A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Another QA question thread from below - tiredtyper

Posted: Dec 15, 2009

I am moving this up to the top because I think it is an important issue.  I am referring to my post below about looking at old reports and seeing the work of another MT at my company.  It was a VR report that was obviously not edited or just skimmed over.  I will look at other reports from this MT, and if I see more than 2 or 3 more with the same problems, I will report it.  As was said below, it is above all an issue of patient safety.  I am concerned about my MTSO losing the account, first because it is my account and I love it, second because I work for a great company who I would not want to see lose an account over one lazy MT's work.  Sorry, I understand that people are trying to make money in very difficult times.  Things in this business are not anywhere near what they used to be.  However, if you work for a company and have an agreement with them as far as pay, VR, etc., you should honor that committment.  I am in the same financial boat as everybody else.  I have been an MT for 22 years.  My income now is about where it was 15 years ago, by expenses have probably about doubled.  If I felt I was working for "slave" wages or otherwise being mistreated, I could find another way to make a living, not jeopardize other people's health or jobs. 

If my some chance, the MT (maybe there are more than one) who is putting out such poor quality work and not doing their job, I hope you reconsider what you are doing and maybe find something else to do for a living.  We have enough problems in this business without people putting out such low quality work.  I take pride in my work, and believe it or not, your mistakes could seriously hurt some poor patient out there, would you want it to happen to your family member?


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They're getting what they pay for - pay for quality and get it

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Let the computer's work stand the way it is, or pay MTs to type it right. They can't expect a quality report for free. They have shown us what they think of us and won't pay for skills - so let the machines do it. They already make our jobs nearly impossible with horrible sound files, ESL garbles, etc. Now demand same quality work for half the pay? Not gonna get it.

I don't agree with you at all - tiredtyper

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I am the OP above. First of all, this is not a hard account with ESLs, garbles, etc. It is a very good account with great dictators, so what this MT did was pure laziness. I do about 2/3 VR and 1/3 straight. My paycheck is the same as it was when I just did straight, no difference. If MTs do not want to do VR, or are not willing to do it for the pay offered, they should find another way to make a living because VR is not going anywhere. I actually like it. When I do have an ESL with VR, it usually helps because the system picks up things I wouldn't. Do I think 1/2 pay for VR is fair, no I don't. I think it should probably be about 65%-70% or straight rate. However, if you take a job and agree to the terms, you should do the job to the best of your ability, or find something else to do to make a living and leave the job for someone who wants it. Most importantly, these documents go into patient records, and a mistake could end up costing someone their life. I would not want that particular MT typing a report for me or any of my family members.

The computer makes the errors - put the blame where it goes

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Maybe they need to get rid of VR and let the MTs type the reports. The system wasn't broke, but they "fixed it". Now they can live with their new and improved methods.
another QA question - tiredtyper
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I would love to see VR disappear, unfortunately that isn't going to happen. My point is if they are paying you to edit the report, that is what should be done, not just skim through it and sent it through errors and all. I don't think anybody is happy about VR, but like I said, if you plan to stay in this field, you have to deal with it, and anybody who thinks the answer is just sending the report back full of errors, no punctuation, etc., will probably be looking for a new job soon anyway because eventually they will get caught. Nobody has the right to send somebody's medical document back full of errors. If the pay isn't enough, find something else to do to make a living, that simple.
If nobody is happy about it - why must we have it?
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I'm sick of being hassled and guilted by MTSOs as if its OUR fault THEY decided to shove VR down everyone's throat. We went to school to become MTs, not to babysit badly written computer programs and help train them to make us obsolete. They never asked us if we WANTED to edit VR, they simply snatched our jobs away and declared us editors. In this job market, the "find something else to do" isn't that easy or most of us WOULD be out of here already. If you want to gleefully participate in your own demise for half the pay, enjoy it. But know this - the patients that you are so concerned about don't know you exist and wouldn't give a hoot if they did. Nobody cares about MTs, not patients, not doctors, not AAMT, not the MTSOs we are making RICH. Contract? What contract? They change the rules on us constantly, and con us out of a few more pennies and handicap us further. If patient care suffers, don't blame the stressed, harrassed, poverty-stricken, desperate MTs - blame the suits pushing VR, cutting our wages and pretending half pay is GOOD for us - while their wages go up every year! We should NOT be forced to choose between producing quality reports and paying our bills - ask the MTSOs WHY they set us up to fail and force us to make that choice!!!! And if we ruin their reputation with too many errors so be it - pay us like professionals and we will slow down and BE professionals!
why must we have it.......you are SOO Wrong - mt30+
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"I'm sick of being hassled and guilted by MTSOs as if its OUR fault THEY decided to shove VR down everyone's throat"

"But know this - the patients that you are so concerned about don't know you exist and wouldn't give a hoot if they did. "

As an MT with almost 33 years experience and also a chronic illness that has landed me dozens of hospitalizations in the last 13 years I can tell you you are very WRONG!! It does matter. it matters to me when I get my reports and there are tons of errors in them, dangerous errors. Most patient's may not know what goes on in their medical record but that doesn't stop that record from having a direct bearing on their quality of care.

