A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Part-time pay dropped by $7. - just shoot me

Posted: Nov 30, 2013

I put my heart and soul into this job, a job I used to get paid $20-plus an hour for, and my most recent pay check was only $297 for two weeks' work, part-time.  Up until now I was getting a whopping $304 per pay period.  Never mind trying to understand the pay stub explanations.  Even the base pay is less than my state's minimum wage, which is puny at that.   Yet they have the gall to complain over an ADT omission or a minor text error.  I swear to God, the powers that be behind this company are evil.  They really are.  Somehow, some way, some day, this wrong will right itself again.  It may be too late for me, but they'll get their just desserts eventually.

You agreed to work for MM at this puny rate. Of course they get - upset about errors. SM

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When you contracted for this job, you gave them the right to expect high quality work with no errors.

You cant do a less than job just cause you dont like the pay. You contracted for that pay!! You dont like the pay and expectations for high quality jobs, go somewhere else.

And of course we get upset - Long-time MT

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at posts such as yours. It is not realistic to expect "no errors." It IS realistic to expect the MT to do their best. But the dictator has to cooperate, too. I really hope that corporate suit isn't squeezing you too tight.

Read my post below - old and burned out

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No MT has contracted to work for 3 cpl below the rate promised. The 99.6% is a tool they use to lower your rate by that amount; it has nothing to do with quality and has nothing to do with significant errors. They can fail you on an audit for leaving out the word "the." Then they can get 99.5% perfect work for pennies.

WOW, what a response! - New

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In response to "Upset about errors"...She DID NOT contract for constant pay reductions and near-perfect impossible, inhumane expectations. Whoever you are, you have little understanding of human nature. Plus, if you are an MT and not management...FYI your contractions are spelled wrong and didn't proof read. "You cant do a less than job..."?? Huh? Dont should be Don't. This company is evil and treats the MTs like crap. Simple as that. How can you defend such tactics?

You dont know what a less than job is? Usually done by a - less than MT. BTW, sm

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no spelling police allowed here. Are you getting paid for editing me? Posting here is not the same as work.

MModal corporate minion posting? - justanotherMT

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Why is someone apparently advocating for MModal? I have researched multiple sites hoping to see less negative responses about the company, but it seems that most, if not all, responses are close to pitiful. See one of the links: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Layoffs-MModal-3814010.S.229445735

While I do not currently work for this company, I have sporadically followed its progress. Financial strapping is a probability. See link: http://www.thedeal.com/content/restructuring/mmodal-appears-headed-for-a-restructuring.php

Did MedQuist have some issues in the past? See link: http://www2.gtlaw.com/pub/pr/2004/medquist04b.htm

Something seemingly has to transpire in order for both the transcriptionists and these large companies to survive, especially with the drastic need to lower healthcare costs.

agreed to work for MM - puny rates

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High-quality work with no errors!!! Working for this company, it seems that only the MTs are expected to do high-quality work with no errors. What about the doctors, NPs, PAs who dictate. They sure don't dictate high-quality reports (heavy accents, mumbling, fast and sloppy dictation) where MTs are unable to discern what is dictated, yet expected to create a high-quality, accurate report for them!

The IT personnel who programmed/created/service the speech recognition certainly aren't held to the standards that MTs are. There are numerous issues with their poor quality ASR that need to be addressed, but no one listens to the MTs, nor do anything about it to make speech recognition work for the MTs to produce high-quality reports faster. Furthermore, the poor quality ASR places into the reports (words, phrases, sentences, incorrect medications, incorrect numbers, incorrect spelling, things the doctors don't even dictate), so its obvious IT personnel are not held up to the same standards as the MTs. This also includes the ADT screens where MTs have to make numerous corrections to get the appropriate patient information and correct the MD fields to clear the (?) symbol in front of the MD name. MTs waste precious time making all these corrections which IT should have taken care of long ago.

As far as high-quality work with no errors from management, look at the decisions they have made regarding this organization and its employees. Read their memos to us. They are trying to manage a profession they know nothing about. None of them have ever transcribed or edited any medical reports. They don't know the stress and pressure we are under trying to give them 100% quality on every report we produce as MTs working with MDs who don't care what they dictate, poor quality ASR, and the ADT issues. Furthermore, MM set their own rules. They don't follow industry standard as they say they do. Management has stated they pay us industry standard which sounds fair for industry standard work (98.0%). However, this company prefers 99.6% quality. Why? As I recall, they have never explained to us why they want 99.6% quality. It's nothing but harrassment to get MTs to quit over the stress and pressure. As far as pay cuts, bonuses not offered any longer, incentives for evening/night/weekend no longer available, no raises (for me no raise since 1999); yet I have given this organization everything and more. My production and quality are above industry standard and their MM rules, that is why I am still here, though it goes unappreciated (no raise). All I get is a "thank you" from my supervisor, and at the end of the year we all just get a "thank you" from the CEO or someone in management.

