A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I don't understand... - just saying
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How can the whitehouse control this? I think you need to be addressing this through Congress -
agree...plus - sm
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I know that MM and Nuance buy smaller companies, but I wouldn't want to allege that they're "buying up all" smaller companies without substantiating it.
80% - 90%? First off, where is that documented? - see message
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Hurling percentages around without substantiation from a verifiable source sounds like you're just tossing out numbers because you are angry. The first sentence is a run-on. Doubt you'll get much response. JMHO.
quote your sources - sm
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You seriously think that these 2 companies even control 80 to 90% of the nation's medical records, much less plan to off shore them?
Wihtout verifiable facts, you will just come off looking like a whiny dissatisfied worker.
This kind of stuff is why it's hard to garner respect for any group. If you have a legit cause you need to provide cold hard facts.
Petition - Note to everybody
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Don't let the naysayers above discourage you. Sign the petition. Even if only 1% of work was going offshore and leaving 1% of MTs unemployed, that is too much. This offshoring is certainly an issue to bring to the attention of the White House as well as the Congress, both are needed. The president can certainly use the bully pulpit, not to mention that it is possibel that an Executive Order might be all that is needed to stop hospitals receiving public funds from offshoring.
You don't come across as a whiner to normal MTs by using ballpark figures.
I can't help but wonder when I read the negative posts that always follow a note like yours regarding offshoring, witout fail. Why is this? Why would any normal person employed in this business not want to try to do something to put a stop to this?
Are these posters actually corporate shills trying to everything they can, small ways and large, to prevent MTs from trying to take some sort of action to do something about the situation we find ourselves in?
Think about it, do you know any MTs IN PERSON who are not concerned about offshoring? Do you know any real MTs IN PERSON who would just shrug their shoulders about this and would accuse you of being a "whiner" or not want to consider pursuing possible avenues to effect change as simple such as signing a petition, that also might be very very meaningful if enough people did so?
Please, please don't pay any attention to these people. I don't think they are real. Just go ahead and sign the petition, and write your congress critter if you are so inclined. Don't let these people, whoever they are, discourage you.
What is happening does not benefit any American MT, and why would ANY American MT want to discourage anyone trying to do something about it?
Doesn't make any sense, does it?
What strange responses - Almost as if
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those people have had their heads under rocks. Demanding percentages, really? They might as well be shouting "prove it" or "nanny nanny boo boo."
This petition and one at moveon.org should be signed by all MTs and their families and friends.
I have posted them online in several locations.
no stranger than willy-nilly unsubstantiated allegations - sm
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there is enough REAL information that could be distributed. This kind of petition does nothing but shoot us ALL in the foot.
corporate shill? I don't think so - sm
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I, for one, am not a corporate shill. The petition is factually unsubstantiated and the grammar is quite poor. That's the long and the short of it.
I agree - Not a shill either
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The petition is not well written and I think you are mistaken about the percentages. Where did you find documentation the 80% to 90% of medical records are going to be offshored? I also want to correct a misconception that PHI is being sent overseas. Apparently you are not aware, but when facilities send transcription out, they send the voice files and nothing else with the least amount of information necessary to identify the patient. Also, the information is encrypted in many cases; my facility even requires us to encrypt any e-mail we send outside the facility containing PHI. Any offshore company that accepts an American account is required to be HIPAA and HITECH compliant unless they want to be sued. There are hackers everywhere, even in the US. I am not a "corporate shill" but I work closely with an offshore MTSO doing QA. Please do some research before posting a petition for everyone to sign.
You do realize that MTs' livelihood has been - taken away from them
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and the majority of work is now done in India. That means our pay has been slashed and the two companies mentioned exhibit nothing but corporate greed. They care NOTHING about MTs.
Who I am explaining this to? First time at this board?
Email and medical records are and can be uncrypted by the NSA. Do your own research on that.
Why would anyone get on this board and post anything anti-MT, other than .... what? How dare you.
Bully for you. You got a job that allows you to know all the facts except the day to day reality of U.S. MTs.
