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my clients want to switch from tapes to digital sm - Desertfox

Posted: Oct 19, 2009

My two docs, whom I have typed for 6 years, are considering going to digital dictation from tapes. I told them I would look into it and need some advice. I can't seem to find how to search the archives on this new board...can some of you offer me some names of transcription platforms that I can check out? I would be most appreciative....

You don't need a platform. - CrankyBeach

[ In Reply To ..]
All you need is to get them dictating on digital recording machines that have the capability of transferring the sound files to the computer, so they can then be transferred to you, either directly, or via some form of secure online upload. Same goes for getting the finished work back to them.

My one local account finally got switched to digital when my one remaining working tape machine died and I simply refused to replace it. He grumbled, but he switched. (And now he's thrilled that he never has another broken tape to deal with, nor does he ever dictate into an "empty" machine, because his digital machine beeps at him if it has a low battery. Go figure.)

Since his office is only a mile away and I enjoy seeing the staff, I actually go down there myself, transfer the files off his machine to his computer, and then transfer them from his computer to a thumb/flash drive I carry with me. I print out the finished work at home and take it down there as well to deliver.

If for some reason I can't get down there, the office manager knows how to transfer the sound files, and she uploads them to a secure online site. (We use Dropboks. It's free, and very simple to use.) I can upload finished documents to the same site, and she downloads them and prints them out at her end.

This system works even when I am out of town. During the summer I was gone for 11 days. I transcribed on my laptop on the plane, and uploaded the work when I got to an internet connection at my next stop.

Feel free to toss me an e-mail if you have any further questions I might be able to answer.

agree with comment - EAL

[ In Reply To ..]
All you need is ExpressScribe, a free download, and all they need is a digital dictator. One thing I would recommend - Panasonic is one system that ExpressScribe doesn't recognize, so I have to use the Panasonic program to convert the files to WAV files first - one simple extra step on my end that doesn't affect the MD. I receive all my digital dictations via email and it works great - so much clearer than those old tapes that get used over and over.

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