You, as an MT should be ashamed of yourself for thinking its ok to put out less than the best you can because of VR or whatever thing that comes along. I hate VR, I hate the way the MT field has gone, but that still does not excuse me and make it acceptable to put out a crappy report! I am in the MT field because I love it. Even with the less money and everything else that has gone on, I have decided to stay in the field. That being said, I owe it to the patient and the employer as well as myself to put out the best report that I can.

Attitudes such as yours make me absolutely cringe. Keep putting out bad reports because of VR and low wages and eventually it will catch up with you. I guess it's just a sign of the times isn't it when everything is in the name of "money" and it doesn't matter what effect it has on anyone else.

I hope you are never a patient in a hospital and your reports come back wrong and cause you to get wrong or bad care. You will change your mind believe me.

Thank you, MT30+ - Appalled
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I agree with everything you said.

I had posted earlier about how in looking up previous reports I had discovered a multitude errors in the reports of some MTs.

I assumed this was due to being "under the gun" and the MT rushed through the job without properly editing it and missing errors.

Never in my WILDEST dreams did I contemplate MTs were INTENTIONALLY sending through these errors out of spite, unprofessionalism and a complete and total disregard for patient care.

Any MT doing that should be completely and utterly ashamed of his/herself.

No wonder some MTSOs are asking that the MT have liability insurance if he/she makes an error. Sounds like even an MTSO would have a case against an MT simply slamming through documents unchecked.

I'm shocked, appalled and mortified to learn that some of my fellow/sister MTs are engaging in this deplorable behavior.

Absolutely incomprehensible and inexcusable for ANY reason.
TO Apalled - mt30+
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AnyMT who would just do crappy work to get done quickly to make line count, should be immediately fired. I don't know what has happened to the working world, but it sure seems to me that there is no pride in work anymore and the patient be d____d! Very sad.

I bet if a person were in the hospital and had a nurse that just screwed around becasue she didn't think she made enough money, they would change their mind. I tell you the attitude would change if they were to be a patient and see their own records being produced like this. I have been there and it truly is a disgrace.
Other professionals can and do drop the ball - but MTs must be perfect?
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I've worked in hospitals. And I know laziness, incompetence and quantity over quality is widespread, from the doctors on down. I've seen it plenty. In fact, we all know the MT is expected to clean up all kinds of garbage so that more important, better paid folk don't have to bother to get it right themselves. Tough noogies if they can't program the VR to clean up the mess - nobody's going to make your computer look good for 3rd world wages. Pay me decent to type it right, and I'll do it right. Pay for an MT, get an MT. Pay squat, get squat.
MTs must be perfect? - MT 30+
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No one is perfect, but you know exactly the crap I am talking about. The stuff that is dangerous to the patients. The wrong drugs, wrong diagnoses, etc.

Don't you think you have some kind of moral responsibility to these patient's whose records you are transcribing?

Folks like you who dont' care don't need to be in this business plain and simple.
What about the moral responsibility of MTSOs? - who think MT work should be free?
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Where are the mistakes you speak of coming from? The VR, touted as the best thing since sliced bread, engineered to put us all out of work. VR, by itself, can't handle the job. Until they perfect it, they NEED MTs to "help it". They must pay the MTs a decent wage in order to get that "help", or they can pay monkeys in peanuts to aid the incompetent and dangerous VR they insist on shoving down everyone's throat.

Thank you, Tired! MTs endangering patients by sloppy work should: SM - MissIndigo

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move on to other work. Only hallucinations from poverty-induced malnutrition could possibly be considered an excuse--once. These reports are for real people in real trouble.

Then they should let MTs type them - let VR do the normals

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Really. Let the VR do the canned normals and let MTs type the complex reports with critical findings. Oh, but then they might have to pay the MT. Can't have MTs getting paid anymore. Its bad business.

VR do normals - MT way too long

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You may be right about letting VR do the normals, etc.etc. But, since it is not that way, we are still responsible for getting the report out accurately and cleaning up all the mess no matter what amount of money we make.

Any MT who does not put quality above quantity doesn't need to be an MT.