Issues - Me again
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I have been an MT for over 30 years and lost my job due outsourcing and offshoring. I am well aware of the plight of the MT; that is not the issue. Your petition addresses offshoring of records, not pay being slashed, which Congress can't do anything about anyway. I don't think the NSA is wasting their time trying to read patient medical records or hack into MTSO files. I have nothing against anyone filing a petition. All I am saying is get your facts straight if you want to generate some interest instead of letting your emotions rule your actions. I'd happily sign anything that was worded well and was accurate. At this point you are dealing in generalities with nothing to back up your statements.
Seriously? - sm
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I challenge you to please cite your resources that substantiate the MAJORITY of MT work is going offshore. I'd bet the farm your so far wrong.
Again with the emotional crap that the corporations don't care about MTs. So what? They're corporations! Despite what Romney and the Pubs say- CORPORATIONS AREN'T PEOPLE so they really don't emote at all! And in case YOU have been sleeping under a rock, corporate greed is so rampant in this country that the 98% of us who struggle to earn a living could stamp our feet till our heads pop off and it won't change it.
Technology is a bigger threat to you than offshore labor. Where's the petition that says STOP PROGRESS! NO MORE ADVANCING TECHNOLOGY!!
I fear that you guys don't even see how ridiculous you sound.
there's nothing anti-MT about the posts you are railing at - sm
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you are speaking through your hat, unaware or uninterested in the facts. What's with the "how dare you"?
Well, if you are not shills - questioning
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And just who does your attitude benefit? Just who benefits from your oh-so-superior criticisms? Certainly not the American MT!
This petition was written from the heart by an upset despairing American MT who lost her job. It is not the petition I would have written but, on the other hand, I did not have the gumption to write the petition I would have written in the first place, so I'm signing it flaws and all -- particularly when the website itself states not to start a second petition.
My hope is that this petition will catch the eye of someone of influence who can look at this, and make an end to this offshoring.
As you said, there are hackers everywhere, why not protect ourselves at least from overseas hackers.
And, by the way, I don't think it will matter too much when those people who can change this should happen to find that it is only 30% or 40% or so of these American jobs (which I do think is higher than that) particularly when the main source of funding for these jobs comes from the US taxpayer. That health-care money certainly should stay right here, in our own economy, sustaining American jobs as well as caring for patients who, I am sure, would feel less threatened if their medical/financial records remained in the good old USA.
Again, this money needs to stay here, especially in light of the fact we are moving toward a one-payer system.
And, interestingly, although you deny being a shill, I think otherwise, clearly you benefit from destroying the livlihood of Amrican MTs stating "I work closely with an offshore MTSO. . . "
As I stated before, people, ignore the naysayers, they have a different agenta than you do. They do not have your best interest at heart. They are wolves in sheep clothing, they will oh so literately, and oh-so-objectively, tell you all the reasons why you have to accept your status, all the reasons you are wrong, all the reasons you should be a part of any endeavor to make a change, and in the mean tear your livelihood away from you as they try to convince you that they are right, and there is nothing you can do.
Question - Me again
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I am concerned about identity theft and I am concerned about my name and other identifiable information falling into the wrong hands. Signing my name to an on line position that is going to be sent God Knows Where seems to me like a good way to compromise my privacy, I guess it's okay if it is done in the cause of helping you keep your job. Yes, my employer outsources and uses offshore labor for their transcription. I QA their work, only for the reason that I need a job and need to support myself. I am destroying no one's livelihood. It's a global economy. I don't like it any more than you, but I am working within those restraints. I'm sorry, but it is going to take more than one petition to end offshoring. We all have choices to make. You do not have to remain an MT and I don't have to sign your petition. I am trying to get you to do some research; if you want to be taken seriously, get your facts straight in regard to percentages and some of the other things you are saying.
who does our attitude benefit, you ask? - answer
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Our attitude benefits MTs everywhere. We are not making "oh-so-superior criticisms" - we just happen to know that FACT-BASED arguments win out over emotion-driven, fallacious bombast every time. If you had any sense, you would realize that petitions like these SHOOT MTs in the foot. They do not advance our cause or our interests.
