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Okay-- finally got a few jobs to do after hours of NJA. But I lost my rhythm. I don't even know what to do with them. I feel like a cat looking at some strange object on the floor and tapping it with its paw. What are those two weird things in my queue? I look at them. Then I check my email. Then I look at the things in the queue again. Then I go get something to drink. In the back of my mind, it seems like there is something I need to do about those things in my queue, but I can't remember exactly what. Finally I start very slowly to do the jobs. Sheesh! And to think I used to be a high producer at the hospital. How does anybody keep their rhythm when they get-- let's see-- no jobs at 8 AM, 2 jobs at 11 AM, 3 jobs at 1 PM, a job at 4 PM, and 6 jobs at 8 PM? Then as a PS, 2 more jobs at 11 PM. It feels so disjointed. I can't even work when I HAVE work. There is no flow. No flow, people! No flow! (rant rant)