I recall a memo in 2005, regarding the first of 6 pay cuts to follow through 2010. It said something to the effect of, "as MTs are not working as hard, just editing with the new speech recognition program (not transcribing anymore), we are giving MTs a pay cut as an incentive to produce more." How in the---is less pay considered an incentive or a motivation factor? MM MTs are over-worked, stressed, exhausted, depressed (for me this has also affected my mental and physical health). This is MM management for you, though. It's pretty obvious, they don't know how to motivate/manage employees and have always had some kind of financial/legal/business problem(s) with this organization no matter what changes they make as far as the CEO and upper management positions.

I, just like other MTs with this organization, are going back to school to get into another profession as MM has destroyed the medical transcription profession and most likely will destroy any other profession they try to take over.

Didnt Mom every tell you just worry about yourself. Dont worry - about everybody else. nm

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Just worry about yourself - Do not worry about everybody else
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Mom told me selfishness and greed will destroy your character and your soul, and everything else around you including your corporation. I see she was right.

The docs et al aren't employees of MM, though. - nm

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Docs - not employees
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I do know that the MDs, NPs, and PAs are not employees of MM, but they do have to work with us to improve their dictation in order for us to produce high-quality reports for them.

First, many did not contract for that rate - Former slave

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but were hired at a much higher rate and had our salaries reduced over time. Many of us in that situation were not able to leave and find other employment. Second, the mistakes they are getting upset about are often very minor errors which no one would even notice were they not using audits as a tool to lower salaries. Does leaving out the word "the" compromise patient care? Third, no one does "perfect work" - no one.

exactly... not even a machine is 99.6% accurate every day - perfect example, fluency!

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The supervisors aren't, the doctors aren't, the payroll staff aren't, the ASR programmers aren't, the upper management aren't, the tech support aren't... no one is held to this standard! Not even our damn program! How can we be perfect when our own program isn't perfect?

The first job you did after pay decreased, you were - contracting to work for that price. SM

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Of course nobody is perfect, but I think any employer has the right to expect perfect work. I should think he would know he wont get that, but I am sure he is not counting on very basic mistakes being made. Like leaving out words. Doesnt matter if leaving out a word doesnt change anything. . He is not paying you to make mistakes that dont matter. In fact, those careless mistakes, like leaving out the word the, are the worse. They just show the MT was not paying attention and was rushing through a job. Thankfully this time the mistake didnt matter, but what about the next time.

If you worked in another field but this one, would you feel okay making "simple" mistakes or would you try to give your employer perfect work?
Nobody is perfect YET the employer has the right.... - to expect perfect work?
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What kind of convoluted logic is that? NO ONE EVER DOES PERFECT WORK BECAUSE NO ONE AND NOTHING IS PERFECT. That poster must be management since he/she is SO defensive of this indefensible cheap, ruthless company. Are you JL? Once again, the spelling police is here and that poster should learn to spell correctly, but I guess if you're management it doesn't matter. All you have to do is preach to the "lowlies" who you obviously feel are beneath you.
In what occupation are you expected to be perfect? - Former slave
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If nurses were perfect, a wrong dose would never be administered. If doctors were perfect there would never be a medical malpractice lawsuit. If NASA was perfect, Challenger would not have blown up - all far more serious mistakes than can be made by any MT. Do you think they all had their salaries lowered because of their mistakes?

And by the way, you would not only benefit from a visit from the spelling police but the grammar police and the syntax police.
High-horse rider - justanotherMT
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"In fact, those careless mistakes, like leaving out the word the, are the worse." They are the worse? They are the WORST. "Thankfully this time the mistake didnt matter, but what about the next time." This is a question and should have a question mark. "I should think he would know he wont get that..." I WOULD think he SHOULD know he WOULDN'T get that. Ding, ding, ding. Do you feel okay making "simple" mistakes?
First job - Pay decreased
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With all the misspelled words, poor grammar and punctuation in the posts you have written, I know you wouldn't even pass the audits on your edited or transcribed medical reports.

It's pretty obvious you're not an MT and don't even know anything about the profession. You're just shooting your mouth off in ignorance. You're just a trouble maker.

I was contracted for $0.942 - when I worked 15 yrs ago.

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It all does not matter anymore! THIS COMPANY - IS GOING DOWN! Way in debt.

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"The industry they serve may be the problem," DeForest said. "They have a lot of debt, and very high leverage means less flexibility and a limited ability to invest in the business. The idea was to grow into their capital structure through technology sales, but that hasn't materialized, and they are well behind the plan that they laid out in 2012. If revenues continue to slump and costs aren't brought into line, we believe that they might need to either bring in more equity or take some action to reduce debt."