No cause has ever been advanced by exaggeration, foolish application of unsubstantiated data, or personal upset masquerading as knowledge.
issues with these petitions - sm
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They simply aren't intelligent.
Throwing out the names of the 2 biggest companies is meaningless and the emotional plea just nullifies any real complaint.
The wording of every petition I've read sounds like someone is bitter and not someone who actually has studied the statistics and has facts and figures rather than emotional pleas to share.
You might as well send a petition that says, stop killing puppies so I can keep my job. It would be as impactful and garner the same amount of attention, albeit it may get a few more signatures.
BTW, I'm not a corporate shill nor a heartless MT. I work hard and hate seeing what is happening in MT. But I also see a clock that is not going to be turned back so rather than spinning my wheels trying to get it to do so, I'm making sure I can still make a living.
So-called intelligence isn't always everything - Not so stupid
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It's funny, you used expressions such as Romney and the "pubs" indicating to me that you are a democrat. I on the other hand am a life-long republican born of life-long republicans and so on, back to the time of Abraham Lincoln when the republican party was formed.
We Republicans certainly have from time to time used the argument that something is not articulated well, the facts are wrong, but aware that when the premise is intelligent, there is a real issue present, which this most certainly is, we (grudgingly) lend our support, and I have no problem with signing this petition. In any case, I disagree with you that the petition is unintelligent. It is intelligent in the best sense. It is we the people directing our very real grievance to the govt asking for redress.
Also, as a republican, a real republican, I tell you this, there is a time when a labor issue becomes so serious, we STAND TOGETHER, even if our issue is not articulated in the most "intelligent" manner possible by people who actually care enough to take a stand, even if the facts are not quite as well organized as they should be, even if those leaders who are stepping up to the plate make a change appear "Whiney." SO WHAT?
This petition needs signing by all of us. And if you are not with us, then you are against us. We are not stupid, we know what has happened to us, and we know who the villains are. The creator of this petition may not be correct in all of her percentages, she may not have named all of the bad guys, but nonetheless this is a good petition for all its faults and if you don't sign it, it is because you are with them, and not with us.
I remember my mother, Republican to the bone, once raving about unions. Unions according to her, were the worst evil ever created in the USA, and then proceeded to list every single GOP issue with unions and then added to them some of her own issues.
But she ended her tirade with this statement: "There is only one thing more evil, one thing worse, then unions, and that is . . .
I have never forgotten her saying that, and I think this is the overwhelming factor here.
It would certainly behoove you, if you are with us, to get some good stats together if this bothers you so much. Find out just exactly how many jobs have been lost if you are so concerned with this, and can't take a stand until you know the exact number -- then stand with us, sign the petition.
I say if one job has been lost that is needed by an American citizen, that is one job too many. And that is enough reason for me to hold my nose and sign the petition (all the while aware of just how much the Obama adminitration exaggerates the stats to win their points, so I don't see them finding too much fault with this plea from the heart.)
And I question your ethics, facilitating the transfer of American jobs overseas. For the sake of your country, you should not be doing this. Find another way to support yourself. Stop being a Judas Goat.
Why, CakeBaker is that you?? Where ya been - in a corner? haha-just a joke. NM
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She's baaaaaack!! LOL.
Never went anywhere - Sometimes I just read
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As I noted before, I cannot fathom why any working American MT would be opposed for any reason to fighting for our jobs.
I don't know who you are and what your motive is, but one thing I know for sure is that you are not one of us.
You are here only to sow dissent, to ridicule and discourage anyone who would try to make changes for the better.
Interesting that you should even remember me, or go to the effort of deriding me.
But we will get our jobs back, your Alinksy-style attacks will only go so far, the day will come again when only money to be made in medical transcription will be made by the people doing the work.
I am in favor of signing the petition. But I am also in favor of doing a lot more to bring this nonsense to an end, and in my own way, I am doing trying to do what I can. I promise. Just for now, people, sign the petition, it is not perfect, but it is a beginning. Someone cared enough to start something, let's help it along.