HOW DARE YOU - Yes, I'm here - sick

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â . . .If my some chance, the MT (maybe there are more than one) who is putting out such poor quality work and not doing their job, I hope you reconsider what you are doing and maybe find something else to do for a living. We have enough problems in this business without people putting out such low quality work. I take pride in my work, and believe it or not, your mistakes could seriously hurt some poor patient out there, would you want it to happen to your family member?â tiredtyper Dec 15th, 2009 - 9:08 am

âHowever, if you take a job and agree to the terms, you should do the job to the best of your ability, or find something else to do to make a living and leave the job for someone who wants it. Most importantly, these documents go into patient records, and a mistake could end up costing someone their life. I would not want that particular MT typing a report for me or any of my family members.â Tiredtyper Dec 15th, 2009 - 4:46 pm

Excuse me â are you addressing me?

How dare you? How DARE you to insinuate that I do poor work that would hurt anyone! You know absolutely nothing about me or the quality of my work. I asked about two instances â I was wrong in neither. I donât care what any of the QA people on this board say â I know the truth, and was exonerated on both counts by the company that I work for. I was right.

Tell me â since WHEN does spelling out the word âexaminationâ instead of âexamâ put anyone at risk in ANY WAY?

And now, youâre starting the usual âmobâmentality. This is a sorry day for MTs - this used to be a respectable career. Now, at the slightest opportunity, MTs are jumping at the chance to say, "I'm better than you are!" "I do the best QA around, and if you all can't make it - well, then, get out." Do you see what has happened here?

I have been a transcriptionist for 10 years. Before that, I was a legal secretary, admin assistant, word processing supervisor. I have ALWAYS done my utmost to put the patient first, work WITH the doctor in producing an accurate report, and to deliver the highest quality product that I can. I am a perfectionist and have been the QA person.

What I was trying to say (and actually DID say) was that now that I am an IC this nitpicking has begun. As an employee, if and when I went through QA, my work was always 98.8 or better, and was appreciated.

I have been looking into moving into a different career, and have been going on different forums to see what is going on. On every other forum (that I have been to so far), the posters are actually listening and answering each other in respectful, helpful, understanding, and professional tones -- nothing like it is here.

To you and all those who answered in the same rude, holier-than-thou, smart-a__, and condescending ways seen all over this board, I am so glad that I don't have to sit next to you in an office. You may be my co-worker in this field, but thank God I don't have to know you.

another qa question - tiredtyper

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I will assume you are responding to the wrong post, because I have no clue what you are talking about. This discussion was a continuation of one from below about another MT at my company working on the same account as me, not editing VR jobs, but just letting them go through. I have no idea what you are talking about.

She was not referring to you. The message (sm) - Mz.K

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even said that it was someone at her company.

Re: How Dare You/sick - Vickie

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Your response is absolutely correct! Nit-picking ("exam" versus "examination") in no way affects patient care and anybody so lacking in judgment not to know this should not be QA. Any self-important "legend-in-her-own-mind" who induges in petty nit-picking or makes an issue out of things that do not affect meaning (and are usually matters of personal preference) is guilty of hurting their fellow MTs every bit as much as the greedy MTSOs. Companies who give the neurotic members of their QA staff free reign and license to play school-marm or go off on power trips will gain a reputation for doing so and will be a company that good MTs avoid like the plague.

nitpicking/exam vs examination - mt 30+

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I agree with you on the exam versus examination thing. BUT, some clients require that you do it this way. On the major medical center that I do, they require everything be expanded, i.e. examination for exam. Because of that, I have to do it. Does it affect patient care? No. Do they have it in their instructions that I should do it? Yes. Therefore, if I don't do it, I expect to be called on it. Its not that hard to put it in your expander anyway.

Lots of "squawking" about nothing I say. If the employer says do it, I do it whether I agree or not. I don't agree with BOS either and think it should be used as "kindling" for a fire but since the clients want it, then its my responsibility to do what they want. Complaining and whining does no good. Seems there is a whole work force out there nowadays that wants it their way and not the way the employer/client wants it. No wonder we MTs get such a bad rap anymore.

to tired typer - MT30+

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wish I was still hiring like I was 15 years ago, I would hire you in a heart beat!

It seems many MTs have forgotten and do not care that there are patient's behind these reports. As an MT with almost 33 years of experience and also having a chronic illness for which I have been hospitalized 64 times in the last 12 years, I can tell you what happens when those reports are messed up. It causes the patients many many problems. I make it a habit to get my records after being hospitalized and I cannot tell you the mess some of them are in. The incorrect drugs, the incorrect dosages,wrong allergies, allergies deleted or blanks left, made up words, etc.

