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work has dropped off so bad now that I am forced to look for work again - T

Posted: Feb 14, 2013

Really upset right now - work has dropped off so bad now that I am forced to look for work again.  I am upset because there was work on the system and a few of us were asked to stop so that the people that have been there the longest have a chance at work.  I dont think this is very fair as I have bills also to pay and surely cannot like this.  I thought it was first come first serve.  Am I so wrong? 

What company is this for? No one should be asked to keep off the system. - anon

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Landmark does this, asks you to log out when work is lower, not sure if that is who she was talking - nm

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I happen to agree and disagree - APOV

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When there is plenty of work, I'm fine with first come, first serve, except that my coworkers cherry pick. When I realized they were skipping hard work and only getting easy work - on a night I had just done 20 really hard reports - I stopped caring about FIFO or my coworkers.

The other thing is that I work on an account that left the MTSO due to complaints of poor quality and TAT and because I was the last hired, I lost my job. When the client realized the grass was not greener out there in MT land and came back, I was re-hired. Later some new hires were put on the account and I literally CRINGE when I see their work. The company laid off some workers and now I am second in seniority. I complain very loudly if volume drops and I can't pay mortgage.

I see myself as having paid my dues and the newer MTs as not caring about quality or anyone but themselves. I see myself first, client second, my coworkers last.

May sound selfish, but that's the way it goes for me now. Your situation may be totally different where your coworkers actually care about each other and the client. But I think it is getting very shark-like out here in MT land.

Hmmmm - LongTimeMT

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I think your situation is the fault of the MTSO if they are hiring less than adequate MTs. I understand the whole "seniority rules" but if new MTs are hired, UNLESS it is explained to them that when you "complain loudly" that your mortgage cannot be paid that they will have lines cut, then that is completely not fair. You are all MTs and if some are not as adequate as you, then they should be let go.

that's not gonna happen - APOV

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I could go on and on about the things I object to the MTSO doing, but you wouldn't believe even half of it. Thing is, it actually hurts me to feel I've been put into a position of behaving this way. I do believe in karma, though. And yes, I have been looking for a job outside of MT land because of what is going on.

I am with you here - slaphappy

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I have to agree with you. When I am hired as an employee, then as a general rule who is there the longest has the most say. That is the way of it, not just in our line of work, but in others. I have worked several types of work, i.e. factory, stores, etc. Always, if there is not enough work, the ones with the most time are asked first to work. I too have put in my time, I want something to compensate for it. There again, though, if I have made what I need and I know it is slow, I will volunteer to back out if someone else needs it more. That, in my opinion, is being a team member.

I agree IF it is understood up front. - sm

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That definitely is how it usually is with any company, BUT in the MT industry, for some reason the company hires you and claims it is "full-time" and it never is even close. I don't think it is fair, at that point, to make a newer person take off so that a person with seniority can work. They shouldn't have hired the newer person to begin with, or they should have a p.r.n. person or something.
I agree and disagree - APOV
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A couple of examples: From the MTSO POV, they want to be overstaffed to improve TAT, so then it becomes a shark feeding frenzy, until the senior MTs complain.

Or maybe the MTSO pays senior MTs more and wants to push the junior employees more work so his payroll is less, which then results in the client getting inferior work, and the senior MTs complain about lack of work. Maybe the MTSO cut a deal to the junior MTs that promised volume and did not tell the senior MTs and acts innocent when the senior MTs complain.

I think to expect that anyone doing MT will be treated fairly is naive.

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