meet my state minimum wage, I rarely get straight typing to get the 9 cpl. I also am not meeting the 150 lph yet, even so that is only like 6$ an hour, that is horrible. I should have done my math beforehand. I didn't think they could "hire" and offer an employee for LESS than your state minimum wage. I know they have to give you makeup pay, but how long are they going to do that before letting you go.. but my concern is, it seems to me that they should not have hired for LESS than state minimum wage to begin with.. I should have been a reasonable LPH that would MEET that state minimum wage and not the basic across the board 150 lph. Is this making any sense or am I wayyy off base here.

Makeup pay? - anon

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I hate to tell you this...you won't be getting any makeup pay. You make what you type. Some people are making in the $4 an hour range. Don't know how they get away with that...I guess b/c ppl are on production. They will say it is your fault for not being able to edit more.

Sorry, not true. You do get make up pay - Just Sayin

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if your production does not hit the minimum wage amount. I know that first hand. I've had it happen a couple times.

I got MUP - TooOldForThis

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in my last paycheck, I did some research and from what I could figure is that they HAD to make sure that I made at least minimum wage for my state.. I heard rumors that they were letting people go that could not meet enough lines to make their minimum wage requirements for their state. but I was hired at 4/9 cpl but was told my quota was 150 lines an hour, that is only $6.00 an hour, that is LESS THAN minimum wage. yes I am on production, but I am new and still getting use to all the dictators and specs. I have another part time job and I am also on production with that job and I make 14-20$ per HOUR, so I know I can do it, but they also have to make sure the work is available during my hired shift and I should not have to be scrambling to make up my time to get my work in by end of pay period.

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