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VA MTs have the balls to call - Another MT

Posted: May 12, 2015

To call the DOL, that is. 

Just to clarify from the thread below - the MTSOs are not going to share the details of their VA contracts with MTs, ever, so you will have to contact the DOL to find out. 

If you are a current or recent past VA MT, not being paid as an employee with full benefits and a minimum hourly wage of at least $14/hour, I would strongly encourage you to make a quick phone call to the office of the DOL closest to where your MTSO is located. 

Regardless of where you actually live or what hospital locations you work for, DOL investigation starts with the MTSO's address and location.  They will pay them a visit.

Please call that DOL office, even if it's in another state.  It's free, it's confidential.  An investigator will then get back in touch with you and obtain the info they need, such things as what state you live in, where the VA account hospitals are located, the hours you work, are you being paid as an IC.

The DOL can make sure the MTSOs are actually following the terms of the Service Contract Act and they will make sure you get paid according to that contract, even back pay.  But until everyone stands tall and makes that call, the DOL can only assume you're happy with your pay and that the MTSO is following the contract to the letter.  But as we've seen time and again - as soon as a year goes by, or the contract changes hands - the MTSOs go back to their old ways. 

This is completely confidential.  The DOL will not provide any info to the MTSO and you cannot be let go for asking them to look over the contract performance.

We Type Transcription is one them. - Anon

[ In Reply To ..]
They currently have three VA contracts and are paying .07 cpl. They have been reported to the DOL recently. I refuse to work for any contractor that does not adhere to a contractual agreement with a VA Hospital. Such contractor lacks integrity and I will not participate!

good - anon

[ In Reply To ..]
I think they won some of those contracts over companies that do follow the contractual agreements.

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