And when people who can do something about this, start to become aware of what is happening, they will figure out exactly what percetages of jobs are going off shore, don't fuss with the details right now, let us just get started doing what needs to be done.
Are there really any of you out there who would be okay with what is happening, if it was "only" 60% of jobs going overseas rather than 80%. Does it really matter that much at this point?
lol, I have it on good authority you were banned. - nice try tho. NM
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not playing today...maybe tomorrow.
it would be very unprofessional for someone to - divulge that information
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and did I divulge? Let me look...umm, NO. - anon N/M
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I'm talking about the "good authority" that divulged it to YOU - sigh
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evidently someone divulged the info to you, otherwise you wouldn't know. Right? And not for nothing, but you just DID divulge to us that the poster was banned, for goodness sake.
we're not opposed to fighting for our jobs - sm
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we are opposed to foolish rants devoid of rationality, which COMPROMISE our credibility, our worth, and our value. Get over yourself.
curious - SM
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You wouldn't be the whiner, can't take the heat and should stay out of the kitchen, self-professed MT crusader from Facebook would you? You sound just like her.
What bothers me most is that those of you pushing these petitions and other fruitless agendas really come across as clueless as to the realities of not just MT but the world.
No way I add my name to a list of people who are willing to jump on a bandwagon based purely on emotion and very little fact. Just not a group I want to be part of.
I'd rather help American MT learn to stay employed and viable. Just seems like a better expenditure of energy.
Are you kidding me with this Judas goat - A little over the top
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"If you're not with us then you're against us".
"Judas goat". Seriously?
I like a good rollicking debate as much as the next person, but when you go completely over the top like that, you lose all credibility in my view.
if the shoe fits . . . - Not a debate
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Maybe a little moral introspection is warranted on your part, don't you think?
If you are enabling and defending this destruction of our American economy, in this field or any other, You are a Judas and a Benedict Arnold. And give me ONE good reason why anyone who is living at the raw edge of desperation should not think so!
Living at the raw edge of desperation? - Me Again
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Oh my! It is your choice to stay there. You need to get out of the house once in a while and see how the other 90% of the work force lives.
name-calling - sm
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I just cannot imagine who you think you are, recommending "a little moral introspection" as you call posters Judas Goat and Benedict Arnold.
You should return your computer... not American made you know. - nm
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"This petition needs signing by all of us" - hardly
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I will never sign such a poorly worded and misguided petition.
Please don't tell "all of us" what we should do.
right - "so-called" intelligence is nothing - actual intelligence is useful
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You question the poster's ethics? "If you are not with us, then you are against us?!" Who do you think you are?
Let me put it to you this way: Do you think it would be an intelligent gun-control argument if someone were to come out and say: "The government wants a gun in the hands of every American so that people can shoot each other with impunity." That would be a stupid argument and would do nothing more than shoot holes in the objective - making it absolutely useless and of no utility.
The poster to whom you are speaking is not facilitating the transfer of American jobs. What a ridiculous thing to say. Who do you think you are calling her a Judas Goat? What an incredibly ignorant and rude thing to say.
You are waaay late to the party - sm
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Now you're concerned about American jobs going overseas?
Where have you BEEN for the last 20+ years?
Guess it's not a problem for you until your affected, right?
Slacktivism, there's a word. - notregisteredtovote. s/m
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SLACKTIVISM from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
"Slacktivism (sometimes slactivism or slackervism) is a portmanteau of the words slacker and activism. The word is usually considered a pejorative term that describes "feel-good" measures, in support of an issue or social cause, that have little or no practical effect other than to make the person doing it take satisfaction from the feeling they have contributed. The acts tend to require minimal personal effort from the slacktivist (AS DEMONSTRATED BY A WHOPPING 7 LINES DEVOTED TO THE 'CAUSE'). The underlying assumption being promoted by the term is that these low cost efforts substitute for more substantive actions rather than supplementing them, although this assumption has not been borne out by research.[1]
Slacktivist activities include signing Internet petitions,[2] joining a community organization without contributing to the organization's efforts, copying and pasting of social network statuses or messages or altering one's personal data or avatar on social network services. Research is beginning to explore the connection between the concept and modern activism/advocacy, as groups are increasingly using social media to facilitate civic engagement and collective action.[3]
The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS describes the term "slacktivist", saying it "posits that people who support a cause by performing simple measures are not truly engaged or devoted to making a change."
