A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Does it work both ways? - Curious

Posted: Mar 28, 2014

Just wondering if those of you who oppose offshoring would work for a foreign company?  I know of some MTs who work for Australian company Ozescribe - they have MTs in Australia, USA, Canada and Israel plus probably a few other countries.  Isn't that the same as Indians transcribing for US companies?

If not, what makes it different?  I'm trying to understand why it's okay for US workers to work for other countries but not the other way around?  Or would it be okay if Canadians,  Australians, British, etc, worked on US accounts? 

I'm really just trying to get my head around the difference.  I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Indians work for India hospitals. Canadians for Canadian hospital - US for US hospitals

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I do not recall anyone in my years of MT work in USA stating they were typing for a facility in another country here in US. But, it seems to me the solution is each work for their own industry. There should be ample jobs in developed nations where billions of people live. But I am not familiar with their charting system or pay structure. Has anyone ever transcribed for hospitals in Jakarta that you know of? I doubt they outsource.

And that's how it should be. Wherever you live is where you should work. - Period.

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I'm an American living in America and will only work in/for America! I don't want another country taking my work from me so I won't do it to them. Unless you come here LEGALLY and work on paper, pay taxes, and have a Visa or a citizenship then that's fine with me too. I'd do it that way for whatever country I'd moved to. It's only fair.

How would those other countries like it if we did their outsourced work for cheaper in the States and they were unemployed?

It's just wrong IMHO

No - Period

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You should also consume things only produced in America, not those cheap stuffs imported from other countries. That will make the flip side of coin go your way too.

There is no MT industry in 3rd world nations - Healthcare system differences

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The healthcare system in the US is considerably different from what exists in 3rd world nations. In the US, medical records and documentation is only partly to aid physician recollection of care. The majority of it is to facilitate continuity of care in a larger healthcare network, justify insurance payments, and provide a defense against lawsuits.

Healthcare in 3rd world nations is slim to nonexistent, and what little there is uses mostly handwritten notes, if there is a medical record at all. Outside of a capital city with a medical college, the most elaborate system might only be a 5 x 8 card in a file.

Look at photos of most hospitals over there. Large rooms lined with narrow cots, families squatting around everywhere, flies, stained walls, concrete floors. Nobody goes there unless they are desperate, and they bring family to care for them, their own sheets, and their own food. There are no nurses to speak of, much less medical records, computers, typewriters, or MTs.

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