A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

to job seekers, I just found the BEST web site - Snow Bunny (the original)

Posted: Feb 20, 2013

I don't know how many are aware, but one of the reasons you never get called for an interview is because the ATS (automatic tracking systems) rated it low, so it never reached the interviewer's desk. The link below will help you to "customize" your resume for each job you are applying for. It does this through an analysis of both the job posting as well as your resume, and then it points out missing keywords. After you make the corrections, you can download the resume and then use THAT one to apply for the position. I used it and went from a 31 (weak) to a 50 (strong) in only 15 minutes. The link is posted below.

Thank you. nm - Alice

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