Do the google, there's more and quite relevant such as "clicktivism." By the way, stumbled on this researcing the effectiveness of online petitions, linked in an article on why online petitions do not work. Found the word and it's explanation amusingly familiar.
I am googling antatomic parts for what - you are. Found several. -nm
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NOW she does research. Don't strain it dear. - lol NM
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(!) this is a symbol
somebody had to, they obviously did no research - for the endeavor. s/m
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And before I sign a petition, I want to know its the right coarse of action. I had qeustions about net petitions. Problem?
I was talking about googling for anatomic parts - LMAO. You had to google them?
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That's funny. You are a transcriptionist, aren't you?
No, that's not a problem for me, but it might be for you!
You obviously need Thread Following 101. - Look at the post I responded to
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That is the person I responded to. If that wasn't you, why are you getting involved?
Sorry !these threads get long, Snarky not necessary but it it makes - you feel good, by all means...
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let it shine, babe.
I was responding to your snark, you know. About - my obvious "understanding problem"
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And what else was it? Good luck in life, or something like that? Good luck with that?
But if it makes you feel like it didn't happen because you deleted it, you go for it.
and I appologized. Again - I am sorry for misunderstanding who - you were. NM
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No just why would anyone care or not - whether you signed a petition
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What possible motive could someone have to try to discourage you from doing such a simple thing?
Your name ends up on it, is why. - sm
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Your name ends up on it, for one. If I am going to sign something, it is going to be factual, better thought out, and better written than that.
Not discouraging anyone - Me again
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No one here discouraged anyone from signing, we stated why we wouldn't sign. Sign away if it makes you feel better and if you think it will increase your pay or stop outsourcing. That's been going on for years, so this is arriving pretty late in the game. I doubt that Nuance and MM are going to appreciate being named. They're also both powerful corporations and probably lobby Congress pretty heavily. Sorry, but money talks and it always will.
For me, the bigger question is why you think medical transcription is that important. It's a job, just like any other job. If you love it that much and are willing to wait around for employers to come to their senses and bring the work back "where it belongs" or work with the realities and stay where you are that is up to you. Personally, I'd ask myself if it were worth the aggravation. You are so off base telling me that I am anti-MT or against you. I lost a great MT job after 18 years when my entire department was laid off. I had done MT for 30 years; actually I didn't know there was anything else because I had never done anything else. After that, I did what I had to do in order to make a living, that's pretty much it. Working for production pay is not my thing, I don't need that aggravation in my old age. Good luck with your petition, I hope you get your signatures and that it makes a difference.
we're asking a simple question - prove these are not just allegations and I'll - consider signing.
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You read contracts you sign right? I take my signature seriously as a representation of myself and in this case my belief in the document. Produce the sources on which this was based and I might take it seriously, because you are accusing companies by name here. Be careful with that.
Now - How in the world do you get 'trying to stop others from signing' out of simply asking for more information to back up the allegations and other statements. Anyone, including the government, will read this petition and ask 'why.' Why should they spend any time on this? All you have here is 'because I said so.' You need more than that to convince someone to create a law, and you can't get past feeling insulted to hear or even think about what we're trying to say to you.
Ridiculous. And I don't like what is happening out there any more than you, but this petition is not what I want my name on for the reasons above that you seem to have no asnwer for other than childish backtalk. No offense but thems the facts right here in all these posts - AND - I might add, all we have to go on.
from the horse's mouth - ffs
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I'll tell you where those numbers coming from...its coming from the people doing the hiring at the top 2 companies. HR recently has had no problem telling people that they need to hire in as QC because by 2014 they intend all MT/MLS jobs to be offshore and only QC onshore to cover quality and for those facilities that demand onshore work. They know they can't really sue companies in other countries and it not cost them and they may require them to meet standards but what do you think they can really do about it? Drop a bomb??