Hang in there and keep doign what you do the way you do it and you will always have a job. May not be the top pay, nobody is getting that right now. But at least you will be able to pay your bills. These folks that think there are reasons to put a crappy report on the chart because they aren't making enough money or the dictator is bad, etc, should not even be in this business. They would be the first to be screaming if it were their reports or the reports of their family members.

Tired Typer has valid points to ponder. sm - Fingers

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No one on these boards ever wants to discuss the fact that there are simply some horrible MTs in this business. I am certainly not pointing a finger directly at anyone. I too have seen work on my account done by other MTs who simply did not care about anything but the line count. Of course they should be reported. They put MY job/account in jeopardy. We are allowed to send as much to QA as we wish so there is no excuse for poor quality reports to go to our client.

I do not like the turn of events in this business either, VR, ESLs, offshoring, pay, etc. but there is absolutely nothing I can do to change it (especially poor transcription). I have accepted that fact. I have agreed to the terms of the contract with my employer (most require 98% accuracy and I strive to be better than that) at the pay I ACCEPTED. This is my responsibility for the stated pay. If I were not agreeable to this, why would I take the job? There are many happily employed MTs even at 7.5-8 cpl. We have been around a while and know how to turn that into a decent income without compromising quality. We are skilled, knowledgeable, and reliable and companies look for MTs like us. The MTs who have limited skills (and not willing to expand), are demanding the pay of days-gone-by, are unreliable, and do not care about the quality of their work will be weeded out eventually and the cream will rise to the top as always.

CONSIDER THIS. Would you want your physician or surgeon to strive for excellence?

I'm lucky if I can get my doc to look at my chart - long enough to get my name right

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You're living in lala land if you really think your physician is striving that hard for excellence. Most of 'em can't even strive enough to record a sentence intelligibly. They're all about quantity vs quality too. They move patients through their office like cattle. The days when your doc knows and cares about you as an individual are gone also.

Actually the cream is leaving this industry - and refusing to be treated this way

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Anybody with any self-respect is finding a profession where they actually get paid what they are worth and get treated like human beings.

True cream retrains/change jobs for more money - not less

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Cream isn't the only thing that floats....
I think points trying to be made above - pretty simple
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If you do not like your job, your pay, etc., then leave. There is no excuse for doing unacceptable work in this field. No one would blame you for leaving, especially if you are one of those on here who states they have no money, no food, are behind on their mortgage, and simply cannot make a living at this. Going broke, complaining, and screwing up people's medical reports is not going to help the situation.

There are still many of us who do make a good living as MTs at the moment, and hopefully in the future. If not, we will be gone too.
Leave, how simple...leave for WHERE? - no jobs to leave to!
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In case you haven't noticed, jobs aren't just laying around to be picked up like plums. Has it occurred to any of you smug people that are still making a good living that maybe those of us seeking employment elsewhere can't FIND a different job? That maybe employers don't WANT 50-something "typists" when the market is flooded with younger folk? But certainly, we should quit the job we have and live off thin air because YOU want us to; or maybe the college fairy will give us a free ride and pay our bills until we are retrained! One day, when your "good living" can no longer be made in this industry, we'll see how simple it will be for YOU to "just leave". You'll be off your high horse soon enough - MTSO's are out to take ALL our jobs away, no matter how loudly you brag about your great and awesome work ethic, or how much you worship the machine you're training to replace you.
No one "WANTS" you to leave. Where do you get this? - Fingers
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The above post had nothing to do with the economy or the job situation, and no one said for you to leave because we "want" you to. Quite the contrary actually. Again, the point behind the post (and no other) is that if you agree to do a job (any job), it should be of good quality and work ethic, OR leave. It does not matter whether you are an MT or not - any employer will expect this from you no matter how much you make. You agree to it or not, your choice.

I am one of the posters above. Yes, I am making a good living currently. Do I expect it to continue indefinitely? Chances are, no. I am not on a "high horse." In fact, I am just as worried about this industry as anyone. However, as long as I agree to transcribe at the current pay that I agreed to, I should never "not care" enough to be content with poor quality transcription and blame that on someone else. If I do not like my job, my pay, and no longer care about the quality of my reports - then it is time for me to leave. Any MT like this will soon be gone anyway, just as you would in any other job. You simply cannot continue to get paid to stay in a position that you do not fulfill.

True, there are excellent MTs who do care, work hard, are accurate, and reliable and still lose jobs and accounts. Been there, done that. If there is no other MT position for them, they have no choice but to get out of the business. People do what they have to do, even if they do not plan for it.
TO Leave to Where - No jobs to leave to. - see message
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I really do understand your frustration, but your anger toward the other MTs here is really inappropriate. It is not their fault. It seems that if there are other happily employed MTs who state so, they are accused of bragging, as you say, you insult their work ethic, and that is simply unfair.

I do wish you well though.

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