A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Job seekers - slt

Posted: Apr 24, 2014

Hello fellow MTs, I have mainly worked for a local company out of my home. In fact, it's been my only MT job. I didn't mind giving out information such as my social security number for an IC position because I knew this person well. This company paid via mailed checks so there was no exchange of bank account information. I am asking because I have been contacted through this board to test after posting a job wanted ad.  Please help me out if you can. My questions are: How do you know a small company is legit other than checking old posts through here or googling them? Must you give out  a social security number to a company? I know it is needed to background check and for tax purposes.  I'm sorry I am really trying to avoid being scammed. I'm a nervous Nellie when it comes to giving out information. I know you should never pay to get a job, but question the social security information or bank account numbers for routing my paycheck. Please help. 

You generally do not - xx

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provide SS or bank account information until you have been hired. If a company is asking for it before that, I think you are right to be concerned. Once you are hired somewhere, you will need to give them your SS number for tax purposes, and if they pay by direct deposit, you'll have to give them you bank account number if you want to be paid.

Depends - see msg

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It is not wise to give your SS number until a contract for hire has been established. I would not give any information other than name, address and phone number until I knew I had the job for sure. Any company that asks that is suspect, in my opinion.

I don't even put that information on a paper application in a legitimate office, until I know I'm hired. If the paper application requests my SS number or other way too personal info, I put "will provide at time of hire," then leave it at that.

I do so dislike online applications. They ask way too much information that is often mandatory, and you can't proceed with the application until you provide it. I stop right there and that's that.

To check out employer (sm) - Rose

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On the Company Board check the post bolded at the top called "Posting Guidelines (04-20-2011), Your Identity, Job Search Protection, Advertisements" for some good info on checking out an employer.

Keep in mind that while we used to be able to easily detect scams by the actual posts, some are now copying ads from legit companies and just changing the contact info.

What I do is:
1. Look for an email address. If it doesn't include the company name and looks like a personal email (@yahoo, @hotmail, etc) beware. Check the email given in Google. If no hits just check the _____@ portion.

2. Check the address given. Google map it and see if it is a house or business address. If house, beware, although there are some MTs who are subcontracting from home and legit. If a business zoom in on satellite view to see if a sign is on front of the business with the name of the company. You can also Google the address to see what comes up.

3. Phone number. Is the area code correct for the address given? Run Google on the phone number. If you have a contact name, I search the contact name followed by number in quotes, i.e. "George Smith 802-456-7890", then take out the last name and do another search. You will get a ton of hits advertising free reverse directory searchs, but scan the list of hits to look for anything suspicious. If you have a reverse directory, do a reverse check on the number. I use Spokeo for this, but pay for the service which is only about $15 per year for 20 checks a month.

4. BBB. You can run a check through bbb.org of the company name or phone number.

5. Dun & Bradstreet listing. If on their listings, which gives income, number of employees, etc. it's most likely legit. I'm not sure of the URL for this.

6. What you are doing now, checking boards to see if anyone has experience with this company.

7. Anything linked to overseas. I had one contact me stating the MT job was filled but she needed a personal assistant; however, she was overseas at the time. They will then try to send you a check to deposit in your account, which turns out to be bad.

PS: Regarding Google Mapping (sm) - Rose

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If you don't see the business name when zooming in on the address, keep a couple of things in mind:

1. Google is not always accurate in their "Street View" and could just bring up a close-by address.

2. Google maps can use photos from previous years so look at the bottom of the screen to see when the photo was taken. Most now are 2013 and 2014. If you don't see a sign with the business name, rather another business, you can ask how long they have been at the current location to see if it jives with the Google map date.

Here is the address for Dun and Bradstreet - Old Pro

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Thank you for this info. - Please sm

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Not the OP, but I learned a few things from your post and others on this thread. Knew of a few obvious things, but never thought of Google Mapping a place, and never heard of Dun & Bradstreet. Will put all of this into play when starting a new job search in a couple weeks.

Manta for company profiles and licensing or Who Is for - IPs, domain sites. NM

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Company - slt

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I don't think this place was legit. They e-mailed me asking if I was interested in working. They stated they are a small company out of Texas. I replied back that I was interested. After searching the e-mail address and only a partial name, I didn't locate anything. They sent me 2 voice files to transcribe, but when I saw the file name ( pardon me, but I'm not kidding...the file name was dick and hack.)That sounded odd to me, so I didn't download anything to transcribe. They asked for my resume which I didn't send. I also deleted my job seeker post after this and the e-mail they sent me. It didn't sit right with me. I'm not certain if it was a real company or scam, but why not tell who you are before asking for a resume and asking me to test.

slt - Old Pro

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I have never asked for an SS number unless I was actually hiring somebody and needed it for tax purposes. You can have them contact your references--they do not need your SS number for that. I would not give it out unless I were signing an employment contract.

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