Really? Heresay and office gossip? - I think this petition thread is over.
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Obviously this petition is not about the situation with transcription as a whole. It's about something she heard through a grapevine at her place of employment - and she's thinking this will be nation wide.
My company does not even send overseas. Chicken little needs realize we don't all work for MMODAL or Nuance.
Thank you for clarifying what this really is about.
stick around you will before long - ffs
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gobble gobble
right, uh-huh. doesn't phase me. - anon
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because you do not know, just dreaming up scenarios off some panic infested bandwagon you fell off of.
Have a good nite. I'm done here, it's all a dream.
please take this to the POLITICS board - as that is what this
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has become and do not wish that type of rhetoric on this board. Too much angst over nothing!! move on please!
I agree. - MT3
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That would be the smart place to post, but with the use of terms like "Judas goat," well, that's not exactly debating an issue.
If you don't like the petition, don't sign it and keep your mouth shut. Why do you keep g - MT20
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you do know you just told the original poster where to go, right? - just wondering where you are coming from.
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and this is not a fight, as much as you try to make it that way.
just sayin'...
you don't have the right to tell anyone to keep their - mouths shut
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Thanks for all the positives and negatives - Boostedmom
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I am the creator of the petition. And yes, maybe it is poorly worded as it was written the day I found out the wonderful little company I managed to find got eaten by Nuance. I've been an MT for 20 years, 14 of them with the Q, left to find another small company only to have it eaten by Transcend, and got out of Transcend just as Nuance gobbled them up. Well, here I am again, back to square one. I wanted to puke when I found out. The zest I had working for this wonderful small company disappeared in an instant.
I didn't pull that 80% to 90% figure out of nowhere. I just felt I had to do something, anything. I've also contacted a gentleman who is the president and founder of the "Reshoring Initiative". In order for him to help he needs more facts and figures, and these are very hard to find.
Most people don't even know we exist or what we do, or that their medical records are being transcribed in a foreign country. All I want to do is bring this out in the open. This country is in sad shape and we just keep losing more and more of our jobs.
So, you can all say what you like, at least I'm trying to do something while a lot of you just sit there and bitch and moan.
If your figures are not out of nowhere, then where are they from? - nm
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I, too, am curious about this! - sm
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it's a little squirrely for her to say she didn't pull the numbers out of nowhere, but then fail to tell us where she pulled them from!
actually - sm
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the petition reads like a b*tch and moan.
You did pull the figures out of your arse because you want your truth to be true.
Because we refuse to sign an embarrassingly poorly written petition, we're doing nothing? Another leap you made.
Your M.O. is obviously just spout it off and it makes it true. Sorry, not buying it.
You go, girl! (I know Boostedmom personally.) - Still cranky still on the beach
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She and I used to work together at Transcend. We did some projects together, we spoke on the phone often, and we actually met in person one day when we happened to be in the same part of the planet long enough to have lunch. She's a hard worker, honest to a fault (sometimes quite bluntly so), and whether y'all think this petition thing is going to have any legs or not, I appreciate the fact that she has indeed gone ahead and tried to DO SOMETHING for this once-noble profession of ours. I'm just sayin'.
Petition critics - Nuance escapee
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even if you don't agree with EVERYTHING in the petition, this will at least get someone the attention of some folks in Washington, not just about our jobs but about our medical info going overseas as well! We have to start somewhere !!!
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Do you think the Big 2 don't have lobbyists so you better bet your "corporations are people" dollar that the "folks" in Washington KNOW.
PEOPLE, PEOPLE, PEOPLE!! The reality is most people really don't give a rats patootie where their records are transcribed. Your hysteria is mostly that-- YOURS.