Read more: MModal appears headed for a restructuring - The Deal Pipeline (SAMPLE CONTENT: NEED AN ID?) http://www.thedeal.com/content/restructuring/mmodal-appears-headed-for-a-restructuring.php#ixzz2mIfaPmZC

Here I go again - old and burned out

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I have just retired and told myself I will remove this web site from my computer but now I think I will keep this up until there is no more strength in my fingers to type. The reason this company sets an accuracy requirement of 99.6% is not because of accuracy; it is because they can fail you on an audit any time they want, put you on 100% QA and reduce your salary by 3 cpl. If you are making 4 cpl for doing VR, you are now getting 1 cpl. If you are doing 200 lines per hour, you are getting $2/hour which means they are getting nearly perfect work for pennies. The goal is to get the work done as cheaply as possible. If the work the Indians do does not pass muster then their only choice is to get the Americans to do it for pennies. I realize many of you cannot find other jobs and are too young to retire but if you go along with these tactics, you are aiding and abetting.

Yes, we know your sad story. But what does your post have to do - with the OP complaint? nm

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Try to follow the dots - old and burned out

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Thought it was obvious.

Sad story - who cares

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With friends like you, who needs enemies?

sad - post

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You poor heartless soul.

Wait a while then re-apply. Then pay will be same as everybody - and you wont be a, hmmmm, target. nm

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Don't work for peanuts - NM - old and burned out

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not sure I believe the - conspiracy theory

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I don't think there is a conspiracy to get MTs to quit. I think they require 99.6 because they are clueless.

They are not so clueless - old and burned out

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There is a pattern here of switching MTs to new accounts, auditing after a few days, failing the MT and putting her on 100% QA. They may not want you to quit but they definitely want you to work for 3 cents less per line. Even if the 100% QA last only a few weeks, they are getting near perfect work for pennies for that length of time. Many of us have quit rather than work for minimum wage or less for any period of time.
I wouldn't put it past them! - Trampled underfoot
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Actually at this point, I wouldn't put anything past them. I'm still here, at the top of my pay scale, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time. I'm a good and conscientious transcriptionist but I'm not perfect. Once I'm on their radar, I'm sure I'll be targeted too. The clock is ticking...
But they HAVE to pay minimum. Why dock below that when they just - have to make up difference anyway? nm
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that is true - conspiracy theory
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another reason I'm not sure I believe the conspiracy theory.
Would have to do some research - old and burned out
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but I don't think that is true in all states.
It is federal law. - I have checked
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You must be paid at least federal minimum wage or your state's minimum wage, whichever is higher. Most states do not have their own minimum wage laws, so ferderal minimum wage is the law in that state. California, Washington and some other states have higher minimum wage.
My guess would be - old and burned out
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that if you do not make minimum wage, they will let you go. If you do earn the minimum they are still getting the work much more cheaply than they would if they were paying you your full rate.
They never let me go with all the make up pay I had to be paid. - lousy ASR
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150 x 4 cents/line is less than minimum wage

My line count depends 99% on how crappy the ASR is. Good output, my line count goes up; the usual crap, my line count plummets.
So you make statements you say are true, but NOW - you gotta do research? nm
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I wonder how some people can be MTs - old and burned out
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when they cannot even follow a train of thought. What I've said about MM is true. The research would be to see if piecework employees have to be paid minimum wage in every state in the union. Regardless, if they are lowering your rate by 3 cpl because you are only 99.5% accurate, they are getting a bargain, even if they have to pay you an extra cent per line to get you up to minimum wage.
Do they really make up to minimum wage - in every state?
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Just curious, I am above that level, all the horror stories I hear, how can they be making up pay? And say you don't have enough work but are contracted for 40 hours a week, do they pop you up to 40 hours at min. wage?
Yes, but is my guess that MTs that do nothing to change situation - where they get MUP, are the ones laid off. nm
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well it hasn't happened to me - I guess I have to see to believe
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when it does happen to me I'll let you know. Right now none of that stuff has happened to me.
And I sincerely hope it does not - old and burned out
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but if it does, your first clue will be switching you to another primary.

They still have to pay minimum wage ... - anon

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and since a lot of people say they are making minimum wage, there is no difference. Also, no one has ever said they were continuously on the 100% QA, at most temporarily so it doesn't make that much of a difference to MModals' bottom line. Moreover, if they want to pay everyone minimum wage, all they have to do is lower everyone's pay. They don't need to play games.

They did lower my pay by hundreds. I was - grandfathered in.

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My pay was lowered by this company getting rid of EVERYTHING for me. Dropping my line rate, getting rid of my bonuses, good benefits, shift differential and I could go on and on. I made an easy $2,000 a month part time. Then I was making around $8.00 an hour and of course, WAY LOWER FOR MY STATE MINIMUM WAGE which will be going to $9.32 an hour starting January.

I went back to school and was let go by this company a few months ago last summer. I am suspecting it was due to not making the minimum wage for my state. Yes, this disgusting company had to pay my minimum wage for my state. This demoralizing company could not get rid of me for my work which was outstanding or line count, just could not make my minimum wage for my state which we should NEVER be discussing minimum wage for this profession. We should be talking about $20.00 or more an hour, NOT MINIMUM WAGE!

I finished school and now? I LOVE MY JOB. Best thing I have ever done was go back to school and got out of this demoralizing company's grip.
Good for you! What job are you doing now? Can't - wait to get out of MT.
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