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Where do doctors dictate? - Cheesey

Posted: Oct 13, 2011

Ok, I'm curious, but can doctos do their dictations anywhere?

A lot of times, I hear a bunch of doctors in like some sort of dictation room. You can hear other doctors doing dications. I just picture a bunch of people in white coats sitting at a desk talking into a phone. lol.

Other times it sounds like they're in an emergency room while an emergency is going on. People are asking for things, things are clanging around.

Sometimes it sounds like they're in their own home. Had an ESL doctor dictating and in the background, it sounded like 2 people were having an argument in some foreign language.

And then tonight, I SWEAR this doctor was on an airplane. He stopped talking and you could hear a woman talk about stuff and then clearly say "Welcome onboard, and we will be on our way shortly."

Maybe these weren't the cases, but they sure sounded like it. I had to attend HIPPA meetings about how I can only use head phones and how my work environment has to be secure from other people because I'm dealing with confidential documents. Yet these doctors sound like they're saying all of this info out loud where ever. Is this the case?

All of the above, actually - Happy MT Robin

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I know for a fact that at many hospitals they just have a big bullpen area for the hospitalists, and so you are absolutely correct when you say some sort of "dictation room."

I haven't experienced it myself, but there are horror stories about doctors urinating and so forth while continuing to dictate. The best ones are where they didn't turn off the recording device and you hear them getting amorous. No, that hasn't happened to me, but to a former co worker.

I worked for a local practice that did outreach clinics in farflung portions of the state. The husband of the practice president flew a small plane, so instead of driving three to four hours each way, he would fly them back and forth. One of the docs did his dictation on the way back and all anyone could hear was the airplane engine noise. The one person who ended up being able to do the dictation in any fashion was a woman who had hearing aids and she was able to adjust them somehow to drown out the mechanical noise. There were still a lot of blanks, but she was able to do a whole lot more than any one of the rest of us could.

I always wonder about the ones who are dictating at home where family members can hear...seems to me that's a massive HIPAA violation.

Doctors are given all kinds of leeway because they're doctors apparently and the powers that be are afraid to do anything about it.

You're speaking of "real world" leeway, Happy. - The rules apply, all right, but are

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not necessarily applied so strictly they strangle work flow. People work within this unofficial system knowing that if it causes a problem, it is they who are on the line. It's always been like that.

For instance for us: Not "guessing" at words is an absolute instruction almost everywhere, but we do it all day long to some degree (as we are unofficially very much expected to) and are almost always right. If we stopped, the % of reports sent to QA would multiply many times over.

BTW, I had a doctor literally whispering his way through an entire report yesterday. He wasn't in a sleep clinic, so best guess was a baby sleeping nearby. :)

I've heard heart monitors beeping nearby. - anon NM

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The radiologists I transcribe for are set up - Hope

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to be able to read diagnostic images on PACS and dictate from home. One has a very talkative cat, several have kids taking musical instrument lessons, one was in labor while dictating. They also dictate from the imaging rooms within their department.

I accompanied a relative to the ER recently and was across the aisle from the central MD/RN station, which had several wide doorways and walls that were windows halfway up. Not only could I hear the doc dictating cases and demographic info, but he would get up and walk away and anyone waiting in the hall could just glance over and read the chart on the screen.

so much for confidentiatlity. while hippa wants no one - looking over MY shoulder at my screen. ha!

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If they can do that - I can laphop to Starbucks.

i probaby have the winner - susan

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A doctor was actually in the bathroom doing his business and dictating at the same time. Now that takes talent..LOL! Guess their clueless and ignorant...

I used to get tapes from an oncologist - Hope

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I worked for, who was obviously doing, ahem, "#2" and having a hard time about it. At least once a week back then I'd get that.

The HIPAA thing cracks me up. I work at home, alone, and have to copy tech's handwritten notes from PACS and type them into Meditech. We were told not to print out the PACS forms to copy from because it was against the rules, so we have to go back and forth between screens or write them down with no identifying info and then copy from that.

I think we're talking pt info being overheard as they dictate, tho. - not so much what we hear. NM

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