Yes, put your name on a poorly conceived petition that is scattered at best, unfocused, unprofessional, and put it out there in the public domain for everyone to see. Says more about you than it says about anyone caring where their records are transcribed.
lobbyists - arisgma
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I read there are 3 lobbyists for each member of the senate and house of representatives, who each work 40 hours a week to lobby for offshore in medical transcription. Just think of all the money they are paying these lobbyists are getting just so the big 2 can take away our jobs.
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this has become a political issue... please take your comments there. Not interested.
arsigma - read your post again. - NM
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might want to QA that sucker.
Getting the attention of Washington - sm
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Oh my, thanks a lot for the laugh, I really needed it!
Don't know why I bother... - Boostedmom
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I just read this post on FB. I may not have my facts straight according to some of you (I can't for the life of me remember where I got the 80% to 90% figure, chalk it up to old brain), but the bottom line people is that no one seems to know about us AND the fact that our medical records are sent offshore. I AM DRAWING ATTENTION TO IT! Here's the post:
From our incoming AHDI Pres, in response to "About Stacey" today!
WoW. Thanks so much, Jill, for the encouraging note!!! Anybody else love this note?
Jill Devrick
I'm at the HIMSS Policy Summit in DC right now (representing AHDI and the Health Story Project). I made a great contact today that may help us elevate this conversation (if approached carefully), but I need to get a dialogue going when I get home. More on this soon. As has been discussed, AHDI is not allowed to be directly involved in labor issues. However, we can call attention to areas of concern such as the privacy and security of patient information when it is shipped overseas to get a dialogue going about whether this should be allowed to happen, and under what conditions. Offshoring was news to the government guy I talked to, so I am going to make sure he understands how difficult it is to ensure "documentation integrity" when there are few protections and standards in place. I'll see what I can do. Meanwhile, keep being noisy, y'all. Based upon what I'm learning from AHIMA and HIMSS this week, opportunity is everywhere for MTs if you are willing to be assertive and creative with your knowledge and skills. I'm going to blog about what I'm learning when I can get to my home office and organize my brain.
So instead of sitting there and blasting me, why don't you all start trying to get on the bandwagon to try to do something about this! :))))
A suggestion for you - sm
[ In Reply To ..]
I found this article about effecting petition writing via google. There are others, so feel free to look around.
Anyway, read through this and then compare it to your petition and see how you can improve it. As it stands right now, it's just not good nor effective. If you want to pursue this and accomplish something with your petition, you will need to improve it.
Thanks - Boostedmom
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Unfortunately what's done is done. As I mentioned, it was pretty much written in haste and emotion. I'm trying. There was a video the other day about a hummingbird trying to put out a fire in the forest and all the other animals were just standing there not doing anything. I may not be the brightest and am definitely very emotional but hey, I think I might have started to get the message out.
After September 27 someone - else can do a new one
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If so inclined. Public awareness necessary. Journalist Chris somebody or other -- who wanted stories -- emailed me back after my submission. Email Robert Reich, go to his blog. He wants Wal-Mart and fast food employees to make $15. Where is my $15 an hour -- consistently, with 35+ hours a week?
We've contacted several people - Boostedmom
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We've contacted Sanjay Gupta, Morgan Spurlock (who actually did one of his Inside Man shows on Wal-Mart), and others, to no avail. :( I think if maybe we started bombarding them we could get some attention. The thing is, we're not talking about a pair of jeans being made in China, we're talking about people's lives, it really needs some attention, ya think?
*effective* petition writing - sm
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One more point -- keep in mind that you are trying to interest people who have no knowledge of MT and limited knowledge (or experience) of medical records. MTSO names and buyouts really mean nothing to the populace as a whole.
Are we really that ignorant - as a people
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People know they are being screwed by corporate greed. Give people a little credit for knowing that and about loss of privacy and identity theft AND LOSS OF AMERICAN JOBS.
England did away with EMR after 10 years of trying because of security breaches.
Simple search of England and electronic medical records will answer your curiosity about that.
Yes, we are. - nm
[ In Reply To ..]
No one cares what England does either.
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